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UMK11 Patch Notes: 11-7-2020


  • Most Basic & Kombo Attacks now allow for button input buffer during their last 4 frames of recovery
Does this mean plus frames are a thing now or is this something completely different?


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
  • Most Basic & Kombo Attacks now allow for button input buffer during their last 4 frames of recovery
Does this mean plus frames are a thing now or is this something completely different?
Does it say what it was before? Has to do with how much time you have to dial in inputs.
  • Most Basic & Kombo Attacks now allow for button input buffer during their last 4 frames of recovery
Does this mean plus frames are a thing now or is this something completely different?
Sounds like it to me, and not just plus frames but offense in general but why only most attacks?

And why not special moves??

I swear to god the inconsistencies.
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I’ll admit that the character adjustments are more minor than I expected, but I’m glad they are giving Justin variations room to breathe and I’m stoked about the changes to throes and pokes. It should make for a more exciting game.


What a day. What a lovely day.
What's not included that everybody was expecting?
I’m happy about some of the system changes (low pokes being normalized across the cast), but the character specific changes are completely underwhelming. They nerfed or straight up removed a few moves people were really excited to use, and barely any other customs were actually touched.

I can really only speak for Kitana, but she still has 3-4 customs that are completely unviable. With customs being opened, and the way NRS presented it, I expected them to do a balance overhaul of every character. Instead, the fun tools are nerfed, and we’re left throwing together the tools we’ve been using for the past year and a half in a few new combinations. It feels half-assed. At least, IMO.
I’m happy about some of the system changes (low pokes being normalized across the cast), but the character specific changes are completely underwhelming. They nerfed or straight up removed a few moves people were really excited to use, and barely any other customs were actually touched.

I can really only speak for Kitana, but she still has 3-4 customs that are completely unviable. With customs being opened, and the way NRS presented it, I expected them to do a balance overhaul of every character. Instead, the fun tools are nerfed, and we’re left throwing together the tools we’ve been using for the past year and a half in a few new combinations. It feels half-assed. At least, IMO.
Up fan seemed to be breaking the design direction for the game though, so toning it down was expected.

I figure they're going to wait for the wild west to calm down before really touching other stuff, just to see how things play out.
  • Most Basic & Kombo Attacks now allow for button input buffer during their last 4 frames of recovery
  • Toward & Back Throws now lose trades to most other attacks and they do 10 less damage on their initial hit
These 2 changes are potentially huge buffs to offense across the board, just need to confirm if it works like it says. And if it does then this is not an underwhelming patch at all


XBL tag: South of Zero
So they've changed pokes, hops, throw trades, throw damage, FBs on block, and added customs to tournament. This is already a huge pile of changes, so layering large amounts of character specific changes on top of that wouldn't be wise.
I wouldn't even qualify what they did with FB on block to be an actual change, it's so minimal. But I agree.


D'Vorah for KP2 copium
Kreepy Krawler has been around since last year with the V3 update; yet Fly By, Krawler, and Flippin' Out received no buffs. Buzzed has been around since fucking launch and Ticking Time Bug received no buffs. D'Vorah is officially pigeonholed into Deadly Swarm, Widow's Kiss, Strep, and MAYBE the bonus strings.

"Customs" my fucking ass.


Ambiguous world creator
Posted this in the "community patch notes" thread like two seconds before the actual patch notes dropped, so re-posting in a better home (apologies for the duplication).

I was steaming mad yesterday because of how underwhelming this patch felt, especially with respect to (1) not delivering some obviously needed balance changes to the strongest and weakest characters, and (2) the universal knockdown advantage change actually hurting setup-heavy characters.

To be clear, I'm still feeling pretty annoyed (and constantly refreshing the official patch notes page), but trying to be even-minded about this. They just enabled custom variations in ranked--that's a BIG CHANGE ffs, so no one should be downplaying that and saying we barely got anything. We just got literally the most requested change since day one and it's effing huge.

That also means that NRS just threw a 'custom variation' hand grenade into the 'balance' barrel of monkeys. I half expect they're all huddled in the corner right now, waiting and hoping the whole thing doesn't explode. With such a radical shift in the meta, is it really reasonable for NRS to try to make balance changes at the same time? It's going to take some time to see how things shake out and then reassess balance.

Believe me, I'm feeling irritated and impatient too. But enjoy custom craziness, enjoy the new characters, and maybe we'll get a real balance patch in a few months.


The future of law enforcement.
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That's why these giant patches are never a good idea, though. It's that way with any kind of iterative design. You're better off looping over small changes than trying to throw "one massive grenade" to change everything at once. Instead of pussyfooting around with their "1-frame here, 1 fixed animation there" for the past year, they could have been rolling out these substantive changes bit by bit.