Totally agree.... the gameplay is so horrible that i wished i was doing MK11 Towers of Time... and those were already real bad. Its an unchallenging, uninspired crapfest with mechanics just intended to annoy, frustrate and prolong gametime.
The good things:
I like the Invasions idea and i love how the mesas look. They did a great job there. The Clues puzzle are also great and the only enjoyable thing in invasion by a landslide.
The bad things;
- The modifiers are horrendous and anti fun. They are either pointless or unplayable. Things like Black screen, white screen, the stupid cough one and the buttom scrabbling one are so bad that i am sure that someone got blackmailed into greenlighting those modifiers. 4-5 modifiers in an encounters is peak stupidity as well, no challenge no fun just a colorful pointless firework.
- Armor. Everything and their moms having armor and super armor nonstop is such a pathetic design. Just there to inflate gametime and annoy the players.
- even with those crap modifiers and all that armor its easy and unchallengng. Its just a big slog. As Mileena/Sareena i put 20 in health/def and than pumped special/attack to 100 in a 2:1 ratio and cleared everything with extele/tele, uppercut, exroll and Sareena projectiles with ease and without fun. Pretty sure this works for all chars. Agility stat is useless, havent blocked a single time the whole invasion.
- AI is bad. You can literally stand around in most non boss fights and the enemy will still struggle to kill you. Lots of times it feels like the AI just fights the air and does random stuff and not even engaging with you. For example i stood in front of a Liu Kang and he just did jump~airfireball three times in a span of around 10sec for no reason.
- syringes are totally broken. 15% perma resist is wild for an item you get frequently. Latest at living forest most elements only tickle you. I had electricity and dark immunity when i reached the Tarkatan camp and at the end everything except phys/blood/ice would do almost no dmg to me. Makes stats like Health and def even more worse than attack/special.
- Talismans and Relics are pointless. Never used a talisman and never equipped a relic beside the one from Johnnys mansion. Exception: after i failed the final TYM in the seasonal challenge Tower i used the Bo Rai Cho talisman to make the slog back to the top faster. It one shots everything.
- currency is almost useless, you get so much of it and the only thing thats worth the time to go buy them are keys, the "double all stats potion" for the seasonal challenge tower and the "no ambush" thing to avoid extra fights.
- survive mini game. Good idea horrible excution. After the first few you can literally stand still and tank them. Totally pointless. Also lack of variety and clucky movement . Seasonal towers has some variety but its pointless there too cuz you can tank those too.
- no map. Why t f not?
- slow walkspeed in mesas
- barely any variation. 1 boring and 1 pointless variationsless minigame. And fights consist of just normal fights, boss fights and endurance with easy targets.
- ambushes are a good idea with bad design. They are just regular fights. I like the ambush idea but as it is its uninspired/unimaginativ and the way invasions are right now it just extends the tedium.
- secret fights.... among all the bad shit this is the worst. Secret fights are supposed to be something awesome, something rewarding, something unique. In Invasions they are just a punishment. You sit there and hope that you dont get one so you can move along. They serve no purpose, they dont reward you with anything special. You even get mocked by the annoucer as he makes it sound like you just discovered something awesome. EVERY NODE HAS A SECRET. Dumbest shit i have seen this year and i play D4.
- netherstone was dissapointing. Absolutely not worth returning to every mesa. Unlocked areas, fights, rewards, everything was underwhelming
- no real secrets or hidden areas in mesas
- seasonal challenge tower... 18 floor slog. Not hard, not fun but as frustrating and annoying and time consuming as it gets. Worst designed tower i have ever played. About half the tower are bosses, mostly 3 rounds with very high hp/armor and tedious and timewasting bs. The other half is challenges.... easy endurances, "survive" minigames with one in which you are totally blind... sooo fun (luckily you can easily tank them all) and 1 TYM. The TYM is another pinnacle of fun gameplay design. Its the last fight of the tower and the zone you have to hit is about 1/3 of other TYM. You have 1 try, if you fail you have to start the whole tower again. And if you beat it you dont get anything besides coins and random talisman. (Some ppls reported to get skins for this, i call bs. Finished it twice and i never got anything beside coins talisman)
- Invasion rewards. The whole mode feels unrewarding. Beside the Scorpion Boss Outfit i cant think of anything i would consider a reward. The unfun nature of the mode as its now (at least to me) amplifies this even more. No/barely any rewards, no fun, not much to discover, no secrets, low variety. Why would ppl do it again next season?
So they should keep the mesas and the clue puzzles and scrap/reimagine/change everything else and add variety/secrets/special events etc... I also hope we dont have the same Mesas every season...