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I still desync all the time. Why?


Go to hell.
If nobody's there, I give you permission to drop a deuce right on their floor and walk the fuck out! Hopefully someone's there, otherwise bring a camera!
Damn Iniquity, I thought they did a pretty good job on this game. Online sucks sometimes, but eh, at least I get to play. You should really try and get MK9 for Xbox, I speak from experience when I say it's a lot better.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Damn Iniquity, I thought they did a pretty good job on this game. Online sucks sometimes, but eh, at least I get to play. You should really try and get MK9 for Xbox, I speak from experience when I say it's a lot better.
I would, but mine's brinked, and I really don't want to buy another one lol
Okay well I just started playing with the default controls and fuck it. Fuck online. It's not happening. The default controls are stupid. I'll take my custom (read: the way that makes sense if you've been playing MK since it first came out) controls and stick to offline.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Okay well I just started playing with the default controls and fuck it. Fuck online. It's not happening. The default controls are stupid. I'll take my custom (read: the way that makes sense if you've been playing MK since it first came out) controls and stick to offline.
'Atta boy!


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Okay well I just started playing with the default controls and fuck it. Fuck online. It's not happening. The default controls are stupid. I'll take my custom (read: the way that makes sense if you've been playing MK since it first came out) controls and stick to offline.
Slightly off topic, but I've been considering this myself, going back and forth between UMK3 and MK9 controls is a mindfuck, to say the least..
I hate these dumbass Tekkenesque controls. Couldn't they do FP and BP on top of each other? Doesn't that make more sense than side by side? Front would obviously be X and O, because it's closer to your body. I also hate using R2 for block, I always used R1 in previous games. I use R2 for run in UMK3, that way my right hand is controlling all of the attacks, and my left hand is controlling all movement.
you could try putting your xbox or ps3 into a dmz, it hogs your bandwidth depending on your router though.. though since some people are saying the game has something to do with it idk, it could be your internet, bugs with the game or the servers being pieces of shit


Hey, all you higher-ups... There has to be something that can be done. Any of you know who to protest/petition to? I can't believe that NRS (or whoever is responsible) would ignore the community as a whole... I know you top level guys don't rely on online play, but you are not the only ones who play the game. If there is enough MK love in this community, we could do something about it. The online play has gone from bad to worse lately... I don't want to quit playing but I kind of have to rely on online for now... So, any of y'all know a good avenue of approach for getting this fixed? I know some of you are close with NRS members... Whats up?
I drove up to the place. No MK that night. One guy was cool enough to play a dozen or so matches of UMK3 with me. Overall I was pretty pissed that I made the drive up there--and by my own stupidity missed a few exits--only to be greeted by three or four tvs playing MvC. I hate that damn series.

The UMK3 was enjoyable, though. I had one go through in SF4. I don't like it was well as 2 or 3.