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PlayStation 5 Showcase


Use only logic, please
I thought the show was OK. A lot of rehashing stuff we have already seen. The part that still has me laughing is all the folks who blindly stated that "Xbox was holding next gen back" due to the Xbox Series S being a 1080/1440p machine. I wonder where their argument is now that we ALL know that all these PS5 "Exclusives " are also coming to the PS4. Xbox holding back next gen for being consumer friendly (smh)? Good on Sony for also being consumer friendly. Hopefully Sony stops listening to these nut-jobs who know nothing about business or tech.


The PlayStation 5 is $629.99 here in Canada, that's nuts! The Xbox Series X is $599.99. Considering both are $499.99 US, I'm surprised Sony increased the cost here, you'd think they'd at least maintain parity.