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What're considered the top 5 x-rays in the game?

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
o you guys are talking about practical xrays? Pshhh I was talking about the coolest ones

Red Reaper of course the list you made is going to better than anyone else's in your own opinion. Why even throw in the whole "my list is better than yours" lol who cares ? It just sounds kind of arrogant is all.
Woah. I didn't just say "my list is better than yours" I gave reasons as to why those Xray's aren't as good.


Online Punching Bag
I wish Kano said "bitch" then laughed when he did his xray. My Turn! is alright, but just doesn't make him seem like enough of an asshole.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
In defense of Noob's X-Ray, it's really his only come back factor. You can chain it into a jip, 2,1,2 (X-Ray) for 46%. If someone tries to zone you from full screen it's an easy X-Ray. But most people don't do that. Also, it sucks as an AA, imo.And he doesn't use meter for anything else except breakers really, so his is more practical than a lot of characters'.

Kung Lao's is gdlk, though.
It kan AA from full screen. You just have to time it. Klose up it works if you use it more like a parry and wait just as his hit is about to connect on you.

Why do people have lists that don't include Kung Lao?
Lao's Xray is punishable by fast advancing specials.


Dojo Trainee
I think kitana's should definitely be in the list. It works from full screen to directly in front of the opponent. It hits crouch, standing, airborn opponents. It can be launched from the ground or from the air.


missiles are coming
Surprised at the amount of people listing Sub Zero... are you sure it's that great and it's not just the fact that Tom Brady uses it a lot?

KL probably has the best mix of practical + dmg
Ermac's is great since he isn't spending meter for anything else other than breaker and can use it as auto correct armor
Cage, since it can be used the same as Ermac and Cage doesn't have to spend a lot of meter to win
Kano... you want it, you get it kind of xray
Baraka; he stabs you through your mother fucking throught, eyes, and brain! Don't care how practical it is.


Id say the top 5 most useful xrays in the game are
1. Kung lao- The fastest xray in the game. Shuts down jump ins of any kind whether JIP,JIK,crossovers, everything. Comes out extremely fast and interrupts alot of stuff. Can be comboed into and out of for big damage.

2. Subzero- 2nd fastest xray in the game and the fastest foward moving xray in the game. Shuts down all zoning. Very little scaling when used in a combo. Sub can take over half your lifebar with one xray combo.

3. Reptile - Not as quick as Subzeros but works in much the same way. Shuts down all zoning. Best used on its own because it gets scaled badly in combos.

4. Kano- This damn thing does 40% and has a deer in the headlights effect. You see it coming but it still gets you. Armored so you have to be careful about poking Kano when he has xray. Its not that different from Jaxs xray but Jax needs his meter for other things while. Kano doesn't nessecarily need his meter for ex moves. He has xray more than you think.

5. Shao Kahn - 53% damage just off his xray. Get raped brah.
Surprised at the amount of people listing Sub Zero... are you sure it's that great and it's not just the fact that Tom Brady uses it a lot?

KL probably has the best mix of practical + dmg
Ermac's is great since he isn't spending meter for anything else other than breaker and can use it as auto correct armor
Cage, since it can be used the same as Ermac and Cage doesn't have to spend a lot of meter to win
Kano... you want it, you get it kind of xray
Baraka; he stabs you through your mother fucking throught, eyes, and brain! Don't care how practical it is.
I figured it's safe on block, advantage on hit, travels most of the screen, and you can do it on reaction to projectiles. That's pretty good. I dunno. After Liu Kang and Kung Lao's X-rays I don't have a lot of strong opinions on the subject.


Sonya Xray is actually really good. I tend to not use it ever cuz I like my meter for ex cartwheel and breakers but her x-ray is over 30% and has armor. Its also safe on block as well and can AA.


missiles are coming
Sonya Xray is actually really good. I tend to not use it ever cuz I like my meter for ex cartwheel and breakers but her x-ray is over 30% and has armor. Its also safe on block as well and can AA.
... for one meter she can do more damage, still have armor, and still catch people out of the air sometimes... oh and it's still safe on block...

EX cartwheel should coast 3 bars

Mr. Mileena

Kitana- Once the opponent has 2% health or lower, you automatically win. It hits opponents jumping, crouching, if done as an iaf x ray. it's very very fast and can be mixed up with regular iafs to keep the opponent blocking.

Lui Kang

Spirit Guide

Friend Gang
Id say the top 5 most useful xrays in the game are
1. Kung lao- The fastest xray in the game. Shuts down jump ins of any kind whether JIP,JIK,crossovers, everything. Comes out extremely fast and interrupts alot of stuff. Can be comboed into and out of for big damage.

2. Subzero- 2nd fastest xray in the game and the fastest foward moving xray in the game. Shuts down all zoning. Very little scaling when used in a combo. Sub can take over half your lifebar with one xray combo.

3. Reptile - Not as quick as Subzeros but works in much the same way. Shuts down all zoning. Best used on its own because it gets scaled badly in combos.

4. Kano- This damn thing does 40% and has a deer in the headlights effect. You see it coming but it still gets you. Armored so you have to be careful about poking Kano when he has xray. Its not that different from Jaxs xray but Jax needs his meter for other things while. Kano doesn't nessecarily need his meter for ex moves. He has xray more than you think.

5. Shao Kahn - 53% damage just off his xray. Get raped brah.
lol, well before Shao Kahn's x-ray he gets around 15% on the connect, then the damage goes away before the x-ray animation. I'm thinking it does around 65-67%


Dojo Trainee
Rain's is the best X-ray in the game, hands down. The character himself isn't that great, but we're talking about an X-ray that's basically like a faster version of EX smoke bomb, and gives him a combo followup for 39%. Hell, it might even be higher than that now, I don't know.

The four best X-rays after that, in order, are:

- Kenshi: Armors through anything, covers the whole screen, trades with almost every projectile, and still works at close range. This is basically a better Sub X-ray, albeit not as fast on startup.

- Liu Kang: It's quick, it's safe, it hits overhead, it has armor and it gives him a combo followup afterward for big damage. There's really nothing more to be said about this. We're talking about a character who has his opponent constantly committed to crouch block, and his X-ray is a fast, armored move that hits overhead for 46%? Yeah, top five X-ray. Hands down.

- Kung Lao: I'm kind of torn on this one, because you could easily make the argument that Lao can just throw out a spin in any situation where he'd use the X-ray. If he guesses right, he gets a combo. If he guesses wrong, he's only spending two meters to break the punish, whereas the X-ray costs three bars either way. Still, the X-ray DOES do a lot more damage than a normal spin combo, has a much bigger hitbox, and also avoids the possibility of unbreakable punishes (why hello there, Cyrax), so it still has its uses. Objectively speaking, it's also one of the best X-rays in the game, as it has a gigantic hitbox that covers everything around him and gives him a followup.

- Cage: What can I say, it's basically a 50% parry that works on literally every single attack in the game (except for the second hit of Sub's 2 1, but we won't talk about that). If you use anything within the X-ray's effective range, Cage blows you up for half your health. I'm sort of iffy on this one as well because it gets blown up for full combos on block, but it can also be the difference between winning and losing a round, so it's still up there.

My $0.02.