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This scared the shit outta me.


Joker waiting room
So today I was introduced to the Bongcheon Dong ghost comic, probably the most efficiently scary bit of media I've encountered.


Check it out if you enjoy a good scare otherwise steer clear. It made me jump so hard I now have a headache from how much my spasmodic neck/shoulder muscles shook my brain around.
I was expecting something weird as in some illusion on the monitor.

i was suprised.

if i didn't know this was supposed to be scary i'd shit my pants.


Im very intrigued now.. but I scare easy as fuck lol. The Ring gave me nightmares for weeks... but then again I was like 12 when I saw it.


Gaming4Satan Founder
yea, I figured there was more so I whipped the scroll bar to the bottom to trigger any other traps then read it normally lol


was 16 when i saw the second.

still got under my sheet.
Theres a second "The Ring"? I saw the American version of the Ring and that shit scarred me.... I trained myself to start her down whenever I see that image now. How is this though? Im so god damn curious now lol.


Joker waiting room
Theres a second "The Ring"? I saw the American version of the Ring and that shit scarred me.... I trained myself to start her down whenever I see that image now. How is this though? Im so god damn curious now lol.
The house part and the well with the girl rapidly turning into a skeleton was fucking freaked out shit in the 1st.

the 2nd is so fucking worse,there's also added helplesness (sp?) at a certain part.

just watch it,this is painful.

which reminds me i wanna watch it again.


Loses to uppercuts
So today I was introduced to the Bongcheon Dong ghost comic, probably the most efficiently scary bit of media I've encountered.


Check it out if you enjoy a good scare otherwise steer clear. It made me jump so hard I now have a headache from how much my spasmodic neck/shoulder muscles shook my brain around.
I get scared by jump screems or whatever their called these days. So can I just scroll down very slowly? Or is it something else.

Someone reply quick plox.


Blue Blurs for Life!
The Duke showed this to me a few weeks ago. I had never seen such effects like in this comic. Made me jump outta my skin!


I don't know what's funnier, the fact that the girl in the comic was more concerned about the girls hair being messy than her bones or the fact that it was a trick to get people laughing and at ease before they spring the first trap lol.

I didn't scream or anything, but I'm laughing at where that school girl's priorities were, then bam,I felt so trolled and leaned back away from the monitor, it surprised me.

Fascinating that it was possibly based on a true life death/creepy:eek:.