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PLEASE help me choose a Main and Alts!


Joker waiting room
So far my choices are

Sub Zero
Shang Tsung

I love Subzero,he's the one i most comfortably use,instantly gets out of pressure but later hindered me with other characters when i didn't know what to do vs pressure,thanks to UsedForGlue for teaching me,also my first real character to play at a mid to high lvl.

Shang Tsung,love playing as him,great rushdown,solid zoning,i really like the character,his zoning is powerful,has unbreakable damage,solid frametraps,secondary character.

Scorpion,favorite MK character up till MK9,then it was Sub,his pressure is very good,has fast options to get out of pressure as well,best(?) 50/50's incredible mixups,quick punishes,unblockable,very easy and satisfying AA that always leads to more 50/50's for the victim,footsies can do up to 12-14% if used with takedown.

Smoke,picked him up recently,for god's sake i cannot AA but his baiting,wow,very satisfying,very good,shittons of options,great footsies,smoke bomb,insta gtfo the pressure move,fastest teleport and something i never ever had.IMMUNITY TO FUCKING PROJECTILES.


Sub-Zero:Know almost all MU's i'm very comfortable with him,makes me feel safe,i know how to punish all punishable moves, and don't mind using him even vs bad MU's because i actually do best with him

Shang Tsung:Know most common MU's,get destroyed by some (Reptile mostly) can overcome some,my game with him is at mid,trying to get better with him.

Scorpion:Good MU experience,i've been told from a critique thread that i'm above average,trying to incorporate iATP's in my gameplay.

Smoke:I know the MU's roughly but still have much to learn.he's also a master baiter (;))

Sub and Shang are my main/secondary,i need a third char.​
I like playing as Scorpion,especially the pressure and great anti airs.​
I like playing as Smoke too,baits very well and has mobility and good pokes.​


It simply boils down to preference. At the end of the day, while you may think picking up a great character is the way to go, it is so much more satisfying when you win with a character you love, especially if that character is a dark horse among tier list discussions and what not.

Anyways between Scorp and Smoke, it's obvious that Smoke is the better character. At the same time, you claim that your Scorpion is far more developed so idk. I prefer Scorpion as a character but he has that risk factor and I hate playing with a risky character.....
Dude u are changin your char every 2 weeks ^^

I think that u are best with sub, your ST has 0 pressing so if u choose him u should focuse on some frametraps etc.
Your scorpion i dont have much to say i played him once only, with smoke use 2 or d1 as AA

I think u should stick with Sub-Zero or maybe ST


Joker waiting room
Dude u are changin your char every 2 weeks ^^

I think that u are best with sub, your ST has 0 pressing so if u choose him u should focuse on some frametraps etc.
Your scorpion i dont have much to say i played him once only, with smoke use 2 or d1 as AA

I think u should stick with Sub-Zero or maybe ST
My shang has long since evolved,hes much more calculating and pressuring,last time i used ST vs you was a month ago.

i don't change chars,just like a lot :D plus i'm using up to 3!


Joker waiting room
And what about QuanChi? he gave me most trouble
That's because he's piss easy to use at a low lvl and can be very annoying.

i'll consider him,i used to main him as well,and the half cast but i can't see anyone replacing scorpion,hes very versatile,good pressure and the only AA i can consistenly pull without this piece of shit online screwing me over.


"Strength isn't everything"
So far my choices are

Sub Zero
Shang Tsung

I love Subzero,he's the one i most comfortably use,instantly gets out of pressure but later hindered me with other characters when i didn't know what to do vs pressure,thanks to UsedForGlue for teaching me,also my first real character to play at a mid to high lvl.

Shang Tsung,love playing as him,great rushdown,solid zoning,i really like the character,his zoning is powerful,has unbreakable damage,solid frametraps,secondary character.

Scorpion,favorite MK character up till MK9,then it was Sub,his pressure is very good,has fast options to get out of pressure as well,best(?) 50/50's incredible mixups,quick punishes,unblockable,very easy and satisfying AA that always leads to more 50/50's for the victim,footsies can do up to 12-14% if used with takedown.

Smoke,picked him up recently,for god's sake i cannot AA but his baiting,wow,very satisfying,very good,shittons of options,great footsies,smoke bomb,insta gtfo the pressure move,fastest teleport and something i never ever had.IMMUNITY TO FUCKING PROJECTILES.


Sub-Zero:Know almost all MU's i'm very comfortable with him,makes me feel safe,i know how to punish all punishable moves, and don't mind using him even vs bad MU's because i actually do best with him

Shang Tsung:Know most common MU's,get destroyed by some (Reptile mostly) can overcome some,my game with him is at mid,trying to get better with him.

Scorpion:Good MU experience,i've been told from a critique thread that i'm above average,trying to incorporate iATP's in my gameplay.

Smoke:I know the MU's roughly but still have much to learn.he's also a master baiter (;))

Sub and Shang are my main/secondary,i need a third char.​
I like playing as Scorpion,especially the pressure and great anti airs.​
I like playing as Smoke too,baits very well and has mobility and good pokes.​
Well, the first thing is, if you want to main Shang properly, you would need to grasp a bit of every character, as Soul steal should be a big part of your game, your :ex version is armoured, and your regular makes a good wake up attack.

I noticed when we play, if you get a soul steal you tend to just let go of the :x in hope of bagging 60%, thats not enough. Get to grips with all the more popular characters and shang will be a ton easier.
You're the only Sub that beat my Sindel 5-0 or so (blame me for rushing down on him lol) so stick to him.
Your Scorp is deadly as well, you got that annoying as Hell vortex going on nicely.
Your Shang zones good, he's got his pressure esp. on the corner.
You didn't show me your Smoke though, next time maybe.
Sindelia my Subby wants to fight u ^^


Troll Chi, come on! Doing the rune trap feels so good ;-) (I definitely expected to see him on your list.)

Honestly though, I think both of us are more like casual players at heart because we just can't resist playing a bunch of characters ;-)

Btw, I'm sending a nuclear bomb your way. ("Add Ruby" - you, you #$%#$%#$%) XD


kal kidan
hey guy no offence and no disrespect, but yu put yoself in a light of a highly qualified player wich yu are not. your sz is a spammer, d4 and clone makes u comfortable? shang is easy and scorp and smoke, well dont put yoself ....hey but no disrespect
hey guy no offence and no disrespect, but yu put yoself in a light of a highly qualified player wich yu are not. your sz is a spammer, d4 and clone makes u comfortable? shang is easy and scorp and smoke, well dont put yoself ....hey but no disrespect
Totally no disrespect when you say his Sub is a spammer? Yup. Totally. Really dude, I recommend you stick with who you feel most comfortable with. It would help you out in the long run IMO


Joker waiting room
hey guy no offence and no disrespect, but yu put yoself in a light of a highly qualified player wich yu are not. your sz is a spammer, d4 and clone makes u comfortable? shang is easy and scorp and smoke, well dont put yoself ....hey but no disrespect
Bro,if i was a high lvl player i wouldn't be asking these questions,i believe i'm very mediocre.

I've put up with lots of shit from you for stuff i didn't do,either chill the fuck down or get lost,you have NO right to come by,spam my thread and make an attempt of sarcasm even a 10 year old could do better just because i posted to use your mains.


i only Xray'd once or twice,i tend not to use soul steal as a zoning tool against characters i don't know because i'll get screwed over if they realise i can't actually use their char,if it connects i have no AA,no way to user my meter efficiently,no means to protect myself other than block and the only thing i can do is slowly back to a corner.

I also abuse EX SS on wakeup because my regular always gets stuffed.

Thank you for your advice everyone!


"Strength isn't everything"
hey guy no offence and no disrespect, but yu put yoself in a light of a highly qualified player wich yu are not. your sz is a spammer, d4 and clone makes u comfortable? shang is easy and scorp and smoke, well dont put yoself ....hey but no disrespect
And who the fuck do you think you are? You have to be biggest clown I have come across, yet.

It's incredibly ironic that you (a player who isn't a ''highly qualified player'') has the nerve to call out other people by saying they shouldn't ''put yoself in a light of a highly qualified player''.

It seems to me, that you are a random online player, who has an agenda that he or she is trying full fill, by acting out to certain individuals on a message board.

Grow up and get over whatever weird issue/agenda you have, no offence...obviously.

And if you have a problem with a SubZero that uses D4 or Clone, then you don't have the first fucking clue what your doing in this game.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

If you can beat Sindel comfortably with Sub...yeah, I would say Sub gets the duke.

He really is one of the most comfy people in the game to play, along with Mileena - even though I don't play her often, I just find I have a lot more faith in her and her moveset than most other people in the game...I just wish I was better with her.
Once you adapt to their playstyle and know when to play your cards, it's atomic bomb time.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Hmm, I like your ideas Qwark, your arsenal seems to be lacking a rushdown character though, I'd recommend Sektor, his iaTU's are great if used responsibly, has a vast array of lows and overheads and suprisingly effective zoning, his only drawbacks imho are a lack of a practical overhead launcher and a close range AA, he struggles in the corner (again, don't get careless with the TU otherwise you'll end up there)
That being said, I could also be encouraging you to go with Kabal, but I've honestly never touched him besides story mode and can't really tell you anything about using him from experience. Hope I've helped.


kal kidan
hey guy no offence and no disrespect, but yu put yoself in a light of a highly qualified player wich yu are not. your sz is a spammer, d4 and clone makes u comfortable? shang is easy and scorp and smoke, well dont put yoself ....hey but no disrespect
I apologize 4 this post. U r very good Fighter And have the Best Shang i Know. Troll Mode off


To be honest I feel that choosing which character to use all comes down to playstyle and by I mean what kind of playstyle do you want to play with?