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The Truth about MK

Pro-Tour MK has shown us that at the highest level, mirror match with the best character is the best strategy (obviously). Final Kombat was Johnny Cage Khameleon mirror. I used to loath this but I have wisened.

Fighting Games are competitve and challenging in nature. There will be a winner and a loser. Both are equally valuable. Some single player game offer this challenge too. Elden Ring, and Mega Man for example.After dying so many times to a boss or scenario in the game, the player can triumph by adapting or finding a strategy. This applies to fighting games as well, yet is even better because the oponent is organic and can change.

As a player base, we are so wrapped up in short wins, that we destroy what makes fighting games great. In Kasuals, people leave after 1 game win or lose, or change characters after 1 game or 2. It is more satisfying to push the match by rematch.

Also, this mentality destroys creativity and exploration.Mk1 gifted us 700 variations... I understand during the pro-tour to use the most winning character, but that is a small minority. The rest of us should be competing and having fun. I don't ask for character diversity in Kombat League(it's there but doesn't need to be). I ask for us to play fighting games to the maximum level of enjoyment. That requires hitting rematch over and over.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
If you have to ask others to rematch then the game already failed, this should be something both players decided on their own.

that's actually something that it's dificult to grasp in the development cycle, it's giving their audience this need to continue playing, if the game is found enjoyable enough for this to take course, the game it's going places, but if we have to create threads to ask for this and say stuff such as "Not everyone needs to be a pro player" then the game it's already dead, because it shows that there is no value or joy in competing in it if it's not for money.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Yeah casuals and those with a scrubby mindset will almost always “1 and done” you. Doesn’t matter how good and/or fun the game is, doesn’t matter if you win or if they do, doesn’t matter if it’s close or completely lopsided, none of that really matters. These types of players, for whatever reason, just seem to be able to find any reason to justify only playing you once. The most annoying of course are the ones who win once then bounce. It’s not aways a scrub who does this, there ARE valid reasons to do this such as a horrible connection or if something comes up and you have to take care of it, but those are rare instances. It’s typically a scrub just not understanding, or caring, that the best way to improve is to play both players that are around the same skill level as you, and players that are better than you. I made a thread about how losing makes you better a long time ago (back in 2011). I’ve edited it over the years just to update some of the terminology and add in the newer titles, but I can’t remember the last time I edited it. Anyway, if you or anyone is interested, here’s a link to it: https://testyourmight.com/threads/tips-on-becoming-a-better-player-part-1-how-losing-helps-you-get-better.3674/#post-78558


If you have to ask others to rematch then the game already failed, this should be something both players decided on their own.

that's actually something that it's dificult to grasp in the development cycle, it's giving their audience this need to continue playing, if the game is found enjoyable enough for this to take course, the game it's going places, but if we have to create threads to ask for this and say stuff such as "Not everyone needs to be a pro player" then the game it's already dead, because it shows that there is no value or joy in competing in it if it's not for money.
That's not really a fault of the game. A lot of people that 1 and done do so to protect their egoes or to troll. Tale as old as time, really.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
That's not really a fault of the game. A lot of people that 1 and done do so to protect their egoes or to troll. Tale as old as time, really.
ppl who don't play at all or hate playing it, that's not their fault, that's what i meant.

About the One and Dones, NRS needs to have an option that when someone wants to give up, to escape for a match, the moment they scroll to option to give up, an audio effect of a crowd trollin them for giving needs to start rolling


About the One and Dones, NRS needs to have an option that when someone wants to give up, to escape for a match, the moment they scroll to option to give up, an audio effect of a crowd trollin them for giving needs to start rolling
If you fail to rematch a certain number of times it should automatically lock a persons player title on their ID card to something like "One and done" or "Finishes early" or something else equally embarrassing.

Shame is the greatest motivator of all time.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
I haven’t played ranked in so long I forgot, is ranked in MK1 a forced first to 2? Tbh that’s all they really need to do, make/keep ranked a ft2 or a ft3. That way it’s at least impossible in ranked to one and done someone unless you close the game out or pull. And if you do that before finishing the set, you lose rank. And if it happens several times, it starts prioritizing matching you up against other players who do the same thing. The reason it would need to be several times before it does this, is because sometimes stuff does happen that’s out of your control. Such as your power going out or flickering, lagging out, your cat rubbing up against your console turning it off (not even joking, my cat has done this to me more than once. Luckily I wasn’t playing anything online when it happened, but I was shocked that it was even possible lmao)

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
If you fail to rematch a certain number of times it should automatically lock a persons player title on their ID card to something like "One and done" or "Finishes early" or something else equally embarrassing.

Shame is the greatest motivator of all time.
yep, FGC culture needs to start be implemented to some extent, i think id be dank

Tom Brady

Yeah casuals and those with a scrubby mindset will almost always “1 and done” you. Doesn’t matter how good and/or fun the game is, doesn’t matter if you win or if they do, doesn’t matter if it’s close or completely lopsided, none of that really matters. These types of players, for whatever reason, just seem to be able to find any reason to justify only playing you once. The most annoying of course are the ones who win once then bounce. It’s not aways a scrub who does this, there ARE valid reasons to do this such as a horrible connection or if something comes up and you have to take care of it, but those are rare instances. It’s typically a scrub just not understanding, or caring, that the best way to improve is to play both players that are around the same skill level as you, and players that are better than you. I made a thread about how losing makes you better a long time ago (back in 2011). I’ve edited it over the years just to update some of the terminology and add in the newer titles, but I can’t remember the last time I edited it. Anyway, if you or anyone is interested, here’s a link to it: https://testyourmight.com/threads/tips-on-becoming-a-better-player-part-1-how-losing-helps-you-get-better.3674/#post-78558
The most fun I have ever had in MK were the 99999999 matches SZ vs Kabal against REO in MK9. Extremely hard, but fun and satisfying when Id beat all the other Kabals in tournament. Casual players think hard = not fun, but when the challenge is it it’s highest, it’s the most fun.

Miss REO…
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Administrator and Community Engineer
Mirrors are usually more viable in the first year of our games (see: Geras, Tanya, Black Adam, Deadshot etc). Once the meta fleshes out and people start to become more loyal to their characters, this usually changes for the majority of the game's life. And then if the balance gets left alone after a last patch, it comes back (Kabal, Fujin)
The most fun I have ever had in MK were the 99999999 matches SZ vs Kabal against REO in MK9. Extremely hard, but fun and satisfying when Id beat all the other Kabals in tournament. Casual players think hard = not fun, but when the challenge is it it’s highest, it’s the most fun.

Miss REO…
Exactly Brady. Sonic Fox 13-0 ing Perfect Legend I think harmed our community. People are afraid to get defeated publicly, even in a kasual setting. But, one of the most successful games of the last 5 years which is Elden Ring centers around defeat and over coming challenges. That's what should be celebrated about fighting games. Hitting rematch, and pushing the challenge on both ends more and more. This fosters and reveals key aspects of fighting games which are patterns, knowledge, adaptability and later on, the importance of randomness, and patience. I miss REO too. And now Brady. I wish you played your friends more because they hit rematch.

"Quote Juggs") I haven’t played ranked in so long I forgot, is ranked in MK1 a forced first to 2? Tbh that’s all they really need to do, make/keep ranked a ft2 or a ft3.
Ya, for Ranked I have no issue with the behavior except for the rage quitting at the end of a set. But, in challenging games, losing twice or 3 times is nothing. In Cuphead for example, a level may take 10 or more tries to overcome. Aside from the other ideas of shaming the player, NRS needs to make their menus snappier like SF6.
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MK1 is the best MK period.
If you fail to rematch a certain number of times it should automatically lock a persons player title on their ID card to something like "One and done" or "Finishes early" or something else equally embarrassing.

Shame is the greatest motivator of all time.
Not a true Warrior


Weak Kompetitor

When they select online from the main menu while it's loading Shao kahn should ridicule them. Also while searching for an opponent. Then if they quit mid set and go back in queue he should say "it's official you suck"

"You suck"

"You're weak"


After what BodyCount has said in a recent interview, it all makes sense now.

The truth is NRS isn’t inspired nor capable to make a quality mortal Kombat game. The team needs an entire overhaul. MK is way to iconic to see it end up like this..


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
After what BodyCount has said in a recent interview, it all makes sense now.

The truth is NRS isn’t inspired nor capable to make a quality mortal Kombat game. The team needs an entire overhaul. MK is way to iconic to see it end up like this..
Who is “BodyCount” and what did they say?


He means blood count. He's a former character moveset creator at nrs working on all the games since Injustice 1 I believe. He worked on MK1 but left before it finished. He was on Mike Hollows stream recently talking about his experience in the company.

He comes in around 1hr 20mins in


Can someone find the wikis for MK11 and MK1s gameplay designers? I know I've seen them before somewhere in a context of how the teams are different but I can't find it now.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
He means blood count. He's a former character moveset creator at nrs working on all the games since Injustice 1 I believe. He worked on MK1 but left before it finished. He was on Mike Hollows stream recently talking about his experience in the company.

He comes in around 1hr 20mins in
This one one hell of an eye opening podcast.
I thought it couldn't be worst than already is but holy shit, to the point that the devs themselves don't even play the fucking game they put out for others to play it's kinda sad