Thanks everyone for creating the best tournament experience to date. The Final Round has their work cut out for them after that amazing show at Winter Brawl.
I don't like mentioning specific people in case I slip and don't list someone. But I do want to thank Phil for giving me a shot at showcasing the 8 pool system and running brackets. A big thanks to Shock, Summoning, Storms, and everyone else who helped run the show! After re-watching the stream I thought about 80% of the commentary was spot on, so most of you commentators; keep it up!
Thanks to the people who offered me places to sleep. Since some rooms are kept secret so people don't show up, I'm thanking you - you know who you all are! The first night, a big thanks to Claude for grabbing a hotel room at the Hilton. Another big thanks for CDjr, Maxter, CD, J360, KTSmith, Streamworthy, Claude, and myself for keeping the room smelling nice. It's the first room I've stayed in at tournament that didn't smell like pure asshole - and we had a ton of dudes in it.
It was great to meet some new faces yet again! Mao, Zaf, Shady, amongst a ton more. I hope to see all of you at future tournaments. I'll do my best to get to one Canada major and represent freedom in the face of oppression.
Even though I have met you guys before, it was nice to actually get to hang out: Rapzilla, J360, Dancock, Boxy, Classy.
Huge shout outs to the WNBA! Jer, Death, Claude, Zaf, Peanuts, Bluenine (you can be WNBA), Revolver, AC1984, Blackula (then you dropped us mid tournament asshole), Shady. 3 WNBA in top 16, one in top 5! Will have more next time for sure; eat your heart out VSM.
My favorite matches of the tournament have to be Jer against J360, Shady against Rapzilla, and Maxter against Brady. Great stuff to all you guys!
Thanks Cole for everything this weekend. It's been great getting to hang out so much! Taking you to the train station is a small price to pay for the friendship. Amazing stuff this weekend man, only better things in store.
A special thanks to Troy for hanging out so much lately and carpooling to events! Talk about some serious luck by meeting you in a rest station on the way home from Salty Battles. It's an honor to know you!
Despite not going to Winter Brawl, thanks again for everything Teef. To gain friends that I know I will keep no matter what happens to MK is quite special. Your help with the game is much appreciated.
And right back at you Simon! As much as I like the game, I wouldn't be playing it if you weren't. After moving to KoP I left a lot of friends in central PA and lost others along the way as well. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing. It's been a privilege to call you a friend. I grew up playing MK; it helped me make a lot of friends during elementary and middle school. I would have no idea that 10+ years later a new MK would be the reason I make yet a new best friend. Thank you Simon.
I hope every single person who attended WB had a great weekend! I'll probably see most of you at MLG next, if not a few VSM's or house parties here and there.