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Ask Me Anything about MK Movieverse and MK2 and MK3 films and I will try and answer

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Oh! I DID find an old copy of his plot summary. This was from last fall, roughly October 2020... Apparently when DVD had asked me for what was wrong with his plot synopsis, I had made a doc file so I could go through and highlight the text before posting it. When I went tonight to retrieve some old information for my current writing project, THIS was still sitting in the word program.

(Just for clarity, I made all the errors red so they can be easily seen. A lot of the scenes are from the 2016 draft, while a couple were never in any script. Some of it is kind of close, like the Johnny Cage ending. )

Movie starts with an ancient scene in a Roman Gladiator Arena (Spartacus Starz tv series like), Raiden is there with the Roman Emperor and fighters are fighting to the death in order to obtain a Medallion that will allow them to participate in Mortal Kombat for Earthrealm. Raiden is pretty cruel in this. We see some flashbacks of Scorpion. Cut to modern times, we meet a down on his luck boxer Cole Morino in Philadelphia (in the former script Cole Turner, played by Singaporean-English actor Lewis Tan), whose wife had died and he can't make money, he has a little daughter, Emily and his mother-in-law who has custody despises him. He owns such a Medallion, handed to him through paternal ancestry. We see him losing fights and living in a very unhealthy apartment. Jax has tracked down his Medallion and comes to his apartment to question Cole about Sonya and Kano and of he has any connection to them. He arrests Cole and takes him with a military convoy of armored vehicles. On the way to the military facility where they want to take Cole, they cross a big bridge and everyone notices it starts to get foggy and chilly, it's like a horror scene, you know what's going to happen. Turns out Shao Kahn assassins have been taking out humans who owned the Medallions in order to prevent them from fighting in the Tournament. Sub-Zero wrecks all the armored vehicles and the SF forces members die. He battles Jax as Cole falls in the water and runs home.

His daughter Emily helps him with some online hacking to find clues about Sonya Blade and the Medallion. Solving these clues, he finds coordinates to a place in Scotland. He travels there and finds Sonya Blade and Kano, who are hiding and preparing for the Tournament. Kano is not evil in this one, Sonya is not with the Special Forces (at least not anymore, they could change that in the script), she's gone a bit lunatic since finding out about the Tournament and Outworld and is a conspiracy theorist. They are found and attacked by Reptile, who injures Kano's eye, but they manage to kill him. Sonya herself doesn't own a Medallion, but they take Cole with them because he has one and they get on a plane which will take them to specific coordinates above China, from where they need to parachute drop. On the plane, Cole is reluctant to do this, but Sonya convinces him. They jump and there's a mid-air battle with another assassin from Outworld, Rain, but he's like this incorporeal being. They finally make it down and travel through some sort of desert until they find Raiden, who takes them through doors which lead to different location all over the globe, similar to how the doors in Matrix Revolutions worked. They get chased by Sub-Zero, but when one door closes, Sub-Zero loses their track.

Eventually, they arrive at the shaolin-like training Temple in which they are to prepare for the Tournament. There's a big clock there showing only a few beats are left until the Tournament (but seconds are like days on a cosmic scale, so they still have some time). They are taken through another door to see Outworld at the Marketplace, where they get in a bar fight with tarkatans (one says ""I served with General Baraka, how dare you...?") and other races and are saved by Liu Kang and Kung Lao, who are also defenders of Earthrealm. They are kind of brothers because they were both orphaned and raised by the Order of Light and Kung Lao is mute (not sure of by choice or naturally), but this type really suits him. In the following days, there's some competition between them in training and they have to find out their inner hidden power, everyone's chi, what they can do. Liu Kang can throw fireballs, Kung Lao has his hat thing, Kano can shoot a laser beam out of his eye when angry, but Cole Turner can't find his and he's unsure what he's even doing there. He's like the weakest fighter there (bar Sonya, who can't even participate cause she doesn't have a Medallion).

When the clock strikes the hour, they are transported to a Outworld location and we get this cool scene where everyone runs away and it's like a desert wind that blows, emptying the streets. In slow motion, we get horror cameos from Outworld's champions coming from different parts: Sub-Zero, Reiko, Nitara, Drahmin, Kabal (yeah, he's evil in this one, working for Outworld) and Mileena. It's an all out Battle Royale. They fights the Earthrealm champions Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Kano and Cole. Mileena refuses to fights Sonya because she doesn't have a Medallion, so she doesn't even matter. The Outworld characters are really hard to beat. Nitara fights both Kung Lao and Liu Kang in a Tower, kills Kung Lao before Liu Kang manages to end her. Sub-Zero and Mileena mortally injure Kano. Sonya holds him as he dies and he passes to her the Medallion so that she can now fight for Earthrealm. By the end, they get transported to this Earthrealm location which is a peaceful neighborhood with houses and normal American population where the last fighters standing are Liu Kang, Cole, Sonya vs Sub-Zero, Goro, Shang Tsung from the Outworld warriors (but Shang doesn't really fight in the Tournament). Goro wrecks everyone and he is unstoppable until a beaten Cole knows that Outworld winning will destroy the world and everyone, including his daughter will die, so he finds his inner secret power and his eyes turn white and he does a "Get over here!" throwing a spear through Goro's head, like in the Scorpion animated movie. Sub-Zero also gets killed. The last 3 fighters with Medallions are Liu Kang, Cole and Sonya. Apparently, the Earthrealm delegation has won, but Shang Tsung informs them that Cole's ancestry is from Outworld, as his father, Hanzo Hasashi, is from Outworld and had left him in Earthrealm when he was a child, for his own protection (flashback of Hiroyuki Sanada as Scorpion), therefore Cole's victory counts for Ourworld. Liu Kang and Sonya are to fight him to decide the victor. But all 3 stand down and refuse to fight anymore. Shang Tsung levitates Sub-Zero's dead body through a portal (presumably to revive him as Noob Saibot) and goes back to Outworld saying the Tournament is not over yet. In the epilogue, Raiden sends them to find more Earthrealm champions and Cole, Sonya and Emily go in a car to the movie set of Johnny Cage.
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Agent of Chaosrealm
6. Todd Garner has personally responded to old messages about DVD and has said that the info is false. This was done back in April.
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DVD has increasingly positioned himself to be someone closer to the production. Even in this very thread, he was telling someone they could pick the characters for a battle because it would be all CGI... This is a red flag. Movies don't work this way, and production members don't do to message boards looking for input. (sorry)

I understand that this was a long post, and again, the majority of you already know DVD hasn't been truthful. I wanted to post this here (I think this might be my first post, even though I've been a member here?) to bring all the facts of the matter in one place.

In DVD's defense, a higher-up dismissing leaks and rumors isn't always a proof the leaker is lying.

Clownfish TV leaked that Masters of the Universe Revelation isn't going to be about He-Man and is going to be a Teela Show. Kevin Smith (the showrunner of Revelation) went out of his way to call them liars and tell the public that Revelation is all about He-Man and isn't sidelined.

Revelation came out and it turned out to be anything Clownfish TV had leaked. Kevin Smith had to admit he called them out in order to make people believe the leak was false and prevent them from spreading the word and leaking the story to a large number of fans. Which is ironic, because by calling them out he exposed the leak to a much larger number of people and got called out by the entire fandom when the truth got out.

So no, while word of God can often clear out the air and dispel rumors, it is NOT, by any stretch of the word, a 100% certainty that the leak is false.


In DVD's defense, a higher-up dismissing leaks and rumors isn't always a proof the leaker is lying.

Clownfish TV leaked that Masters of the Universe Revelation isn't going to be about He-Man and is going to be a Teela Show. Kevin Smith (the showrunner of Revelation) went out of his way to call them liars and tell the public that Revelation is all about He-Man and isn't sidelined.

Revelation came out and it turned out to be anything Clownfish TV had leaked. Kevin Smith had to admit he called them out in order to make people believe the leak was false and prevent them from spreading the word and leaking the story to a large number of fans. Which is ironic, because by calling them out he exposed the leak to a much larger number of people and got called out by the entire fandom when the truth got out.

So no, while word of God can often clear out the air and dispel rumors, it is NOT, by any stretch of the word, a 100% certainty that the leak is false.
True, but in the past there were a few websites that leaked spoiler information on the new movie (much of it being the revised stuff that ended up in the film). They were given C&D's. So, I'm going off of what WB has done for Mortal Kombat, which is to either C&D someone or say that it's old information (as they did with That Hashtag Show's leaks back in 2018).


Dojo Trainee
Okay, time for some clarifications... though, to be honest, it seems no one here believes dvdgamescenter anyway...

1. The first official leak for the movie did not come from him. A podcast/youtube channel called Screenplay Archaeology leaked the entire 2016 draft back in 2017. They reupload their video on Youtube sometime in early 2018 (February/March)... This predates DVD by almost a year:

Sadly, their original blog is no longer up, but the video remains. I believe their original podcast episode was December 2017, though I'm going off of memory.

2. Leaks continued by various people since 2018. Much of what was changed to the final movie was leaked last year. So, it was easily possible for someone to compile a complete plot line for the film if you looked hard enough. Here is just the advanced screening leaks from last December... Personally, I didn't believe them, but it seemed to be correct.

3. DVD has claimed that Larry Kasanoff is heading the franchise. This is contrary to every piece of information that is out there. His name IS in the credits of the new movie as an Executive Producer. Threshold Entertainment, however, was not involved in the production. Most likely, this credit (and probably a paycheck) were awarded to Larry in a settlement between himself and WB. Larry had originally sued to block the sale of Mortal Kombat from Midway and had no less than three different lawsuits.

His name was also not on an early Casting Sheet that was eventually leaked. While the high-level producers were all listed, Larry was nowhere to be found:

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There ended up being SIX executive producers on the film. You can see the date being 2/5/2019. Final script was locked in January 2019.

4. DVD's sequel claims directly contradict what Todd and Greg have said publicly about the proposed sequel. DVD's plot is a large, epic adventure film centering on the Earthrealm characters joining forces with a rebellion in a war against Shao Kahn. Greg Russo had THIS to say about what Mortal Kombat 2 will be about:

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So Mortal Kombat 2 will be the tournament, like the original 1995 film.

What is also strange is that, Todd also said Greg was going to write the sequel... Yet, DVD last year claimed that two sequels were in the works but Greg had left the project. He mentions another writer BY NAME... the only name that connects is an actor from Poland...

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5. DVD has increased his "credentials" over the past year. First he has claimed he never saw screenplays for the movies, only what he was told by others. Then claimed those sources were the team of writers on the film (sorry, but other than Uziel and Callaham -- the two previous writers, Greg Russo wrote the 2021 film) talking to him from on-set in Australia... and THAT is why he got details wrong. Because they were giving him out-of-date info from drafts that were years old by this point?

Now he positions himself to have seen the script treatments (outlines) of the two sequels, and is now beginning to claim he can give details on the 4th and 5th film... Lets think about this. Even IF the movies are made in two years, that is eight years away until Mortal Kombat 5 gets released... And he has the inside info on that movie...

6. Todd Garner has personally responded to old messages about DVD and has said that the info is false. This was done back in April.
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DVD has increasingly positioned himself to be someone closer to the production. Even in this very thread, he was telling someone they could pick the characters for a battle because it would be all CGI... This is a red flag. Movies don't work this way, and production members don't do to message boards looking for input. (sorry)

I understand that this was a long post, and again, the majority of you already know DVD hasn't been truthful. I wanted to post this here (I think this might be my first post, even though I've been a member here?) to bring all the facts of the matter in one place.

Yup, yet this thread is allowed to be up and this guy still holds on to his story as the sole insider who got everything right. Thanks for the summary, should be enough to end this nonsense once and for all.
Here's what always gets me with this whole leak 'culture'.
Let's assume dvd is right about everything and has all the insider info of all these projects that people are hard at work on to be a surprise for fans, viewers and gamers etc.

... Wouldn't that just make him a huge asshole?

No, cause as I explained bwfore, I am not doing any harm to the franchise. The only people who care about reading this are dying to find out and they get more excited about watching the films once they learn new stuff instead of period of years of waiting if I didn't reveal stuff.

99% of all MK fans will not have any idea gling into thw thwatfes.
So it's okay to spill the beans on all the effort these people are putting into these projects because a made up number of people is in a smaller group than the rest?
You really believe leaking doesn't harm the project it came from? Yikes.
@Bran Why do you insist on making a fool.of yourself?

You and I both know that the info you so boldly bolded red above was real stuff planned and in the scripts. The scenes were actually planned and I talked about them in April of 2019.

You insist on saying that some other ppdcast had info about the movie but still use red to highlight what I got wrong, because that info that you say was wrong was not in the pidcasts you mention that are from 2016 or 2017 or God knows when.

You asked me on a discord not to mention you here anymore as a man who owes me an apology and I tried to distance myself from further comments about you. So what are you still trying to do? Why do you chase the internet wherever I post to say that I am lying? I know you want to be in the producer's graces, but I am not doing the movies any harm.

You were proven wrong when you wrote in the past on all reddit threads that my script about the film in 2019 was a lie. It was not and you know those red lines were true. Yes, the red info you highlighted didn't make it into the final movie. I wasn't lying, things just got updated.

Here is what I wrote in January: There are many fights at the end of the movie in separate locations. All Earthrealm fighters get to battle the Outworld warriors, but I'm not sure who fights who. I was just told the basics. It was Kung Lao with Nitara and originally Nitara killed him, for Liu Kang to step up and avenge him. Mileena with Kano cause she wouldn't fight Sonya because she had no right to participate in Mortal Kombat and Mileena walked right past her , kind of a funny take. So that leaves Kabal and Reiko with Jax and Cole, but not sure exactly who fights who. These fights were originally all in a huge place between the realms when the clock struck the time to fight. They since changed it to multiple locations.

And then: Cole's wife's role was greatly enhanced too, she helps in the Goro fight, she crushes a car into Goro so that Cole can beat him. Obviously Cole is weaker than Goro and he only wins cause of plot armor. Same with Sonya v Mileena, she hardly lands a punch, she just uses her arcana. But the dialogue is exactly what I had told you- Mileena doesn't want to fight her because she doesn't have a tattoo and is considered unworthy, she walks right past her without killing.

So all of that happened, that can be checked word for word cause the discord is still there and you yourself were a member.

So cut the crap following me around and saying to everyone it's fake, ok? You know it's true, I know it's true, the movies aren't hurt, don't try to be Todd Garner or New Line Cinema police, cause you have absolutely zero reason.


@Bran Why do you insist on making a fool.of yourself?

You and I both know that the info you so boldly bolded red above was real stuff planned and in the scripts. The scenes were actually planned and I talked about them in April of 2019.

You insist on saying that some other ppdcast had info about the movie but still use red to highlight what I got wrong, because that info that you say was wrong was not in the pidcasts you mention that are from 2016 or 2017 or God knows when.

You asked me on a discord not to mention you here anymore as a man who owes me an apology and I tried to distance myself from further comments about you. So what are you still trying to do? Why do you chase the internet wherever I post to say that I am lying? I know you want to be in the producer's graces, but I am not doing the movies any harm.

You were proven wrong when you wrote in the past on all reddit threads that my script about the film in 2019 was a lie. It was not and you know those red lines were true. Yes, the red info you highlighted didn't make it into the final movie. I wasn't lying, things just got updated.

Here is what I wrote in January: There are many fights at the end of the movie in separate locations. All Earthrealm fighters get to battle the Outworld warriors, but I'm not sure who fights who. I was just told the basics. It was Kung Lao with Nitara and originally Nitara killed him, for Liu Kang to step up and avenge him. Mileena with Kano cause she wouldn't fight Sonya because she had no right to participate in Mortal Kombat and Mileena walked right past her , kind of a funny take. So that leaves Kabal and Reiko with Jax and Cole, but not sure exactly who fights who. These fights were originally all in a huge place between the realms when the clock struck the time to fight. They since changed it to multiple locations.

And then: Cole's wife's role was greatly enhanced too, she helps in the Goro fight, she crushes a car into Goro so that Cole can beat him. Obviously Cole is weaker than Goro and he only wins cause of plot armor. Same with Sonya v Mileena, she hardly lands a punch, she just uses her arcana. But the dialogue is exactly what I had told you- Mileena doesn't want to fight her because she doesn't have a tattoo and is considered unworthy, she walks right past her without killing.

So all of that happened, that can be checked word for word cause the discord is still there and you yourself were a member.

So cut the crap following me around and saying to everyone it's fake, ok? You know it's true, I know it's true, the movies aren't hurt, don't try to be Todd Garner or New Line Cinema police, cause you have absolutely zero reason.
And for the 20th time...

I stated above that all that comes from an old script. You were posting in 2020, the plot of a screenplay from 4 years prior. But stating that THIS was the movie plot when clearly A LOT had changed.

And, that plot summary above shows just how much you DIDN'T know about the movie. You posted that HERE back in October. Yet, now you claim to have inside information on 4 sequels.

And yes. You posting false information DOES hurt the movie. You kept claiming Cole would be the son of Scorpion and have his powers a year ago. Even though they never filmed that. It was changed before you ever "leaked" the info. Yet, people were getting angry at Todd and Greg over stuff that never happened. So, yeah, I DO take offense over the fact that you posting old, old info from years ago led to them being harassed online. Todd even had to leave Twitter for a few months to get away from it.

So... how about YOU knock it off and stop posting stuff. Because here's the thing.

1. Either you are making all this sequel info up.

2. You are posting confidential information ajd property of Warner Bros.

Unless you have proof that you are an employee and authorized to publicly distribute this information, you are subject to law suits by Warner Bros, Broken Road Productions, and New Line Cinema. And any place that posts this info can also be subject to lawsuits.

Keep that in mind.
They were not bullied because of me or the info I gave. The producers were sent bad messafes because the MK community has a problem with anger. It has happened before.

They were bullied because the game was announced to focus on a new character, Cole Turner. Not becauae of what I talked.

I offered people a first read so that they see it's not that bad and Cole ties into the MK mythology.


They were not bullied because of me or the info I gave. The producers were sent bad messafes because the MK community has a problem with anger. It has happened before.

They were bullied because the game was announced to focus on a new character, Cole Turner. Not becauae of what I talked.

I offered people a first read so that they see it's not that bad and Cole ties into the MK mythology.
Except... you had a ton of details wrong with the info you were giving!



Come back when you can prove that was all leaked at the moment when I said it.
Yeah. All those changes listed in that Gamefaqs post were what I spoke about with Realm Kast a year ago... which were known over a year before that podcast.

Again, all those scripts have been circulating on the internet. While you keep claiming you have never seen other info, never seen a script, never saw anyone else leak anything... That's YOUR word. The info has been out there.
Yeah. All those changes listed in that Gamefaqs post were what I spoke about with Realm Kast a year ago... which were known over a year before that podcast.

Again, all those scripts have been circulating on the internet. While you keep claiming you have never seen other info, never seen a script, never saw anyone else leak anything... That's YOUR word. The info has been out there.

NO ONE has ever seen them. Thise scripts you say have been circulating on the internet. People were calling my info bullshit and fan fiction precisely because it sounded so fake.

Show me one of those scripts online.

Show where you talked about that in a realm kast and it has the info I updated there BEFORE I said it : What has been changed from the previous scripts is the Gladiator like beginning with the Medallions story, Jax not getting killed by Sub-Zero in the car chase scene, instead surviving and getting his own story for the sequel, Horoyuki Sanada signed on for flashbacks of Scorpion, little child Raiden changed, Cole Turner his own character differentiated from Scorpion but still related, with the Goro death scene exactly like in Scorpion's Revenge animated, and recently Rain's ethereal airplane jump scene has also been cut.

Show me a single person ANYWHERE in the MK community who has seen one of those scripts leaked.

Has anyone here, or anywhere, seen any of these scripts in 2019 or 2020??


NO ONE has ever seen them. Thise scripts you say have been circulating on the internet. People were calling my info bullshit and fan fiction precisely because it sounded so fake.

Show me one of those scripts online.

Show where you talked about that in a realm kast and it has the info I updated there BEFORE I said it : What has been changed from the previous scripts is the Gladiator like beginning with the Medallions story, Jax not getting killed by Sub-Zero in the car chase scene, instead surviving and getting his own story for the sequel, Horoyuki Sanada signed on for flashbacks of Scorpion, little child Raiden changed, Cole Turner his own character differentiated from Scorpion but still related, with the Goro death scene exactly like in Scorpion's Revenge animated, and recently Rain's ethereal airplane jump scene has also been cut.

Show me a single person ANYWHERE in the MK community who has seen one of those scripts leaked.

Has anyone here, or anywhere, seen any of these scripts in 2019 or 2020??
I'm tired of posting the info. Every time I do, you refuse to look at it. You've seen my interview. You've linked to it before. I showed you the original link to Screenplay Archaeology's 90 minute talk about the script. You refused to listen to it. So, what's the point? You deflect every time.

I even uploaded those scripts to the Discord once the movie came out. They existed on the internet. They weren't hard to find, obviously, people were making videos and posts.

There were even leaks last year on MK Online. GoroLives was posting all sorts of info... before you were even talking about the script changes. Seriously.

You have never shown any sort of proof that you had info before it existed on the internet. You never showed you had the scripts before anyone. You've never shown screen grabs of conversations. You've never shown anything to back up your tall tales. And THAT'S what all this is.

A giant piece of fan fiction starring you. "Employee connected to WB shares inside info for research purposes, but only shares outdated information. Let's everyone know the plots of 4 sequels because he says giving out confidential info is neither illegal or ruins the film."

Get real.







There is the full message you sent to me (minus the beginning, which was all the links to posts you made because you were trying to claim that mods were being paid by NRS or WB to delete your threads...)

The actual date of our conversation was November 14th 2020, not December like I thought. Even in this message, you clearly get things wrong. Yet, supposedly you already knew all the changes? If your insiders work on the movie, then why were they giving you incorrect info from old drafts? When they'd obviously seen the shooting script back in 2019?

NONE of that makes sense. None of it.

If someone is feeding you info, then THEY are the ones making you look like a liar. Because those writers you claim that are giving you info, the supposed writing team behind the MK movie... they aren't risking their careers on you. Not to leak info. You are being fooled. They fed you old info, and if someone IS giving you sequel info, it's stuff they are making up.

Just stop posting this stuff. The movie info was outdated. It made a lot of fans angry over stuff that wasn't even in the movie. And those sequel plot leaks aren't real. They aren't.

Russo hasn't even started writing them. He already told the press that he only has a bare bones idea I his head. Nothing was written down. So any claims that a story treatment or outline exists, is just false info.

Good day.
I'm tired of posting the info. Every time I do, you refuse to look at it. You've seen my interview. You've linked to it before.

I don't have any idea what interview you speak if, I have not seen it and if I did, IT DID NOT HAVE THE INFO I TALK ABOUT HERE.

I showed you dates, show that interview.

I showed you the original link to Screenplay Archaeology's 90 minute talk about the script. You refused to listen to it.

I am talking about the updated info that I gave in November 2020, not an obscure 2017 podcast that has 3 hours and you want me to listen.

If there were so many scripts leaked online, it's not hard to link there.

The ppdcast you speak if, from 2017, which i have not listened to, contains info from 2017, right?

I even uploaded those scripts to the Discord once the movie came out. They existed on the internet. They weren't hard to find, obviously, people were making videos and posts.

There were even leaks last year on MK Online. GoroLives was posting all sorts of info...
You uploaded the scripts after the movie came out. NOBODY in the MK forums or world has seen those scripts in 2020 as you claim. Not hard to find????

Post a link. Get gere someone to post that he has EVER seen the scripts. Some MK fan who uses TYM or discord or reddit or whatever

GoroLives on mko??? What is that??

If EVERYONE knew this stuff, you still don't have a single link??

If I gayhered info from everywhere, how was I not wrong when I gave the updates?? Why didn't I gather info that was bad? There were leaks online about Jarek and the Black Dragons meeting Kano in the jungle. Did I say that??? How did I know which info is true??
@xenogorgeous why are you upvoting a guy who claims there were scripts about the MK movie gping around?? Not even the leaks subreddit had ANY info on the MK movie before I gave it

Not the info I gave anyway. There isn't a single link he can give to prove anything.

It's if course your right to upvote whatever you want, but you must really have it out for me to upvote him.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
@xenogorgeous why are you upvoting a guy who claims there were scripts about the MK movie gping around?? Not even the leaks subreddit had ANY info on the MK movie before I gave it

Not the info I gave anyway. There isn't a single link he can give to prove anything.

It's if course your right to upvote whatever you want, but you must really have it out for me to upvote him.
entertainment purpose .... the struggle between you two lads is being fun to watch .... let's see how this soap opera ends, hehe :cool:



entertainment purpose .... the struggle between you two lads is being fun to watch .... let's see how this soap opera ends, hehe :cool:

Oh I'm done now. I gave all the evidence to show that information existed before he was posting it.

Also, the writer he listed as the sequel writer (replacing Greg Russo in his claims) is:

A. Not a member of the Writers Guild of America:

B. Has no agent or lawyer to represent him. He only had his personal contact info (which I have blotted out for security reasons and privacy):


Therefore, he cannot be writing a new Mortal Kombat movie. He could always be writing on Spec, but he would still need representation.

Even I have an agent/lawyer.

He was shown enough errors, lack of understanding for the film industry, and was always behind posting supposed spoilers. Todd has stated they aren't at the point of doing multiple movies yet (he spoke previous about his desire to one day set up a white board in a writer's room to begin writing the cinematic universe) and Greg has stated any ideas for a sequel exist purely in his head.

So... yeah. All this sequel stuff is fake.
Oh I'm done now. I gave all the evidence to show that information existed before he was posting it.

Also, the writer he listed as the sequel writer (replacing Greg Russo in his claims) is:

A. Not a member of the Writers Guild of America:

B. Has no agent or lawyer to represent him.
So... yeah. All this sequel stuff is fake.


Let's use logic here. It's a guy who you found on imdb as a WRITER. How did I use his name?? Even if you try to randomly type a name on google it doesn't show that name.

I just....used a random name and it happens to be a writer?? Better check put who this guy is and how he ia conelnected to Hollywood. You don't beed a license if someone else is credited- they have loophples all the time.
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Let's use logic here. It's a guy who you found on imdb as a WRITER. How did I use his name?? Even if you try to randomly type a name on google it doesn't show that name.

I just....uaed a random name and it happens to be a writer?? Better check put who this guy is and how he ia conelnected to Hollywood. You don't beed a license if someone else is credited- they have loophples all the time.
Let's also use logic. He isn't registered with the WGA, which is a requirement to write on a Hollywood film. He also has no representation listed, so he doesn't have anyone to submit written work to executives (also needed). He has ZERO credits working in Hollywood, and he primarily works as an actor on a Polish TV series, where he wrote and directed an episode...

So... no...

You can spin all you want, but considering I've had to go through the legal process to submit screenplays... yeah, they aren't just accepting scripts through a GMAIL account. Greg Russo was an accomplished writer before MK and had made the annual Black List and had two scripts optioned.

Try again.
Ok, yoi try and explain then how I got to that name. You can't just google it randomly and it comes up as a writer ;))))))))))

I started writing all consonants on google and I got to his name??
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