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I still desync all the time. Why?

If I'm lucky, it will only happen every other match, but it's usually every match. I cannot figure out why. I have tried plugging my PS3 directly into the modem. I have adjusted settings on my router and on my PS3. I have tried wireless. I even moved to a new part of town and got a new ISP (not because of the game, mind you). It doesn't matter. I still desync all the time. I feel like the only person who still has this issue. As a result, I have not played MK9 for four or fives months. And I don't know any one who is worth a shit at this game so if I play any of my friends, it's just me constantly slaughtering them and them getting pissed about it.

So what fucking gives? Why is Ed Boon targeting me specifically and ruining my enjoyment of the game? I don't know why I haven't sold this worthless coaster by now, but for some reason I just can't seem to do it.

I have NO problems whatsoever with any other games, or on either of my consoles or my PC. It's just MK9 that fucks up all the time. The only thing I think I can narrow it down to is that I have and old old PS3. One of the big ones. That's all I can think of, but would that even matter if it's just this one game that fucks up constantly? Can anyone tell me anything?
The PSN servers have been real bad lately. It's not just you that's been having issues.
It happens to everyone dude. Blame those NetherRealm fucktards.

No man, it's happened to me since day one. Remember when they did the first patch and everyone was desyncing at the vs screen? Well, that never ended for me basically. I know it happens to every one once in awhile, but it happens to me ALL THE TIME. No shit. Not even exaggerating. I can usually play one to five matches fine. Then I desync constantly for the next month. My number of fights is somewhere in the 4000s, but I can almost guarantee it would be twice that if I could finish a match with no problems.


That sucks dude. The only time I desync these days is if I switch my characters a second or two after a tag match begins. That's a bug that I don't see talked about enough. It can't just be me that it happens to. Everytime I see my opponent do it, the same thing happens....desync.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
Are your buttons remapped? If so, that's your problem. I remapped my buttons by re-wiring my stick, problem solved. As for the tag desync, that is caused within the first 3 seconds of the match if you attack the incoming foe with a combo. So basically, chill until the clock reads 86, and it wont desync. Just throw a projectile or two. Yea, it's retarded.

Though sometimes, and this really rare once you're aware of the aforementioned, it's simply the servers taking a dump.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
I still get desynched constantly online. My slim's wired to a 27mbps connection; makes no difference. NRS are just a bunch of fuckwits; but we already knew that.


If you have button remapped then accidently input button wrong in a combo, game will desync. I bet it happens mostly in the middle of combos cause I always have this problem. Also, try doing an ex move without meter..that will cause a desync. Its pathetic nrs couldn't bother to correctly test custom controls on these shitty servers.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
Aye. It's from doing two inputs simultaneously in mid combo. I have no remedy for pad players who remapped their ish, but if you're playing stick, just remap via the wiring. Problem Solved.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
I don't have anything remapped, doesn't mean my opponents don't though. /shrug

Who knows. At this point I think of MK online as a failed experiment anyways, they fucked it up just like the rest of this game. Need to buy SCV already so I can at least play something online which performs well. I'm not even that huge of a fan of the series, but it has a block button and the netcode isn't piss; that's enough for me. Gives me something to do other than yell at my TV over MK9 online.
WHOA....whoa. Really? It's the button remapping? I do have them remapped. I set them up to emulate old MK. I can't play the game with the dumbass Tekken setup the came up with, it's not natural.

That's bullshit.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Happens to me, too. Not all the time, but often enough for it to be a problem. Not to mention that half the time it takes fucking forever just to get a fight synced up in the first place.
I still want to know why, no matter how much faster the frames on my attacks are than my opponent's...I always get hit first. Always. I thought it was just my crappy connection, but I'm at my brother's with a foolproof FiOs connection, and yet every time I get in close quarters, no matter what the exchange, I get hit and they laugh me off.
I swear, if it wasn't for you guys, I would've given up on this a long time ago.

Online. Bullshit beyond my ability to stand.
solution...play offline ;)
See the thing about that is that I don't know anyone who is good at the game. Most of people I know who play games don't play fighting games. So that leaves me with the option of meeting new people, which is all fine and good. But here's the thing; I haven't played the game regularly since the first patch due to these desyncing issues, therefore I'm not very good at it. And I'm not about to drive all the way across town just to lose to some strangers. I live pretty far away from everything.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
See the thing about that is that I don't know anyone who is good at the game. Most of people I know who play games don't play fighting games. So that leaves me with the option of meeting new people, which is all fine and good. But here's the thing; I haven't played the game regularly since the first patch due to these desyncing issues, therefore I'm not very good at it. And I'm not about to drive all the way across town just to lose to some strangers. I live pretty far away from everything.
well the thing is if u want to play this game offline you will have to "play strangers" and travel,
if your just after bit of fun sure just keep playin the crap online

dont be afraid to lose, be afraid of not improving yourself and playin offline in all honestly in only way to do that, and hours and hours in training mode ;)
Yeah but what if those strangers have the same reaction I do when I play guys I know? The whole "Well this is boring because you're too easy to beat." Then there's the whole finding people thing. I put up a few classified ads looking for a group who plays around my area and got no replies. There's only one place I know that runs it, and it's 45 minutes from me, sans traffic. And they only do it on Wednesday nights. Wednesday nights are kind of shitty.


Yeah but what if those strangers have the same reaction I do when I play guys I know? The whole "Well this is boring because you're too easy to beat." Then there's the whole finding people thing. I put up a few classified ads looking for a group who plays around my area and got no replies. There's only one place I know that runs it, and it's 45 minutes from me, sans traffic. And they only do it on Wednesday nights. Wednesday nights are kind of shitty.
Dude man ... i feel your pain, we are in the same boat. None of my friends play fighting game. I really just want to play at the comfort in my own house, but this internet issue is just unbearable. This is 2012 ... we not using 56k modem. Why can't NRS fix this damn thing >_<

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Yeah but what if those strangers have the same reaction I do when I play guys I know? The whole "Well this is boring because you're too easy to beat." Then there's the whole finding people thing. I put up a few classified ads looking for a group who plays around my area and got no replies. There's only one place I know that runs it, and it's 45 minutes from me, sans traffic. And they only do it on Wednesday nights. Wednesday nights are kind of shitty.
Just go man. Gets you out of the house, gives you something to do, and it'll likely motivate you to get back into it. Online is just garbage for this game; it's not worth pulling your hair out over. Trade in whatever miniscule value MK9 is worth towards SCV if you want something that'll perform well online; otherwise you're just going to have to attend locals.

We've started having some here lately, none of the guys throw temper tantrums or get pissed off. As long as nobody's an asshole about a win, I really don't foresee anything like that happening. Within a small social group of friends, yeah they'll do that, but outside of that people are more respectful and control themselves better.
No, I hate the Soul series. I'm out of my house quite a bit, too. I'm not one of those shut in guys. I have no problems meeting people. It's more so the drive than anything. I live on the ass end of town right before you get to Treeland where only 15 people live. If I'm going to drive, it's going to take me 5-10 just to get close to real civilization (mostly warehouses out this way...before the trees...so many trees), so it needs to be worth my drive.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
No, I hate the Soul series. I'm out of my house quite a bit, too. I'm not one of those shut in guys. I have no problems meeting people. It's more so the drive than anything. I live on the ass end of town right before you get to Treeland where only 15 people live. If I'm going to drive, it's going to take me 5-10 just to get close to real civilization (mostly warehouses out this way...before the trees...so many trees), so it needs to be worth my drive.
Just go there once or twice, someone may live closer to you that attends those. Never know.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
Yeah but what if those strangers have the same reaction I do when I play guys I know? The whole "Well this is boring because you're too easy to beat." Then there's the whole finding people thing. I put up a few classified ads looking for a group who plays around my area and got no replies. There's only one place I know that runs it, and it's 45 minutes from me, sans traffic. And they only do it on Wednesday nights. Wednesday nights are kind of shitty.
believe me they wont, mk offline people are VERY different than than random abuse u get online

not to sound harsh man but u kinda seem like just making excuses,
if u have some where 45 mins away go, i travel 2hours to get to casuals
some one else i know travel 5 hours! 45 mins is nothing

you'll never improve with the attuide you have, mk kommunity is pretty tight and im sure people at your casuals will have o problem helping ya improve

so in short online nay,offline yeay!


it has nothing to do with the servers, nrs etc. everytime threads like these pop up some smartasses blame the servers, nrs or simply say play offline. uahahaha so helpful. this man wants to play online. just let him be and play offline guys. i am tired of hearing this shit.

its probably your router which is causing those desyncs. i had the same problem with my old router and mk9. 98% of my gamesessions did desync. it was unplayable and it made me crazy. guess what happened when i went online with a much better router (not that crap u get from ur provider)? set ps3 as exposed host and ZERO desyncs happened.

hope this helps

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
it has nothing to do with the servers, nrs etc. everytime threads like these pop up some smartasses blame the servers, nrs or simply say play offline. uahahaha so helpful. this man wants to play online. just let him be and play offline guys. i am tired of hearing this shit.

its probably your router which is causing those desyncs. i had the same problem with my old router and mk9. 98% of my gamesessions did desync. it was unplayable and it made me crazy. guess what happened when i went online with a much better router (not that crap u get from ur provider)? set ps3 as exposed host and ZERO desyncs happened.

hope this helps
Man, we're such assholes! Trying to get the guy away from the online warriors who abuse lag tactics, the scrubs who think they're hot shit for being able to win while my character's wearing lead boots, and the horrible garbage netcode. I can't believe what dicks we are!

I can't count how many times I've been 'out played' by online warriors doing nothing but elbow dash - which is a full -15 frames on block. Still can't punish it online because online is garbage and yes, NRS fucked up. Just like the rest of this game, why would the netcode be any exception? lulz.
I'm going to assume it's the button remapping thing. I've never heard of that, and it DOES happen when I'm in the middle of a combo. It's just hard to believe something so ridiculous could cause the issue, but then again it really isn't.

I'll go out to Momo2 this Wednesday night. But if no one is there, I'm gonna be FURIOUS.