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Ask Me Anything about MK Movieverse and MK2 and MK3 films and I will try and answer

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Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
This all sounds so putrid. It's like taking a plate of liver & onions and leaving it out in the sun for three days. I didn't want the plate fresh, and I definitely don't want it now.

Cole is an abomination, these pencil neck screenwriters need to get power bombed into Hudson Bay for penning this Motaro excrement.

Tell your sources to go back to the drawing board. Nothing will beat the OG MK Video Game Trilogy for story telling. There was actual progression in main story arc and characters. Hell at least Midway kept on progressing it beyond the trilogy and taking risks. What risks have NRS or WB taken? The entire story is a fooqin abortion at this point.

If you truly are feeling magnanimous dear fellow, please entreaty your sources to scrap these movies all together. Has the Mortal Kombat name not been drug through the mire enough? Think of the children. :(


I just don't see the point in obsessing over leaks, or giving attention to people who claim to have inside information. A lot of leakers just come off as people desperate to seem important. Even if they do have inside information, not all of that info is reliable, and often times it just ends up in very vague couched predictions anyways. When those predictions come true, the leaker treats it as if they knew it all along, and if they're wrong, well then it was simply due to some other factor but rest assured their insider info is still valid so keep asking them questions.
the leaker treats it as if they knew it all along, and if they're wrong, well then it was simply due to some other factor but rest assured their insider info is still valid so keep asking them questions.
I said the things I wrote years before they are finalised go through changes, expect that, but the overall structure and plot stays.

It's a small talk to see what people here expect and like.

We all like talking aboit Mortal Kombat


I like talking about MK, and I don't mind speculating on future movie ideas, character rosters, dlc, etc. I just don't care about someone's resume of past guesses, or treating their claims of future speculation as gospel. If you've got some source that you thinks makes your guess more valid, good for you. Doesn't really impress me that much though.
What's wrong with saying things how they happened? I did not add stuff. Said what happened in the past so that people know I am not trying to bullshit.

When I was wrong, I was wrong, I said that too.

I like to tall facts, not words cause then some people can attack me. So I made a resume of what had happened and when I said things about the MK movies and game. And not left out anything


Dojo Trainee
Just so people know, reliable people of the uppercut editions team among others have already exposed this guy. No reason to entertain what is clearly a craving for attention. I hope he’s not as desperate as he comes across, but there’s definite signs of serious mental issues.

How can you trust a person who openly bashes others who claim to have inside information that’s also been proven right? Kudos @Juggs for being the voice of reason. Also good to see @Nickolaidas coming around. The man is losing his supporters so can safely say that this thread will die soon and this guy can crawl back to GF.
Just so people know, reliable people of the uppercut editions team among others have already exposed this guy.

Ok, buddy, no problem, just move on if you don't believe.

Also, nobody exposed me.They were rude and unlikeable. I tried talking to then, they have no idea about the MK games and producers . They have an Encyclopedia where they gathered some evidence, that's all.
So believe whatever.


Dojo Trainee
Ok, buddy, no problem, just move on if you don't believe.

Also, nobody exposed me.They were rude and unlikeable. I tried talking to then, they have no idea about the MK games and producers . They have an Encyclopedia where they gathered some evidence, that's all.
So believe whatever.
Ow the irony…apparently you really don’t know about them, but that’s okay. You’d think a fan would be respectful and aware. Good luck with your lies.
What would you like to add for the Outworld parts of the second film? But realistically, as not to change the overall plot

I think you may choose who you want to be in command of the minions of the last battle at Shao Kahn's Tower between Baraka and Sheeva. It will ve a CGI heavy scene either way


Okay, time for some clarifications... though, to be honest, it seems no one here believes dvdgamescenter anyway...

1. The first official leak for the movie did not come from him. A podcast/youtube channel called Screenplay Archaeology leaked the entire 2016 draft back in 2017. They reupload their video on Youtube sometime in early 2018 (February/March)... This predates DVD by almost a year:

Sadly, their original blog is no longer up, but the video remains. I believe their original podcast episode was December 2017, though I'm going off of memory.

2. Leaks continued by various people since 2018. Much of what was changed to the final movie was leaked last year. So, it was easily possible for someone to compile a complete plot line for the film if you looked hard enough. Here is just the advanced screening leaks from last December... Personally, I didn't believe them, but it seemed to be correct.

3. DVD has claimed that Larry Kasanoff is heading the franchise. This is contrary to every piece of information that is out there. His name IS in the credits of the new movie as an Executive Producer. Threshold Entertainment, however, was not involved in the production. Most likely, this credit (and probably a paycheck) were awarded to Larry in a settlement between himself and WB. Larry had originally sued to block the sale of Mortal Kombat from Midway and had no less than three different lawsuits.

His name was also not on an early Casting Sheet that was eventually leaked. While the high-level producers were all listed, Larry was nowhere to be found:


There ended up being SIX executive producers on the film. You can see the date being 2/5/2019. Final script was locked in January 2019.

4. DVD's sequel claims directly contradict what Todd and Greg have said publicly about the proposed sequel. DVD's plot is a large, epic adventure film centering on the Earthrealm characters joining forces with a rebellion in a war against Shao Kahn. Greg Russo had THIS to say about what Mortal Kombat 2 will be about:


So Mortal Kombat 2 will be the tournament, like the original 1995 film.

What is also strange is that, Todd also said Greg was going to write the sequel... Yet, DVD last year claimed that two sequels were in the works but Greg had left the project. He mentions another writer BY NAME... the only name that connects is an actor from Poland...


5. DVD has increased his "credentials" over the past year. First he has claimed he never saw screenplays for the movies, only what he was told by others. Then claimed those sources were the team of writers on the film (sorry, but other than Uziel and Callaham -- the two previous writers, Greg Russo wrote the 2021 film) talking to him from on-set in Australia... and THAT is why he got details wrong. Because they were giving him out-of-date info from drafts that were years old by this point?

Now he positions himself to have seen the script treatments (outlines) of the two sequels, and is now beginning to claim he can give details on the 4th and 5th film... Lets think about this. Even IF the movies are made in two years, that is eight years away until Mortal Kombat 5 gets released... And he has the inside info on that movie...

6. Todd Garner has personally responded to old messages about DVD and has said that the info is false. This was done back in April.

DVD has increasingly positioned himself to be someone closer to the production. Even in this very thread, he was telling someone they could pick the characters for a battle because it would be all CGI... This is a red flag. Movies don't work this way, and production members don't do to message boards looking for input. (sorry)

I understand that this was a long post, and again, the majority of you already know DVD hasn't been truthful. I wanted to post this here (I think this might be my first post, even though I've been a member here?) to bring all the facts of the matter in one place.



.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Okay, time for some clarifications... though, to be honest, it seems no one here believes dvdgamescenter anyway...

1. The first official leak for the movie did not come from him. A podcast/youtube channel called Screenplay Archaeology leaked the entire 2016 draft back in 2017. They reupload their video on Youtube sometime in early 2018 (February/March)... This predates DVD by almost a year:

Sadly, their original blog is no longer up, but the video remains. I believe their original podcast episode was December 2017, though I'm going off of memory.

2. Leaks continued by various people since 2018. Much of what was changed to the final movie was leaked last year. So, it was easily possible for someone to compile a complete plot line for the film if you looked hard enough. Here is just the advanced screening leaks from last December... Personally, I didn't believe them, but it seemed to be correct.

3. DVD has claimed that Larry Kasanoff is heading the franchise. This is contrary to every piece of information that is out there. His name IS in the credits of the new movie as an Executive Producer. Threshold Entertainment, however, was not involved in the production. Most likely, this credit (and probably a paycheck) were awarded to Larry in a settlement between himself and WB. Larry had originally sued to block the sale of Mortal Kombat from Midway and had no less than three different lawsuits.

His name was also not on an early Casting Sheet that was eventually leaked. While the high-level producers were all listed, Larry was nowhere to be found:

View attachment 18369

There ended up being SIX executive producers on the film. You can see the date being 2/5/2019. Final script was locked in January 2019.

4. DVD's sequel claims directly contradict what Todd and Greg have said publicly about the proposed sequel. DVD's plot is a large, epic adventure film centering on the Earthrealm characters joining forces with a rebellion in a war against Shao Kahn. Greg Russo had THIS to say about what Mortal Kombat 2 will be about:

View attachment 18370

So Mortal Kombat 2 will be the tournament, like the original 1995 film.

What is also strange is that, Todd also said Greg was going to write the sequel... Yet, DVD last year claimed that two sequels were in the works but Greg had left the project. He mentions another writer BY NAME... the only name that connects is an actor from Poland...

View attachment 18371

5. DVD has increased his "credentials" over the past year. First he has claimed he never saw screenplays for the movies, only what he was told by others. Then claimed those sources were the team of writers on the film (sorry, but other than Uziel and Callaham -- the two previous writers, Greg Russo wrote the 2021 film) talking to him from on-set in Australia... and THAT is why he got details wrong. Because they were giving him out-of-date info from drafts that were years old by this point?

Now he positions himself to have seen the script treatments (outlines) of the two sequels, and is now beginning to claim he can give details on the 4th and 5th film... Lets think about this. Even IF the movies are made in two years, that is eight years away until Mortal Kombat 5 gets released... And he has the inside info on that movie...

6. Todd Garner has personally responded to old messages about DVD and has said that the info is false. This was done back in April.
View attachment 18372

DVD has increasingly positioned himself to be someone closer to the production. Even in this very thread, he was telling someone they could pick the characters for a battle because it would be all CGI... This is a red flag. Movies don't work this way, and production members don't do to message boards looking for input. (sorry)

I understand that this was a long post, and again, the majority of you already know DVD hasn't been truthful. I wanted to post this here (I think this might be my first post, even though I've been a member here?) to bring all the facts of the matter in one place.




Thanks. I wish I could show some of DVD's older plot summaries of the film to show how much they had errors in them, yet he is close enough to the production to see all the info on the sequels.

The other funny thing is how he is so close to the production to have access to this info, yet he was telling people the reason his threads were being deleted were because mods of Gamefaqs, Reddit, etc were all paid off by NRS and WB to delete them...


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Thanks. I wish I could show some of DVD's older plot summaries of the film to show how much they had errors in them, yet he is close enough to the production to see all the info on the sequels.

The other funny thing is how he is so close to the production to have access to this info, yet he was telling people the reason his threads were being deleted were because mods of Gamefaqs, Reddit, etc were all paid off by NRS and WB to delete them...
yeah yeah ..... I see you point ! :p


I finally learned now, that regarding MK news, nothing is really trustworthy, nothing .... you have Ed Boon on Twitter, trolling and telling blatant lies, you have tons of fake as hell leaks coming from 4chan and Reddit, at daily basis, that in the end, are all waste of time, and people on Youtube and Facebook promoting false rumours and gossips an trying to sell them as pure true facts, lol, only with explicit purpose to gain views, so, total chaotic bullshit stuff being spreading regarding NRS games info ... :D

so, from now and then, for the next NRS game (Injustice 3 or the Marvel Game), and future MK game (MK12), I simply will never again believe any "social media" rumour source, none at all, and only wait when official marketing material promote the real stuff, hehe , the real clips or videos of the real content

Some people are attention whore by nature and poor brainless donkeys stupid idiots, and love to have their 15 minutes of fame on Internet, so , let them rot in hell and just wait for the real thing on the official channels to come up ..... real KP videos, real future contents , etc
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