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I mean, it is anti-airable (trust me, I get anti aired from it all the time), but I get where you’re coming from. Being able to alter your jump arc is strong.

However looking at similar moves:
  • sub zero dive kick (full combo meterless and much safer)
  • nitara dive kick (full combo meterless, and safe on block without flawless block-ability)
  • sindel float (meterless)
  • Omni man air dash (meterless)
  • homelander flight (meterless and full combo)
  • reptile drop (cancel option + in is extensions)
  • Ermac flight + drop (actually 50/50 + meterless options)
Again, I think she doesn’t need it to be safe, but I don’t think you’re representing her well, or understand the way she plays well, based on what you’ve stated.

For you to bring out the beta, as if the game (and li mei) haven’t fundamentally changed is disingenuous.
i understand that li mei controls her opponent's approach in neutral with her quick projectile, then has rather safe pressure with good plusframes and a small low/overhead game when they come close. she is also able to armor through or extend her jumps (our point here) if she gets zoned herself. she is neither a pure rushdown or zoning character because she has too many gaps in her strings and only a high projectile, but its rather a constant back & forth between bursts of the 2. is that enough understanding for now?
this is also exactly why i dont want her to have a very simple way to approach her opponent in neutral - its not the character's style and she would have it on top of an already working archetype. thats usually the stuff busted characters are made of, those that excel in multiple areas, how nrs loves to do them. like mkx demolition sonya, which had amazing rushdown - but they also gave her one of the quickest projectiles in the game "because the has to be able to get in against zoners" without thinking about how much of a powerful zoner she becomes herself with it, on top of her rushdown.
making li mei's air db4 safe would make it a "why not" neutral tool opposed to an extension of her anti-zoning repertoire - so on top of being good at controlling her opponents approach, she'd also be great at apporaching herself. and that is simply too good.

then i agree that other chars have good stuff, but how does their whole package look?

sub-zero for example has way harder damage scaling than li mei, its already hard to break 350 with him.
dont know much about nitara, but consensus seems to be shes borderline busted rn.
sindel float doesnt leave any melee options which arent vulnerable to up block as i understand it, cancel -> throw is not hard to react to. same with omni man, he cant blow up up block as soon as hes in viltrumite stance. tell me if i'm missing something here.
homelander and reptile are full punishable, or are we talking about different things?
ermac - i dont know much about the char


Dojo Trainee
So you want to get in and be at 0 or even plus ?
No! lol

The other forum member was suggesting that being at -7 after a jumping special(airdb4) equals to getting in for free, which is obviously false and I was trying to explain to him what actual getting in for free scenarios would look like.

Having said that, airdb4 is in fact -14(slightly varies) on block.


Dojo Trainee
is that enough understanding for now?
I've read your post and with all due respect, I don't think your understanding of the character goes very deep. I'm not sure why you're so insistent on trying to be an expert when clearly you're not understanding the character which people have already told you more than once, but I digress.

Btw, if you have trouble going against Li Mei, which by the looks of it you are, feel free to ask for help. We might be able to help you.


I've read your post and with all due respect, I don't think your understanding of the character goes very deep. I'm not sure why you're so insistent on trying to be an expert when clearly you're not understanding the character which people have already told you more than once, but I digress.
tbh i havent heard anything about li mei from you except asking for buffs.


Dojo Trainee
forget it. ive read through this whole thread and even other li meis are strongly disagreeing with you.
Pal, I have no problem if anyone disagrees with me or not. This is a discussion forum.

However, you're hopelessly trying to engage in a discussion you clearly don't understand or lack knowledge. Which is fine, but if you want to gain knowledge you need to start asking questions instead of trying giving answers.

If you're having trouble against Li Mei and you don't like fighting against her that's also fine. Just say that. Don't start with the "experts" talk of why you think the character should be this or that because you played her for a bit during the Beta like a year ago :laughing:

In my post, either you agree or not, I gave reasons and examples of why I'd like to see the things I've mentioned. And the funny thing is, the move you're crying over it doesn't even matter much compared to the other suggestions :laughing:


Pal, I have no problem if anyone disagrees with me or not. This is a discussion forum.

However, you're hopelessly trying to engage in a discussion you clearly don't understand or lack knowledge. Which is fine, but if you want to gain knowledge you need to start asking questions instead of trying giving answers.

If you're having trouble against Li Mei and you don't like fighting against her that's also fine. Just say that. Don't start with the "experts" talk of why you think the character should be this or that because you played her for a bit during the Beta like a year ago :laughing:

In my post, either you agree or not, I gave reasons and examples of why I'd like to see the things I've mentioned. And the funny thing is, the move you're crying over it doesn't even matter much compared to the other suggestions :laughing:
would be nice if you actually disproved me a single time instead of just claiming you're an expert and i'm not. btw no need to put "expert" in marks, you came up with that term, not me. about your initial post, i have adressed everything you said there (unlike you who only adresses select excerpts of my posts), how an auto-exploding lantern would be able to close every gap and make everything safe and how a safe launching projectile shouldnt also be mid. tbh makes me doubt how much you actually know about li mei. how many matches have you played? whats your record? i mean, in page one you argue iadb4 should be safe because of the execution barrier and get put into place. also on page 1 panicmode called your idea to make iadb4 in general safe insane, now you suggest that also the non-instant db4 is safe and i'm "acting like an expert" for criticizing that? im no expert, shes not my main, but i know her frame data, i know how it feels to play her from about 600 matches and i know how it feels to face her. tbh i'll be out if the discussion goes on on this level.
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Dojo Trainee
would be nice if you actually disproved me a single time
You've been disproved multiple times already both by me and Panic.

about your initial post, i have adressed everything you said there
You addressed nothing. You rumbled about me wanting safe mixups and gapless block pressure which is objectively false.

how an auto-exploding lantern would be able to close every gap and make everything safe
Idk where this comes from. My suggestion of an auto-ignite EXlantern does not indicate in any way I want that. What I said was the EXlantern could be used as a zoning tool for pressure. That would be the intended design, not what you're suggesting. A move can be designed with a specific play style in mind, while avoiding unwanted behaviour like making things safe, etc.

There could multiple ways of doing that. Either by the speed of the lantern, or its frames. It could be unsafe on block, or it could hit Li Mei too if she's too close, etc. There are many ways to make things balanced while keeping the intended behaviour intact. I'm not a designer, I'm just sharing ideas but you want to know EXACTLY how the move would work which is silly.

tbh makes me doubt how much you actually know about li mei.
I'm no expert either, but you're just embarrassing yourself at this point. I have been playing Li Mei since launch. I have thousands of matches with her. Not that it says much, but you asked so there you go.

now you suggest that also the non-instant db4 is safe and i'm "acting like an expert" for criticizing that?
Yeah, because your criticism makes no sense, coupled with the fact that you're so incredibly insistent. Saying thins like you can meter burn when it's not possible in this game, being at -7 after an air special being a "free way to get in", or that you don't have enough counter play against a move that's -7. That's silly to say for any character, not just Li Mei.
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You've been disproved multiple times already both by me and Panic.
no, none of you have proven that air db4 being safe is not too good.

You addressed nothing. You rumbled about me wanting safe mixups and gapless block pressure which is objectively false.
my exact quote, and i dont know how this is rumbling, was:
are you even aware of the options this would give you in melee setups? an auto-explode lantern could close any gap or make any mixup safe.

Idk where this comes from. My suggestion of an auto-ignite EXlantern does not indicate in any way I want that. What I said was the EXlantern could be used as a zoning tool for pressure. That would be the intended design, not what you're suggesting. A move can be designed with a specific play style in mind, while avoiding unwanted behaviour like making things safe, etc.

There could multiple ways of doing that. Either by the speed of the lantern, or its frames. It could be unsafe on block, or it could hit Li Mei too if she's too close, etc. There are many ways to make things balanced while keeping the intended behaviour intact. I'm not a designer, I'm just sharing ideas but you want to know EXACTLY how the move would work which is silly.
finally something tangible. i have written before (example: mkx demo sonya) how NRS has messed up character design so often with the unintended consequences of intended design. like melee characters getting a quick projectile thats supposed to help them work their way in, but unintentionally making them also some of the stronger zoners in the game on top of their rushdown.
now i have a hard time imagining how that lantern would work. its theoretically impossible that the lantern is unsafe on block because li mei can act while its floating, so she can always make it safe by embedding its hit in between string hits. the self-hit is actually a thing that could work, but it would take quite a little miracle to have it in the game without exploits being found. and i think its the opposite of silly to think about how something actually works.
yet after all, there is still the question: why would li mei have more buffs at all? to be stronger, to have more options obviously, but why would she have that? is she not sitting pretty well among the cast? she seems very solid to me.

I'm no expert either, but you're just embarrassing yourself at this point. I have been playing Li Mei since launch. I have thousands of matches with her. Not that it says much, but you asked so there you go.
Yeah, because your criticism makes no sense, coupled with the fact that you're so incredibly insistent. Saying thins like you can meter burn when it's not possible in this game, being at -7 after an air special being a "free way to get in", or that you don't have enough counter play against a move that's -7. That's silly to say for any character, not just Li Mei.
i am obviously aware that you have to dial in meter use in this game instead of confirming it, no matter if its called MB, EN, or EX. and again: there are characters in the game whose only straight options against -7 are poke or throw, the latter even risking a hefty punish. if thats fine in your opinion, its probably also not an issue if li mei doesnt get to sit in someones face safely from 1,5x jump range.
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Dojo Trainee
no, none of you have proven that air db4 being safe is not too good.
My comment was towards you saying that you can meter burn the move and that it's a mixup, which Panic and me for example already pointed out to you multiple times that meter burn does not exist in this game and airdb4 is not really a mixup which I happen to agree of course.

like melee characters getting a quick projectile thats supposed to help them work their way in, but unintentionally making them also some of the stronger zoners in the game on top of their rushdown.
I can't talk about MKX Sonya because I've never played her. What I do know however is that the description above does not really fit Li Mei. Moves like bf1, lantern, f3, and to a lesser extent airdb4 are a zoners tools. Li Mei is a jack of all trades, and a master of none. Which is fine, but giving the character an enhanced version of a tool they already have will not make her all of a sudden too good.

the self-hit is actually a thing that could work, but it would take quite a little miracle to have it in the game without exploits being found.

yet after all, there is still the question: why would li mei have more buffs at all? to be stronger, to have more options obviously, but why would she have that? is she not sitting pretty well among the cast? she seems very solid to me.
No, it's not about power. It's about having more useful tools we can use as Li Mei players. Airdb4 and its enhanced version are very rarely if ever used against above average players. Why? Because they're very high risk, low reward. It's just not worth it.

In terms of the EXlantern which I feel it would be super cool and fun to have, the idea is to be able to zone without a kameo crutch like Kung Lao. You spend a bar, you get to apply pressure instead of getting obliterated by almost everyone from fullscreen.

here are characters in the game whose only straight options against -7 are poke or throw, the latter even risking a hefty punish. if thats fine in your opinion, its probably also not an issue if li mei doesnt get to sit in someones face safely from 1,5x jump range.
I just think you're wrong with what you're saying here. Plain and simple. There are DEFINITELY more options than poke or throw. You can armour, backdash, block, neutral duck, call your kameo, jump, etc.


Dojo Trainee
What I do know however is that the description above does not really fit Li Mei. Moves like bf1, lantern, f3, and to a lesser extent airdb4 are a zoners tools. Li Mei is a jack of all trades, and a master of none.
lmao come on. you can't accuse people of not understanding the character then go say some blatantly wrong shit like this. those are absolutely not zoning tools and she pretty obviously has a sharp design aka the exact opposite of jack of all trades, her relative lack of range and big damage should tell you that (think Kim Wu from KI because they basically play the same. just look at her radar chart and then compare hers to Jago or Fulgore). being a sharply designed character also means she is going to have flaws that you have to work around to be successful. but based on every complaint of yours i've read, the problems you're having aren't the fault of the characters built-in flaws, they're the fault of the player. maybe focus on grinding to level up your game/understanding of the character before asking for every buff imaginable and trying to regulate on other more informed people because it's just a bad look.


Dojo Trainee
being a sharply designed character
Wtf does that even mean? If you're so confident calling me out like that, at least show the absolute minimum effort to make sense. Because all you're saying is an incoherent rant.

ou can't accuse people of not understanding the character then go say some blatantly wrong shit like this.
Oh, really? I'm pretty confident in what I said. What are these moves according to you then?

her relative lack of range and big damage should tell you that
Please do tell what bf1, lantern, f3, and airdb4 are then if not ranged/zoning tools. I'm genuinely curious to see your analysis here.

think Kim Wu from KI because they basically play the same
I have no idea what that means.

maybe focus on grinding to level up your game/understanding of the character before asking for every buff imaginable and trying to regulate on other more informed people because it's just a bad look.
Please F off with the talk down. You said literally nothing in all your post.
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My comment was towards you saying that you can meter burn the move and that it's a mixup, which Panic and me for example already pointed out to you multiple times that meter burn does not exist in this game and airdb4 is not really a mixup which I happen to agree of course.
i have literally adressed the MB thing a couple inches above this^^
also, all aerial attacks in mk1 provide mixups - between attack and empty jump throw if the opponent up-blocks. there is always anti-air, but that is way less reliable when you throw a jump-arc and timing-changing air-cancel like db4 in the mix, where block is the best option. so your opponent has to decide between 3 reactions to defend against a jump-in and is therefore mixed up.

I can't talk about MKX Sonya because I've never played her. What I do know however is that the description above does not really fit Li Mei. Moves like bf1, lantern, f3, and to a lesser extent airdb4 are a zoners tools. Li Mei is a jack of all trades, and a master of none. Which is fine, but giving the character an enhanced version of a tool they already have will not make her all of a sudden too good.
what does it matter what demo sonya exactly is? it was just an example of characters getting too dominating because the excel in multiple areas. li mei has a bit of everything but isnt godlike at anything and thats fine.

because of wonky NRS hitboxes. anyway, they put jax groundpound in without busting the game, so you never know.

No, it's not about power. It's about having more useful tools we can use as Li Mei players. Airdb4 and its enhanced version are very rarely if ever used against above average players. Why? Because they're very high risk, low reward. It's just not worth it.
lets say they arent commonly used to get in in neutral. you wrote it before yourself, tools are designed for certain purposes and need safeguards against abuse. the design of air db4 clearly shows that its not meant to be used to approach the opponent in neutral, but on read or reaction.

In terms of the EXlantern which I feel it would be super cool and fun to have, the idea is to be able to zone without a kameo crutch like Kung Lao. You spend a bar, you get to apply pressure instead of getting obliterated by almost everyone from fullscreen.
kameos are not crutches but integral part of the game. your main fighter and your kameo are ONE character. and as you also have said yourself and i did before, li mei is not a zoner. she uses her projectiles to control her opponents approach, not to lock them down fullscreen. and she has pretty good tools against being locked down herself.

I just think you're wrong with what you're saying here. Plain and simple. There are DEFINITELY more options than poke or throw. You can armour, backdash, block, neutral duck, call your kameo, jump, etc.
do you see that these are all either defensive/movement options or have a bad risk-reward-ratio? this list rather proves my point how strong -7 at point blank in mk1 is.

and, after all, why are we even discussing huge buffs for a character that just got significant changes 2 weeks ago and was already mid-tier before, while others are still sitting at the bottom uncared for?
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Dojo Trainee
Wtf does that even mean? If you're so confident calling me out like that, at least show the absolute minimum effort to make sense. Because all you're saying is an incoherent rant.

I have no idea what that means.
jack of all trades = can do it all, the points on their radar chart are about equal, well-rounded (opposite of sharp). sharp = can do some things very well and others poorly, radar chart would be pointy because stats are min/maxed, not well rounded. i brought up Kim Wu because Li Mei falls into the same archetype of character. they are very good at certain things/parts of the screen and can seem pretty bad when they're not doing their thing. they are not built to control the entire screen or mix the opp to death. they're designed to stand right outside sweep distance and get big damage from either 1. whiff punishing something or 2. use plus frames to open up the opp.

Oh, really? I'm pretty confident in what I said. What are these moves according to you then?

Please do tell what bf1, lantern, f3, and airdb4 are then if not ranged/zoning tools. I'm genuinely curious to see your analysis here.
she doesn't really have a zoning gameplan, generally she's the one chasing because she has to get close/corner them to make them explode. she doesn't want to keep the opp locked down/chuck shit, she wants get close and punish something if they swing or maul if they don't. bf1 keeps her from getting smoked by chars with good projectiles and sometimes checks mid-range dashes. f3 is an okie-doke or cheesy way to get in someone's face but will get checked if used a lot. air db4 is for crushing low pokes, throwing off opp's anti-air timing, turning an early jump over a projectile into a punish, or taking a risk to mix. it kind of operates like a shitty dive kick. lantern is something a zoning character might have because it does lock down the opp in a sense but it's what let's her play her ground game. when lantern goes up it basically says "we are going to play grounded footsies" because they can't jump. now any whiff punish is at least 40% and she can use the threat to get in their face and use plus frames to try to fish for a mistake and it's 40% if she gets it. if they decide they don't want to interact then you just let them walk themselves to the corner and next touch is gonna be fat damage.

Please F off with the talk down. You said literally nothing in all your post.
just calling it like i see it. it's generally a bad look to call out people for being uninformed when saying some crazy shit that not only no one else agrees with, but also just sounds like some bullshit. there was a lot of talking down to other people but i'm pretty sure i don't see any good players asking for air db4 to be safe or mid projectile. if you're really that confident though tag me in the beef thread and we can settle it like real gamers.


Dojo Trainee
I actually love having the opportunity to talk about these things because there's a lot of BS being thrown around about what is what or what it should or should not be, and most often than not is due to one's limited perception/perspective.

they're designed to stand right outside sweep distance and get big damage
That's a good way to describe Li Mei but you're not doing the character justice, and you have a rather short-sighted POV.

she doesn't really have a zoning gameplan, generally she's the one chasing because she has to get close/corner them to make them explode. she doesn't want to keep the opp locked down/chuck shit, she wants get close and punish something if they swing or maul if they don't. bf1 keeps her from getting smoked by chars with good projectiles and sometimes checks mid-range dashes. f3 is an okie-doke or cheesy way to get in someone's face but will get checked if used a lot. air db4 is for crushing low pokes, throwing off opp's anti-air timing, turning an early jump over a projectile into a punish, or taking a risk to mix. it kind of operates like a shitty dive kick. lantern is something a zoning character might have because it does lock down the opp in a sense but it's what let's her play her ground game. when lantern goes up it basically says "we are going to play grounded footsies" because they can't jump. now any whiff punish is at least 40% and she can use the threat to get in their face and use plus frames to try to fish for a mistake and it's 40% if she gets it. if they decide they don't want to interact then you just let them walk themselves to the corner and next touch is gonna be fat damage.
What does "she doesn't really have a zoning gameplan" even mean? If you can't figure out the "zoning plan" with moves like bf1, f3, and the fucking LANTERN then it's a player issue on your part.

1. Bf1 is one of the better projectiles in the game, with EXbf1 being a fullscreen launcher.

2. F3 is NOT an "okie-doke or cheesy way to get in" and you're a bad player for saying that. It's a mid screen overhead that sends the opponent fullscreen on hit, and jump distance on block. It can be quite efficient to check ducking opponents and you can combo off of it with Manado relatively easily. How do you use it to "get in" as you claim when it leaves you at jump distance on block?? Because you're at neutral? That's just shows me you don't understand the move.

3. First of all, airdb4 is a mostly jumping distance move. If you're using it after a jump/jump kick and your opponent is not killing you, this means you're playing against below average players. Plain and simple. There is NO mix out of an airdb4, lol. Although you could technically use it for punishing low pokes and after the opponents projectile, these are extremely niche scenarios.
The move can be used in a similar but not exact same way to f3. As an instant-airdb4 from jump distance to punish ducking opponents. That's it. No more, no less. If you're playing against below average players, then of course you can use it in all sort of different ways since you're not getting punished for it.

4. Since you seem to understand how the lantern is used and how powerful of a zoning tool it is, how do YOU use it since YOUR gameplan is to always sit at jump distance? How often do you use the move and how does it fit to YOUR gameplan?
The lantern is a quite unique and powerful zoning tool. When it's up, it's essentially a no fly zone. It allows the Li Mei player and forces her opponent to play on the ground. In combination with her fast projectile and a Kameo like Kung Lao she can zone quite effectively.

5. Her zoning gameplan then can be quite lethal when combining her lantern, her projectile, low hat, etc. If the opponent comes closer, you f3 and they're back at fullscreen. If they're closer and don't respect your overheads(f3, instant-airdb4), you have a fast, safe low launcher with f4+EXbf1 for heavy dmg.

EDIT: Something I'd like to add. I stated the above from a zoning perspective since this is the argument I'm making. However, if I was to describe the character from a holistic POV it would be like this.
Yes, she is a jack of all trades. She has a decent in your face game with her plus frames but she can't maul like JC or Shao. She can zone with her lantern and projectile, but she's not a zoner like Kitana or Peacemaker. She does have 1 thing however that no one in the game has. And that's the ability to punish everything that's at least -8 on block, and convert it to a full fat combo when paired with Kameos like Janet and Mavado. The thing is, this is NOT an easy task to say the least. One of the best players that uses Li Mei from time to time, Rewind, has showcased that it can be done somewhat consistently but even he can't reliably do it. Let alone lesser players. Her offence is slightly better than her zoning but that doesn't mean it's non-existent.

just calling it like i see it. it's generally a bad look to call out people for being uninformed when saying some crazy shit that not only no one else agrees with, but also just sounds like some bullshit. there was a lot of talking down to other people but i'm pretty sure i don't see any good players asking for air db4 to be safe or mid projectile. if you're really that confident though tag me in the beef thread and we can settle it like real gamers.
No man, you're not calling shit. You should consider getting out of your little bubble and broaden your perspective. Just because YOU haven't seen "good players" asking for certain things doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Get out of your little hole, man. Jeez.
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There it is...
Ex bf1 should not be a mid thats fucking madness.

shes in a pretty good spot right now.

i’d like then to adjust air bf1 so it can hit standing non-tall characters without jump back punch buffer, and off f3. This change would massively increase neutral control especially with lantern up but in an interesting character design way rather than just ongo bongo.

i think giving db4 ex a cancel after the first two hits would be nice, it would at least create a mind game around punishing. It has to be one of the easiest flawless block punishes in the game.

Its a bit of a tricky one as you can make a case for if being safe if mavado janet scorpion didnt exist to convert off it. As then it would be horrible risk reward going for it.

i wouldnt mind a crumb more range on b3 as theres a lot of occasions it visually looks like it should be whiff punishing a poke etc but just whiffs.

wouldnt mind her sweep being plus, given its not got particularly good range and shes a close up brawler would fit in well. Especially considering all the characters who have better sweeps that are plus.

She does not need any more giga buffs.
Y’all are coping
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Dojo Trainee
Is this a buff in general thread?

Kung lao can use some buffs:

  • His EX-projectals can be a little better. I see no difference with his regulars projectiles besides being "slightly" faster?
  • mobility. If NRS can't give him his teleport back, maybe they can give kung lao free teleports when doubled with his cameo.
His armored wake up attack is not that good that he should be untouched. KL at this point is way too meter/cameo depended to be fun and creative.


Dojo Trainee
wasn't even gonna bother responding until i read this part

lololol to the beef thread i go. can't wait to see you play.
Of course you're not going to respond, because you have nothing to say. I've made my point, and I rest my case.

Don't forget to take these nuts with you, wherever you're going ;):laughing: