I know this is really late and Final Round yesterday's news but I gotta make my shoutouts.
@Death : my boo. I'm so proud of you, if only I could be as good as you. You did such a good job at the tournament and I was so proud of you. I'm your biggest fan <3
@gr8one06- Wow. All I can say is that You, my friend, are the master commentator. When I looked back and watched you commentate my matches from Thursday night, Cole and I could not stop laughing. You are a funny guy, and I felt honored to meet such a cool person. Great job on the Kitana also, you are gonna be one the top dogs soon. I know it! Cole and I were talking, and we think you should be the face of the MK community. Lawyer-tier. Yes I said it.
@Cerebru- even though you think my psn is thequeenofsheeva, you're still my friend. For real though you're a great roomie. Why on earth would I name myself after sheeva?! LMAO But for real, you're hilarious, and I hope we see each other at future tournies.
@cyusstrike- It was so good to actually meet you and your lady in person! You guys are a great couple and next time we are at a tourny we will have to make plans to all go out to lunch or something together. You guys definitely have to keep in touch.
@Blackula- Always a fun time when you're around. Thanks again for letting Cole and I be your roomies. You're awesome!
@Pimpuigi- You're just so nice and I love to see you around! Nom nom nom. lol
@Golfishkeeper- You're really cool and I'm so glad we met. We will definitely have to play more on playstation. Hope to see you again soon. Gotta stick together, us girls
@StaticJack- My friend!!! It was a pleasure meeting you! You are such a cool person and I was always happy to see you around. Thanks again for letting everybody use your room, you are just too cool!
@ViciousShogun- You are such a cool person!! It was really nice to meet you!!
@Shujinkydink - I really enjoyed hanging out with you guys that Thursday night at the hotel. You were a pleasure to talk to and definitely cool person.
@Pig Of The Hut - Great job with organizing the tourny and also great job on 2nd. You did great, and everybody was so hype!
@Snozero- It was fun getting to know you and going out to eat! You're a cool guy!
@ATL_Batman- You are hilarious, you definitely kept me entertained the whole time. Oh yeah, and thanks for letting me use your wireless hotspot for my homework. You're a lifesaver
@Medina4life- Thanks for streaming the tourny. You did a great job!
@Pherleece- even though you weren't there. Thanks for noticing me yawn on the stream. LOL I'm just messing but you have no idea how tired I was.
If I forgot anybody, I'm sorry. Everybody did a great job and everybody was so nice! I had an amazing time that I will never forget