Subby Z
I think they need to do fire and ice.I dont know if its smart for them to make yet another mk fighting game, 3rd in a row after accumlating so much bad will.
Mk11 was the return of mk, graphics were an insane leap compared to mkx and 9, people were so hungry for mk and the pre release trailers/presentation looked incredible, this alone made it sell like hottest of cackes.
Unfotunetly, apart from having decent amount of content and no crazy microtransactions, the game is mechanically infuriating and gameplay combo system dry as the saharan desert. The pieced up chracters with custome moves attributed to this as well and was very unsatisfying to interact with. Game was supposedly to be supported for a loooong time but was abandond.
Then they decide to follow up that abandond cluster fuck, that left people mad and displeased, with mk 1. And we all know the issues it has and how things ultimately played out.
No need to repeat the issues, its been said countless times but in the end it, ike mk11, got abandond, somehow even sooner LOL.
With these 2 games creating so much fan backlash, to mkae a 3rd in a row mk fighring game would be a pretty ballsy thing to do.
Like who the fuck will buy that after these 2 games? Who would trust them?
It would have to be the most perfect fighting game ever created for people to buy that shit and overcome the negative reputation they accumulated.
Best course of action, if it has to be an mk game, would be a completly different genre of game, not a fighting game. Possibly shaolin monks 2 deveopled by another studio in association with nrs.
This way they would be able to, first off all, release themselves from the schakles that the dumbass dominic cinciretard put on the franchise in terms of story which has been written into a corner 10 times over. They would be able to continue from the end of mksm 1 and essentially continue after its retelling of mk1-3 and as far as game play goes they would be out of the spotlight of fighting games and alongside another studio create a successor of mksm with all the modern technological tools.
Deciding to creater another mk fighting game at this point, directly after mk11 and mk1 would be a 99% chance of suicide of the studio and the franchise.
I agree with partnering with a different studio as well because I don’t trust NRS. I just don’t. They’d have the big twist at the end be that Shinnok wasn’t the big bad, but it was Cetrion all along guiding him because GIRL POWER!
So yeah no I don’t trust NRS.
Have it retell MK4 but Scorpion and Sub-Zero bring Shinnok down. You could make boss fights with Quan Chi, Sektor and Cyrax, Noob Saibot, Smoke, and so on and so forth.
I really think that’s the way to go.