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Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition - TV Spot

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Good soundtrack = Killer Instinct's. Bad sountrack = MK9's.

And that epic music was actually in K.I.

Actually, thank god I don't have to listen to Skrillex in MK9. I'd throw the game in the garbage.


I'm really curious to see all the changes a reformated character select screen should be interesting to see and alts for the DLC characters.

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
Good soundtrack = Killer Instinct's. Bad sountrack = MK9's.

And that epic music was actually in K.I.

Actually, thank god I don't have to listen to Skrillex in MK9. I'd throw the game in the garbage.
Kinda glad there aren't any dubstep hipsters around here at TYM as well : D

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Kinda glad there aren't any dubstep hipsters around here at TYM as well : D
Oh, I like some good Dubstep. It just has to be good. Skrillex is just a no talent assclown.

That should've been Reptile's theme. Tell me that doesn't fit Reptile hiding in the shadows and eating heads; instead of goin to da club and getting his drink on.


"Strength isn't everything"
Whats actually in it?

I really thought this would be there time to put more DLC in the game as NRS said "we will keep making DLC if enough people want it", and that hasn't been the case.

Also, for the vita, it gets 16 skins, and even though there will be a "brand new" komplete edition, it will not feature these skins, they most likely be purchasable through the online stores.

So, sorry to be a kill joy, but I don't quite understand what NRS are really doing here with the new release. Some people have said, it will encourage new players to pick it up...how? How does this version inspire someone new to pick the game up that the current copy doesnt inspire?

I don't understand this new release at all, there is nothing new except the DLC on disk. They had time to decide on a new "komplete edition" but not actually have a new fix out in time to go with it, which brings me to another point, if komplete the edition comes out without Paulo's new patch, then you will need to download a patch for a "komplete edition"...Huh?!?!?


Never Gonna Give
I don't really get it either. Pointless. If they had the extra skins vita has then yeah at least that's something new. I think it's hardly going to inspire new people to buy it, I think most people would have wanted to get MK would have gotten it by now.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Agreed with UFG. It's literally putting the same game in a new box and pretending it's a new game.

But hey, a lot of people are really not all that intelligent, so it'll probably work.


mortal kombat 9 is a bug ridden glitch happy excuse for a fighting game and capcom fanboys will get their hate-on rage boners in a knot because us MK players love and enjoy playing it. some of us MK players understand the campcom nerds point of view, and still enjoy the game, some of us dont understand their point of view because some of us are retarded. such is the situation the haters of skrillex find themselves in. you are the capcom rage boner fanboys of the music world. its too bad you cant enjoy what others enjoy. i dont even like skrillex.


Fighting games should have a variety of music to fit the current story or atmosphere, not just metal.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
All I'm saying is, instead of making a "new game" with all the DLC, make a new version of the game that everyone has to download (when the game "checks for updates) that brings everyone up to speed on the compatability packs at least. I for one find it annoying when I play for fun in Ranked/Player Match and the guy doesn't have any DLC but Krueger.


Bone and Metal
Yeah, it's stupid how NRS didn't make the compatibility packs mandatory. At least with pre-patch Freddy, it was understandable to not have the pack since he was probably the most broken thing in the game at the time. With the others though.....no excuses, just dickitude.


I'm thinking of getting this, purely so i can give my old copy away. Then i'll actually have someone to play it with.

But what do we all think is gonna happen with the trophies/achievments? Will i have to get them all again? If so, fuck that. I still can't get the Turtle or the I'm Not Dead yet ones