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MK9 - Best Fighting Game Ever

MK9 - Best Fighting Game Ever

Okay, I know some people are going to complain that I'm a fanboy, but no, I'm not. I grew up on Street Fighter 2 since elementary school and at that time I preferred SF2 to MK. However, having not played any fighting games since the PS1 days of MK, Tekken, and SFX, and a couple months ago trying SF4 (I know the game's been out for some time, but I thought I'd never get back into fighting games), I decided to try out MK9. Here is my opinion on the game. I mention all the strong points and a couple of minor problems.

First off, the game is excellent. It has the perfect balance of simplicity and difficulty/complexity. Unlike earlier MK's, this one has degrees of complexity that make you feel you are playing a more competitive fighter, while avoiding the complexity that allows some FG players to fill with excessive pride when talking about "technicality" and "sophistication."

Anyway, off the bat, I love the fact the game has a tag team mode built in. It makes it feel like you own both SF and MvC on the same disc (of course with MK9 game mechanics). Sometimes I feel like playing 1v1 and other times I feel like playing tag team. Tag team forces you to try new characters as well as discover new combos and tactics that you wouldn't try otherwise. I HOPE that the MK group keeps the tag team mode in all future MK installments.

Strong points:
1* 2 levels of attacks for normals: I personally find 3 levels of attacks as found in some FG to be unnecessary complexity. I know some FG buffs will say "but it adds degrees of complexity to the game that make it more interesting." I don't know, but the claim of some FG buffs that they keep into consideration 100's of possibilities during each microsecond of a match, is a claim that I find far-fetched.

2* 1 degree of special attacks: I never liked in some fighting games how special moves will have 3 degrees of attack. Like a slow and weak fireball, a moderate one, and a fast and powerful fireball. True, this might add a degree of complexity to the mechanics of the game, but is compexity always something praiseworthy? The game's mechanics are good enough to be competetive now (EVO2011) as well as simple enough to be enjoyed by friends who don't play daily.

3* Combo breakers: I think this adds to the games mechanics a fun and intelligent device. Although maybe if the combo breakers required just 1 bar instead of 2 and maybe enhanced moves would require 2?

4* Visible damage: I think it is beautiful that you actually see your character or your opponent's character change as he gets more and more damaged. Maybe other fighters will learn from MK. It's also good how the stage gets filled with blood as the match carries on.

5* Tag team mode: This was an excellent inclusion to the game. I also like the fact that tag assists require meter, making the game less chaotic than MvC. Also, the swapped out character doesn't regenerate health. I always thought this added unnecessary complexity.

6* Online mode: Great for any FG. The only problem is the netcode is kind of slow and laggy.

7* Character variety: MK beats SF in the fact that different character special moves feel and look so different. They don't all appear like clones of the oldest character in the game. Even if just graphically, projectiles are interpreted as having different origins or offer different effects. Scorpion's projectile pulls his opponent towards him. Sub-zero freezes you. Ermac has a telekinetic projectile. Kitana has her weapons. Nightwolf, etc. In SF, almost all characters seem to have the same "hadokenish" projectile, with some kind of "shoryukenish" uppercut attack, and some kind of kick attack. There are too many Ryu clones. I know some SF fans will say "it's true they look similar, but the characters can't be played the same." I still feel they're projectiles and move sets are so similar it kind of makes the game boring. When I play Ken or Sakura, I know they are 2 different characters that can't be played the same, but still, their move sets look way too different. Can you say that about Lui Kang and Kung Lao?

8* X-ray moves: Excellent idea with simple implementation.

9* Character don't return to original position after round ends: I love the fact that after the round ends, you continue from the same spot you end at. It both makes the match feel more fluid and gives both players a chance to start a round from an alternate position. I know that some right handed players prefer the left side of the screen (and left handed players sometimes prefer the right side of the screen). I would add to this the fact that meter gets carried over from previous rounds. I think that's great.

Minor issues:

x1 Character looks: I think there are too many male and female ninja characters. I wish more non-ninja characters would be introduced. In this regards, SF characters don't look too similar (although their move sets are similar looking). I know Scorpion's ninja costume is different from Sub-zero's, but they are still both ninja looking. Also, there are the robotic looking ninjas. I hope in the future installment, we'll see more characters that look like they are from different parts of the world. Maybe a samurai looking warrior. I also wish there were some sexy good gal characters. Sonya is kind of boring.

x2 Online mode slow

x3 Bosses kind of cheap

x4 2 fighters with the same costume in a match: This happens occasionally. The computer opponent is wearing the same costume as one of your fighters (both are the same character). The problem obviously is sometimes you can end up losing track of who you are.

Ideas for MK10:

* If fatalities could be incorporated into the actual fight rather than a post-match move. I know this would make pulling them off harder, but it would also make your opponent feel wasted any time done correctly - kind of like when you end a SF fight with an Ultra combo (except that Ultra combos can be pulled of anytime during the fight but we want fatalities only for the end of the fight that don't necessarily save you from losing a fight). I don't know how this could properly be implemented, maybe a special move that can be pulled of at the end of a short combo when your opponent has less than 10% of his health left?
I agree with most of the things you said, except the in-match fatalities. I don't think anything like that should be put in a competitive fighter and we already have something like that in the x-ray moves (except you can pull them off anytime just like the ultra combos you mentioned in sf4)

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
3rd Strike is still the best FG ever made. KoF 13 is the best current gen fighter, I'd argue that MK may be the 2nd best current gen fighter.


3rd Strike is still the best FG ever made. KoF 13 is the best current gen fighter, I'd argue that MK may be the 2nd best current gen fighter.
MM, I wouldn't say 3rd Strike, SF2TE is my favorite of them all. But I agree with you Legion Quest, MK9 is a fabulous fighter, my favorite also and I can not wait for it to be released on PS Vita:)


In my opinion the best classic fighting game has to be ST and the current one Soul calibur v. Soul calibur V pretty much set thing up for a good fighting game. Maybe, Skullgirl would do better.


Bone and Metal
3rd Strike's good, but I can seriously never get why people think it's god's gift to fighting games so much. Yeah the animation's pretty damn good, but the parry system presents a big learning curve and the game is nowhere near as balanced as some of it's fans say.

Oh, and personally I find the music to not be that great outside the arcade character select.


Just some bees, please.
I agree with most of the things you said, except the in-match fatalities. I don't think anything like that should be put in a competitive fighter and we already have something like that in the x-ray moves (except you can pull them off anytime just like the ultra combos you mentioned in sf4)
I reckon it'd be cool to have midmatch fatalities in MK10, would fit the game really well. BB and GG both are really good, competitive fighting games and have this sort of thing. I reckon could easily incorporate something like astrals or destroyers in MK10. If you meet the conditions in a match point (for you) round then you can do it. Would be nice to make fatalities actually useful beyond just being glorified taunts which are for the most part a complete waste of time once you've seen them all.


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
MK9 is great but there are alot of issues that just dont make sense and i also see alot of things they can still do with their fighting system.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I wouldn't say "best fighting game ever" but it's one of the best.I hate SF so I can't say anything about that.And all I played when I was a kid was Tekken and I only played TK1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , T5DR(PSP) and TTT.


Dojo Trainee
MK9 - Best Fighting Game EverStrong points:
1* 2 levels of attacks for normals: I personally find 3 levels of attacks as found in some FG to be unnecessary complexity. I know some FG buffs will say "but it adds degrees of complexity to the game that make it more interesting." I don't know, but the claim of some FG buffs that they keep into consideration 100's of possibilities during each microsecond of a match, is a claim that I find far-fetched.
Uh... There are four levels: High, mid, low, overhead.

There's actually five if you want to count special mids as a legitimate category.


Buyback, cos I'm mad
I don't think MK9 is the best FG ever, but it's pretty good shot at their first attempt to be relevant. NRS has a lot to improve upon for this game, but that is actually what excites me about MK more than any other series. The development of the new series of MK actually being relevant, tournament worthy, and seeing the development from crap like Armageddon, to a solid, very good game that MK10 could be.

Also, ST>3S, I hated parries.

I reckon it'd be cool to have midmatch fatalities in MK10, would fit the game really well. BB and GG both are really good, competitive fighting games and have this sort of thing. I reckon could easily incorporate something like astrals or destroyers in MK10. If you meet the conditions in a match point (for you) round then you can do it. Would be nice to make fatalities actually useful beyond just being glorified taunts which are for the most part a complete waste of time once you've seen them all.
Astrals in BB hardly ever get used unless you're playing online and they're annoying as hell to sit through, and I want to tear my ears off listening to that anime pop music. I honestly think that they're pretty gimmicky from both a gameplay aspect and a competitive aspect.
All I know is, I'm hooked on the game. It very well could be my fav fighting game of all time. The production values, characters, graphics and sound design are off the charts. The level of detail on everything in the game is ridiculous and you can tell that NRS just went all-out even in places where they really didn't need to (like the Krypt and the stage backgrounds). The fact that the game completely re-tells the story of the first 3 MK's is awesome. I like the meter system more than any game I've played, and since I used to be a huge KI2 fan, I like the breaker system and that it's execution is a question of WHEN, rather than a question of whether or not you can actually guess correctly.

I try to like SF4 now (and I'm not trying to make this a game vs. game post), but man, SF4 is just too damn slow in my opinion. I never really noticed it when I was playing it regularly, but now that I go watch matches on youtube I seee it. Matches and rounds take too long, the game is generally too defensive, and I hate the fact that you have ultras AND supers. So I like MK9 because it reminds me of SF2Turbo a lot more. I totally loved SF2HDRemix, because in that game you can really tell when you get matched up with someone who is super-good with a certain character, like just a really sick Balrog or something. It's just evident from their play style. I feel that while this dynamic isn't quite as obvious in MK9, it's there. And the rounds are usually fast and aggressive in MK9, similar to SF2HDRemix. MK9 may not be as fluid as something like Soul Calibur 5 (I can only imagine - I stopped at SC3 and mained SC2 for a while), but it's nowhere near as clunky feeling as the past MK games. Oh, and I think chip damage is a good thing.

So I like MK9 because I feel that it repackages the best elements from old-school MKs, the older street fighters, and KI2. It's fun as hell to watch also. I've been a pretty serious player of MK1, SF2, MK2, MK3, KI, KI2, MK4, VF4, SC1, SC2, SF4 and now MK9 (sorry Tekken series, I could never get into you... but I did play a fair bit of the SNK games back in the day).


Blue Blurs for Life!
It got nominated as 2011's Game of the Year, so there's no denying that it is up there with the top fighting games.

But the best?

As much as I love Mortal Kombat to death, there are some crucial factors keeping this game from beating all other fighting games - and it pains me to admit this. The input bug, in particular, as well as the inconsistent frame data and the warped hitboxes. Of course they are manageable, but they really ought to have been disposed of in the first place.

Am I the only one still entertaining the idea of a possible UMK9 title? The Komplete Edition doesn't count in my book, it just has the patches and all the DLC carried over from the original game. If that idea could get off the ground...imagine the possibilities!

I'm probably just entertaining fanboy illusions, though. :(
Am I the only one still entertaining the idea of a possible UMK9 title? The Komplete Edition doesn't count in my book, it just has the patches and all the DLC carried over from the original game. If that idea could get off the ground...imagine the possibilities!
KE is really just the GOTY edition with a fancy name, it shouldn't count :p

and yes, MK9 is awesome, except for the random inconsistencies. but MK has come a long way :)


Just some bees, please.
Astrals in BB hardly ever get used unless you're playing online and they're annoying as hell to sit through, and I want to tear my ears off listening to that anime pop music. I honestly think that they're pretty gimmicky from both a gameplay aspect and a competitive aspect.
You can turn the astral music off in options. Yeah they don't get used often but the fact is that they're there if you want/need them. So rather than have pointless fatalities, actually incorporating them into gameplay would be good.

Uh... There are four levels: High, mid, low, overhead.

There's actually five if you want to count special mids as a legitimate category.
Mid = Overhead in this game. But yeah thats three. Could count special mid as well, but that's still a high technically, dunno what other "levels" there are besides that though, unblockables?


Buyback, cos I'm mad
You can turn the astral music off in options. Yeah they don't get used often but the fact is that they're there if you want/need them. So rather than have pointless fatalities, actually incorporating them into gameplay would be good.
Well scratch the music, because that was dependent on the game, not the mechanic. Quite frankly I don't do fatalities either, but the nice thing about them is that they're done outside of the match. I don't like astrals in BB because of all the little requirements you need to do them on top of landing the move in a game. I just don't see the value in it. You'd only be doing it in casuals and for the most part seems like wasted gameplay mechanic for flash. At least with fatalities if you'd want to do them you can do them whenever you want after the match as long as you win.


Blue Blurs for Life!
You can turn the astral music off in options. Yeah they don't get used often but the fact is that they're there if you want/need them. So rather than have pointless fatalities, actually incorporating them into gameplay would be good.

Mid = Overhead in this game. But yeah thats three. Could count special mid as well, but that's still a high technically, dunno what other "levels" there are besides that though, unblockables?
Excuse me for going completely off-topic, but I love that sig. :D

Jade's not quite the worst character, in my opinion...that would have to be Kratos. :D


Dojo Trainee
He meant UMK3 has HP and LP while SF has LP , MP and HP or however it is...fuck SF.

If it's this, then that makes sense, though I don't see how it's necessarily a good thing.

Mid = Overhead in this game. But yeah thats three. Could count special mid as well, but that's still a high technically, dunno what other "levels" there are besides that though, unblockables?

No. There is a difference between mid and overhead. Not all mids are overhead. The hit levels shown in practice actually make no sense whatsoever, because highs, mids and special mids are all considered "high".