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Outfought and Outsmarted: Living Guide for Takahashi Takeda


Goro is a Pokémon
First playable in Mortal Kombat X, Takeda was introduced as one-fourth of the Kombat Kids, characters who are the children of legacy characters. As the son of Kenshi and also a member of Scorpion's Shirai Ryu clan, Takeda possessed many of the same ninja-like abilities as his mentors. He returns in Mortal Kombat 1 with many familiar moves, but a new story as he is now the Cousin of Takahashi Kenshi, and his allegiance to the Shirai Ryu remains unclear.

In Mortal Kombat 1, Takeda uses the long range of his whips and his agility to move in and out of the fight. This means Takeda is played best as a Mid Range Footsies Based Character, but there's some setup and light trap potential under the hood.

For this next guide, I will be assuming you own a copy of the game and will be able to look over the move list on your own, I will be only typing out relevant, important details.

Takeda thrives both at mid range and when able to enforce a strike throw mix-up. Im going to go over his best buttons for this, and some of the uses for them.


Takeda has a servicable D1, its biggest flaw is that it doesnt jail into F1, a string we will talk about later. The main uses for this D1 arent very different from any other character, but youll be using it a lot in some matchups because Takeda doesnt have access to another fast mid. Jail into standing 1 for pressure, though s2 does jail it has less going for it outside of a more damaging combo on hit.

(1,2) (1,2,2+4) and (1,4)
To me, this is Takeda's best string. Standing 1 is plus enough on block to guarantee your D1 and D3 against every character, which opens up the strike throw mix-up. S1 also leaves you at a great spacing for shimmies on block. 12 is a three hit string that is gapless, extremely hit confirmable, cancellable on the 1st and 2nd hit, and only -1 on block, again opening up a block/poke/throw mind game. 122+4 and 14 are going to vary in usage based on your Kameo. 122+4 is Up Blockable and fully punishable so use it sparingly if at all. 14 has a gap that is rarely exploited so it can be useful for closing out a round, but it shines with Kameos like Goro or Cyrax who can turn it into a combo, adding to the mental stack of Takedas many options from S1 staggers.

(F1) (F1,2) (F1,2,2+4) and (F14)
F1 is maybe Takeda's best single button and the entire string is really good as well. Great range, safe on block, forward progressing, another string great for staggering into throw. The follow up strings are both really good as well. F12 has an armor gap, but the 2 is double hitting so it breaks most armor in the game, and it's easily hit confirmed if the opponent does attempt to armor. F14 ends in a low, that again, mileage will vary based on Kameo. It's a gapless string regardless, but with Janet or Goro it can be a full combo. F1's strings are also the only strings that jail into Takeda's Rekka pressure, which we will go over later. The Ender to F122+4 is a hard knockdown and can be used to condition people into hesitating to poke, or to blow up pokes or mid checks.

Takeda has an extemded range poke that does not enable autoblock. This move is best used to low profile highs on a read, and maybe catching someone not blocking in neutral, but its very slow(18f!) and not hit confirmable. Worth mentioning, but not the greatest option.

(2) (2,1) and (2,1,2)
Standing 2 is a good stagger, and staggering 21 can be good as well with the threat of finishing to OH or blowing up attempts to armor the gap, the 2nd hit does have some noticeable pushback, and the third hit, the OH, is upblockable. The main use for this string is as a Punish. 12 does not combo into Takeda's best launcher, but 21 does, and its only 2 frames slower.

(B2) (B2,1) and (B2,1,2+4)
This string is for whiff punishing unless you use certain Kameos. There are gaps between every hit, and the last hit is Upblockable. Without Kameo use, there is nothing besides canceling into Rekka or Kunai that will make this safe on block. It's best to completely avoid using the OH Ender. The range is great, and there's a lot of potential to this string with the right Kameo, but we'll save that for when we go over Kameos.

Takeda's best poke. Great range, jails f1 on hit.

(B3) and (B3,4)
This is Takeda's fastest mid starter. 15f Low that leads to another low that knocks down. With Kameo help, you can combo off of the second hit. Both B3 and B34 are safe on block, making this Takeda's best mid string to just "throw out." Sadly B3 isnt hit confirmable and isnt a great stagger, but this string is still very important to Takeda's gameplan by being a forward advancing low combo starter thats safe on block.

OH with very stubby range. Best used with EX kunai setups, or just to catch people holding down and block.

Great for Jailing F1 on hit and playing neutral. Honestly, Takeda has good pokes all around.


Takeda's projectile is a slow start up downward angled mid that can be distance "aimed," to hit close, medium, far, or very far away. Using it as a string ender will leave an interruptable gap, but it can be used to make b21 safe on block from everywhere but point blank range. Using this as an ender on block for any string besides B21 and f14 is not advised, it's fully punishable on block at close ranges, at -11. Its best used in its air form. The startup of an Instant Air Shuriken is about 9f faster if done perfectly. The EX version of Shuriken sets up 3 projectiles that will detonate on button release, popping the opponent up for a combo. This can be used to break armor on wakeup or to keep someone from waking up altogether if used as a combo ender from something like S4, but most strings will not leave you in any hit advantage so its mostly best to avoid this outside of very specific setups.

(DB1/Smart Shuriken)
Smart Shuriken is an interesting projectile that functions like a trap. This projectile is slightly faster than a standard projectile, and when thrown will not have a hit reaction, but stay on the ground awaiting detonation. You can detonate it by throwing a standard Shuriken on top of it, causing a pop up, or you can back throw the opponent next to the Shuriken and turn your throw into a meterless, Kameo-less combo. This can be setup with certain combos, but youll almost always be no more than +2 and at a distamce that makes it hard to capitalize on this. I still think this is a core part of Takeda's gameplay, and it may be worth it to simply put out instant air Smart Shurikens. The EX Smart Shuriken is the exact same as EX Shuriken except it launches the opponent away from Takeda rather than towards him, there are better uses of meter.

This move is primarily a combo ender and occasionally a long range punishing tool. The EX version is a launcher and functions similarly, but as well as a combo extender. D4 into EX Spear is a scrubby, punishable without the right kameo, but very powerful tool for Takeda. You can also choose which way this move will launch, toward or behind. Both the normal and EX versions can be made safe on block with a Kameo like Kano or Stryker.

(JDB2/Air Spear)
Air Spear and EX spear are combo enders/extenders. The risk reward of using them other than that is abysmal, unless on a very hard read. Can be made safe with Kameo, but there are better uses of Kameo meter.

One of Takeda's most interesting moves is this. Stride is projectile immune and knocks the opponent flying, which can be picked up for a combo by Kameos like Scorpion, Mavado, or Janet. You can Cancel Stride by holding the Down input. Cancelling Stride is extremely unsafe, so do so with caution. Stride can also be turned into a launching overhead by holding Up or Back. Also very unsafe, but is a combo launcher and used in many of Takeda's bread and butter combos. The EX version is Takeda's armor move. If the armor is used, meaning you are hit during the move, Stride will be a hard knockdown directly in front of Takeda. This move has slow start up and the armor does not last very long, so watch out for multi hitting strings and baits.

(Air BF3/Nimbus)
Nimbus is a movement tool that is used to extend air combos and/or to initiate an air combo from a grounded one off of S4. You can use this to change your jump arc like other aerial movement tools in the game, and can also cancel from this to other aerial specials and even cancel from nimbus to EX nimbus to EX nimbus to Ex nimbus. Very fun move, use it sparingly and with plan, as its slow and telegraphs that youre gonna be vulnerable in the air for a few seconds. EX Nimbus is useless.

(AirDB3/Nimbus Attack)
Nimbus attack swings Takeda full screen kicking his way from one side of the stage to the other. This can be used to punish low projectiles and other high recovery full screen whiffs. Aside from punishes, dont bother with this move. Often, BF2 is just going to be better. With Kameos you can make this move safe, and even a pop up, but its so slow and telegraphed that its not optimal or even good. The EX version allows you to cancel into air normals after it which can be used for combo extensions or to make those full screen punishes more damaging.

(DB4/Tornado Kick)
No Currently known use. Combo Launcher/Extender.

Perhaps Takeda's MOST interesting and most complicated move. Rekkas must be inputted for each action you wish to execute. DF4 1 time will give you an unsafe slash of Takedas whips. EX DF4 one time will give you the same Slash, but -7 on block so that only the Monks can Punish you. If you input it a 2nd time, which can not be enhanced, you can either input it immediately or delay it until the last active frame or the first DF4 or anywhere in between to be between -16 and -1. This allows for some risky mindgames. No matter the delay, there is an interruptable gap, so keep that in mind. The third and final possible input of the rekkas is an overhead slam that can be delayed the same as the second hit with a similar gap, ranging from -12 to -2. This last hit can be Enhanced for a pop up, and/or to be as much as +9 on block. With the right kameo, like Goro or Kano, this is a powerful tool for Takeda.

Takeda will best take advantage of Kameo's that can offer him extra damage to his combos and allow him to combo from throw. Takeda can also benefit from Kameos that can offer safety on his B21 string and Rekka pressure. Fortunately for Takeda, several Kameo's compliment his kit.

Goro kameo offers safety and even plus frames on B21 and Rekkas with up punch, can allow you to combo from strings like 14 and b34, even combo from the standard Stride kick, allows you to set up Smart Shuriken on block with advantage(although it's at a distance that's hard to capitalize from), can give extremely high damage or ridiculous block pressure and chip damage for burning the full bar on Ambush Punch Walk, this same move can give Takeda 270 damage throw combos. On paper this should be Takeda's best Kameo, but the average damage per combo is much lower than using any other Kameo, Ambush attacks are essentially throwing away your kameo meter for the round and without Ambush, no throw combos. On top of this Goro lowers your health to 950, and Takeda already struggles to get out of pressure so lower health can really hurt.

Cyrax gives Takeda combo extensions that lead to some of the highest damage in the game, with bar and meterless, Cyrax does enable combos from back throw and forward throw, Net combos from B3 and is safe on block AND can help Takeda's full-screen game in some matchups, Cyrax can also help setup Smart Shuriken with specific combo routes that don't require a huge sacrifice to damage. The biggest downsides to Cyrax are not giving Takeda very high damage for a meterless backthrow combo and not providing a way to open the opponent up that Takeda doesnt already have on his own.

Jax functions similarly to Cyrax being that his primary function is to turn Takeda's BnBs into extremely high damage combos. Jax also has his Energy Wave that Takeda can use to remain safe and with Takeda's extended range take advantage of the plus frames both mid and full screen(use b3 energy wave similar to Cyrax net but with lower reward), Jax can also set up his Ground Pound giving Takeda the chance to take advantage with his aerial moves or slower startup normals, while low damage even with meter Jax also offers consistent back throw combos, and on top of all of this Jax gives Takeda an extra 100 health. All of this makes Jax a great Kameo for Takeda and one of my favorites. There isn't a huge downside to Jax, he's a very Solid Kameo choice, others just may be stronger.

Scorpion gives the extended combos that Takeda wants, and the extensions send the opponent directly to Takeda making Scorpion the best Kameo IMO for setting up Smart Shuriken and not sacrificing Damage, Scorpion's FKameo can be used to keep things safe on block albeit with a large gap or just to add an OH to your pressure- it being -2 is a great bonus as well, Scorpion can also give Takeda 300 damage throw combos for 2 kameo bars or 1 kameo bar and 1 regular bar or 250 damage meterless 1 kameo, and also Scorpion can make several Strings like F14 become combo starters, perhaps the best reason to choose Scorpion as Takeda's Kameo is the Armored Spear Pull. This tool allows Takeda to both escape pressure and also retreat after throwing out an unsafe b21- with Takeda having an awful armor move himself, this can be extremely useful in many Match Ups. Scorpion's damage is lower than a Kameo like Cyrax, but the added utility is valuable.
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This is my billionth life cycle.
Lmk if this type of thing is even wanted here in the modern age of YT and Discord.
This is the kind of content that makes TYM better than YT / Discord, its just hard to incentivize people to make these due to a smaller audience base these days.

Happy to help add the small amount of tech I have, mainly around the Cyrax team, but I've kind of dropped Takeda until someone can prove the vision.


Goro is a Pokémon
This is the kind of content that makes TYM better than YT / Discord, its just hard to incentivize people to make these due to a smaller audience base these days.

Happy to help add the small amount of tech I have, mainly around the Cyrax team, but I've kind of dropped Takeda until someone can prove the vision.
I've mainly played Takeda/Goro and I personally think it's a great team. Kameo meter is slow to recharge, but Takeda has very long kombo and throw animations for recharge times. Up Punch making so many things go from unsafe to safe, or become plus does a lot for him alone, and then some of the Goro buffs seem tailored for Takeda. B34 or f14 while calling Ambush scoop is dirty af, but costs full bar. Rekkas with punch walk on block is free smart kunais, and b21 smart kunai with an Up Punch is free, as well. All of that and Goro can still add damage to the end of Combos like Janet and Cyrax, it's just more expensive.

But anyways, I'll go into that more in the thread IG. But definitely share your Cyrax tech when you have the time and I'll add it to the post.


This is my billionth life cycle.
I've mainly played Takeda/Goro and I personally think it's a great team. Kameo meter is slow to recharge, but Takeda has very long kombo and throw animations for recharge times. Up Punch making so many things go from unsafe to safe, or become plus does a lot for him alone, and then some of the Goro buffs seem tailored for Takeda. B34 or f14 while calling Ambush scoop is dirty af, but costs full bar. Rekkas with punch walk on block is free smart kunais, and b21 smart kunai with an Up Punch is free, as well. All of that and Goro can still add damage to the end of Combos like Janet and Cyrax, it's just more expensive.

But anyways, I'll go into that more in the thread IG. But definitely share your Cyrax tech when you have the time and I'll add it to the post.
Not to jump the gun, but - I know you can do a throw combo with Goro full bar, can you get one with just uppunch? I think having ready access to a throw combo is really important for him.


Goro is a Pokémon
Not to jump the gun, but - I know you can do a throw combo with Goro full bar, can you get one with just uppunch? I think having ready access to a throw combo is really important for him.
No, you can not. And I have been eyeing Cyrax for this reason as who I end up maining Kameo wise, but there's a lot of utility to Up Punch that I'd hate to give up.


This is my billionth life cycle.
This is my tech, outside of just Cyrax related combos: I've been trying to find a way to set up a smart kunai to threaten a big throw combo without giving up oki, this feels like the holy grail for Takeda but its hard to come by without tanking your damage.

If you end a combo in bf2 EX, you can drop a kunai and still be at minor advantage, and good range for f1. No kameo required, but with Cyrax you can just do any combo into vertical kopter ender and catch them with bf2 EX as they fall towards you.

If you end a combo in db2 EX late j1 db1, you get the above situation, but can have either better or way worse frame advantage depending on the gravity scaling - if you use this ender after a vertical kopter for example, you'll be neutral at best.

Likely best route for Cyrax though is using 113 vertical kopter as a combo ender then place the kunai - no meter required and seems to give even better frame advantage.

You're definitely sacrificing damage for these, but getting launched by the kunai throw can lead to absurd throw combo damage - over 30% if you're willing to spend a bar + kameo with Cyrax.

Cyrax grab combos, no kunai:

Easy: grab, vertical kopter, f12 db1 (canceled after second hit) - 16.5% and sets up a kunai, but you are left at disadvantage. Call cyrax right before Takeda stomps the knee.

Hard: grab, vertical kopter, jump normal db2. - 18% and requires seemingly frame perfect cyrax timing. Could potentially be optimized more, but its so hard to actually get that I stopped trying. Here's the clip for timing:
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Plan to keep up with this and add/edit/improve.

Will be adding special moves and tech sections next, probably tomorrow. Would love help from other members here on TYM. Lmk if this type of thing is even wanted here in the modern age of YT and Discord.
Would much prefer this type of guide than the million YT videos. I like being able to have something I can stick on my other monitor while I play that has the important information - bit hard to do that with a YT video I gotta constantly be starting, rewinding etc. Keep up the good work!


Goro is a Pokémon
Been playing with as many kameos as possible to research for this guide, I'm really enjoying Scorpion, Cyrax, and Jax so far.

Will update this tomorrow!


Goro is a Pokémon
Added Special moves section.

Gonna add general strategy, kameos, and tech sections soon, in no particular order as of this moment.

Will be adding @wsj515 's contribution to the Kameo Cyrax section. If anyone plays Takeda and would like to chime in or add to this, please feel free.


There it is...
Been playing with as many kameos as possible to research for this guide, I'm really enjoying Scorpion, Cyrax, and Jax so far.

Will update this tomorrow!
When do you use jax over cyrax?

Also scorpion doesnt seem to get as good conversions. Is it mainly for his armour chain to get out of pressure?

21bf3u s4bf3f 24db2 K i cannot follow up with another JIP like jax and cyrax it works off other links. Is that just skill issue and its possible?


Goro is a Pokémon
When do you use jax over cyrax?

Also scorpion doesnt seem to get as good conversions. Is it mainly for his armour chain to get out of pressure?

21bf3u s4bf3f 24db2 K i cannot follow up with another JIP like jax and cyrax it works off other links. Is that just skill issue and its possible?
Takeda gets a lot of mileage out of ground pound threat with Air Spear and also combos off of b34. Also the plus frames from Purple Wave are great for Takeda even outside of the corner with Takeda's long range normals. I feel Cyrax is the max damage pick, and Jax has a little more utility, tho cyrax does have B3 net, a safe combo launcher, which is nothing to sneeze at.

I think Scorpion or Janet will be Takeda's optimal Kameo. And yeah, Scorpion gives the armor Spear, which is better than Takeda's own armor move. On that combo you'll want to just end with 4xDB2 for 400 damage, or 4 smart Kunai to be plus 1 or 2 depending on height the 4 hits. Scorpion also has B3xFK, which like cyrax is a safe launcher but there's a pretty big gap between hits.

General tip with Scorpion Kameo, combo routes that use 4xBF3 will not allow you to J24 after Scorpion Kameo, but combo routes that use J24xBF3 will.


^ You have no idea who this guy is ^
Great thread. I'm also using Takeda/Cyrax and the B3 into net is so huge for his gameplan, especially because of the meter drain it causes. Following to see if anything new is shared.


Goro is a Pokémon
Added a few Kameos to the Kameo section. Each of these sections will be updated further soon, but the Tech section will be my next priority.

Still looking to explore Janet, Khameleon, Ferra, Sub-Zero, and Sektor a little more Kameo wise.

Once I get a bit of what I want to do posted here I plan to go back, organize the info and probably color code things to make it easier to navigate.


Goro is a Pokémon

B21xBF3U, 4xBF3F, j21(Scorpion UpKameo)xdf1, j24xDB3 is 343 damage and sets up Smart kunai mid combo and youre +12 at b3 distance. Ending with sweep instead drops damage to 304 but you're +25, point blank, with a smart Kunai at your feet.

There's a chance that this will work as an ender to larger combos, too, but this is what I found meterless. I gotta go to work soon, but I'll check it out more later.


Goro is a Pokémon
Yeah, so J21(call Up Kameo)Smart Shuriken will allow you to follow up with a combo ender at any point in a combo. My internet at home is down, but when it's back up I'll share some clips.


This is my billionth life cycle.

B21xBF3U, 4xBF3F, j21(Scorpion UpKameo)xdf1, j24xDB3 is 343 damage and sets up Smart kunai mid combo and youre +12 at b3 distance. Ending with sweep instead drops damage to 304 but you're +25, point blank, with a smart Kunai at your feet.

There's a chance that this will work as an ender to larger combos, too, but this is what I found meterless. I gotta go to work soon, but I'll check it out more later.
This is pretty solid, I've stayed away from scorp kameo but I kind of think at the end of the day it might be the only viable option due to how important armor is. If we can get lots of setups, it could be really interesting.


Goro is a Pokémon
This is pretty solid, I've stayed away from scorp kameo but I kind of think at the end of the day it might be the only viable option due to how important armor is. If we can get lots of setups, it could be really interesting.

Here's a shitty phone video of the concept for the moment. I think this is big, and I think it's possible Janet could do this for Takeda, too.


There it is...
Takeda gets a lot of mileage out of ground pound threat with Air Spear and also combos off of b34. Also the plus frames from Purple Wave are great for Takeda even outside of the corner with Takeda's long range normals. I feel Cyrax is the max damage pick, and Jax has a little more utility, tho cyrax does have B3 net, a safe combo launcher, which is nothing to sneeze at.

I think Scorpion or Janet will be Takeda's optimal Kameo. And yeah, Scorpion gives the armor Spear, which is better than Takeda's own armor move. On that combo you'll want to just end with 4xDB2 for 400 damage, or 4 smart Kunai to be plus 1 or 2 depending on height the 4 hits. Scorpion also has B3xFK, which like cyrax is a safe launcher but there's a pretty big gap between hits.

General tip with Scorpion Kameo, combo routes that use 4xBF3 will not allow you to J24 after Scorpion Kameo, but combo routes that use J24xBF3 will.
why does janet>cyrax? Midscreen throw combos?


This is my billionth life cycle.

B21xBF3U, 4xBF3F, j21(Scorpion UpKameo)xdf1, j24xDB3 is 343 damage and sets up Smart kunai mid combo and youre +12 at b3 distance. Ending with sweep instead drops damage to 304 but you're +25, point blank, with a smart Kunai at your feet.

There's a chance that this will work as an ender to larger combos, too, but this is what I found meterless. I gotta go to work soon, but I'll check it out more later.
Starting to mess around with scorp now and I'm really liking what I'm seeing. You get gross damage off of raw grabs, serviceable armor mid screen, and now kunai setups are that much more valuable now that they hit low.

I'm going to miss Cyrax net, but I definitely think that overall scorp seems like its going to be most viable in the long run.


Goro is a Pokémon
Starting to mess around with scorp now and I'm really liking what I'm seeing. You get gross damage off of raw grabs, serviceable armor mid screen, and now kunai setups are that much more valuable now that they hit low.

I'm going to miss Cyrax net, but I definitely think that overall scorp seems like its going to be most viable in the long run.
I think so. I'm glad you see the light. The only Kameo that competes with Scorpion is maybe Janet.


There it is...
Frost is fun with takeda.

BF2 ex is very strong ender to set up her bomb.
B3 bomb cancel links into a combo in the corner (bit useless but fun)
You can cut your combos short and end in b21 FK then get your ex kunais down.(works on pretty late combo gravity)

In the corner bf2ex-F b+K dash in b3,f4 and grab all lead to full combo. Basically means they have to wake up to avoid 3 way guess. This setup is safe and wakeup can be bated

definitely not optimal but im enjoying
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