One month away!
A few reminders for everyone:
- Tourney starts at 2:00pm but I will be cutting off sign ups at 1:30pm! Let me repeate that: I WILL BE CUTTING OFF SIGN UPS AT 1:30PM!!! I will need time to generate the pools, and if you show up after I start generating I'm sorry but I cannot allow you to play.
- We'll have 11 Asus VH236H monitors for use at FV with a couple of low lag (sub 1 frame) monitors for back up if necessary. So we will not be giving venue discount for people bringing monitors. We have 4 in house PS3s so we'll definitely need people to still bring stations though. Please bring them with you if you can and you will receive half off venue! It'll be on a first come first serve basis however so I'm gonna start a list, please chime in if you'll be able to bring one!
- Remember to send an e-mail to
[email protected] to vote on who should be
LionHeart V1's challenger at FV! The winner will receive $100 on the house and the act of sending in a vote also counts as a vote for yourself. For full rules:
Here comes the HYPE TRAIN!