Rodney Quillz
Tbf I think it’s obvious that Barakas going to turn heel when the disease fully takes over though and reptile never made sense as a bad guy in the first place, being a servant for thousands of years to some of the biggest liars in the MK universe for the revival of your race of people(that I’m pretty sure they killed) is All Star Batman levels of bad writing lol.I think with any changes the whole "multiverse" concept is dated and worn out. Everyone is over shows, movies, games, having the multiverse so I think it was bad timing and a few years late for MK1 to do more of it yet again when they could have went with a more grounded game with Liu creating 1 world starting over. That was probably the hardest hit to the story. No one wanted another multiverse type story and it's exactly what we got at 200%.
The other I would say is the mass changes to characters. People like change in the overall game, but not in their long time favorites or known characters being removed or heavily altered. And not in the "Cyrax is a girl" way, or "Hanzo is gone way" either. For example, one of my friends who is the ultimate MK casual didn't like the story (and she liked all the other games story), and her responses were things like "why is Shao Khan such a sucker now?" and "why did they make Baraka a good guy? Ugh everyone is a good guy." and "Johnny Cage was pretty cool". My guess is Cage was cool because he was the Cage she was expecting, and not hero Reptile or something. These things didn't go over as well with casuals as much as they thought. And she didn't buy Khaos Reign, but she bought the DLC from X and 11. Just one person, but I think it's a good example of the way casual players saw it and why I believe Khaos Reign leaks about underperforming because a few people I know that bought all the MK11 DLC didn't buy it. Ultimately they are the one's that buy the game and bring in the money.
SF had to fix their game and story after the 3rd strike era that almost tanked the company, and they went with SF4, a traditional gameplay and story that people loved. Tekken almost tanked after T4 with those abomination changes, so they went back to the roots with Tekken 5 which is considered largely the best game in the series.
For MK1 I really think they need to go back to some basics. Basic gameplay with deep characters, 1 on 1 before they started adding all the extra stuff. Basic story about Mortal Kombat with someone trying to threaten the realm and a hero beats them without 100 versions of Scorpion being involved. Traditional version of characters like how you'd think of them in MK3 or MK9. Just do what most people want without drinking your own koolaid and go from there lol.
Rains turn was stupid though but he’s always been written stupid, they should have leaned in on the Argus thing a lot more and made him the black adam/Dr Doom of Edenia instead of just making him another treacherous weasel character in a universe full of them.
Dude should be giving sindels family the boot and trying to put Shao Kahn’s head on a stick.