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This community is hypocritical.

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
I just don't get this community. Ever since MK9, it's some song and dance on repeat. It's like a fucked up version of Groundhog Day. I'm going to list off as many instances where the community is hypocritical. I think I know which one to start with first.

"NRS patches the game too much! Let the game grow!"

NRS did this and people complain about not getting enough patches and calling the game incomplete. Uh...what? LOL! I would hate to work at NRS and browse social media to take feedback apply said feedback just for them to complain about again. It's like fans demanding their favorite rapper go back to certain flow he did when he was younger he does it and people pan it for beign whack, corny, and lame.

"Wake up system is too braindead!"

Well this one goes back a few games. People were not fans of the iframes on wakeups. Okay fair enough but NRS changes it up to remove the armor and people complain they can't do anything once they're down. In MK11, they went out of their way to expand the wake up system so you're not fucked in this situation but players complain that, "OH my god they got too many options and can get out of everything! I'm not being rewarding for scoring a knockdown." Dude make a read.

"Jump ins and jumps are too strong!"

Okay fair enough they're a little too safe. Fixes them "They're still too strong, you say?" Wait...you want to be rewarded for making a read and don't feel rewarded even though you need a deep jump to be safe on a jump in? Ah....uh.... dude make the read. The game won't play itself. I don't get this complaint because it seems people just didn't wanna make a read but are still mad they can't make a read on shit where if you jump you're negative on block. This game is all about reads and people don't wanna make them.

"Jacqui Briggs is too strong!"

Replace Jacqui with Batgirl, Kabal, Superman, and Aquaman. You get the same thing here. Usually they may end up being right and the character is nerf but sometimes they end up being wrong as the character proves to not be as effective. You want to see broken, go look up prepatch controller on Fornite. This leans on people not wanting to learn the mu and just get rid of something they don't like fighting against. I play SC6 most of the times and I would pay an organ to get rid of characters like Maxi, Azwel, and Shopitia but I can't. The character is strong and you need to make the effort to figure out how to beat them. It's easy to write a tweet about Jacqui being broken, but it is another to put the time in to figure her out. No fighter is gonna be perfect and we not to stop looking for it.

"We want neutral. I don't like options that skip neutral."

MK11 gives you that but you start to whine you can't just go ham. You can't have it both ways.

Now should MK11 stay the same? No, but I feel every time I hear someone, "If they do this the game will be in a better place." I'm sick of hearing this as it is fucking lip service and you will never be happy as you'll find someone else to complain about next. I think SC6 is in a good place right now despite how I think some characters are a little too strong. I was a fool to say, "If they nerf Azwel hard the game is in a good place." They didn't and people just got better at fighting him. What happened to adapting? Stop waiting for buffs and nerfs to make the game feel artificially better to you when you'll just move the goal post further.

I didn't want to vent but after five games of this, I think the community needs to be called out. We need to stop this as I feel we hurt our own games. I'm happy to at least see that people still play the older games but we need to love right now, not 3 to 5 years later.
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Administrator and Community Engineer
Haha, it's funny that in parallel, I was writing a similar post.

3-4 years ago the complaints were the following:
  • -Stop listening too much to players and making kneejerk nerfs/buffs
  • -Be more conservative in patches instead of 'tier shifting'
  • -(And stop patching the game so often, give metas more time to breathe)
  • -Less 50/50s
  • -Bring footsies back
And in 2020 the complaints are the following:
  • -Listen to players more and patch what they want patched immediately
  • -Be less conservative in patches and shift tiers around so that the game is more interesting
  • -Patch the game more often, give metas less time
  • -Bring 50/50s back
  • -Footsie-based gameplay is boring
The message is that people will complain no matter what. And that message means legitimate concerns will not get through when we they arise, because the community is complaining nearly 100% of the time.

People say that they want more communication about what NRS is thinking or might do, but then when NRS communicated around reveal time that they might or might not have custom variations in competitive play, and ultimately decided not to for launch, people blew a gasket for for months as if they'd promised them for tournament.

It's almost laughable, but it's really sad, as we're becoming the community that will, for 4 games straight, kill our own competitive scene if we think the game isn't perfect. Constructive criticism balanced with hype is important, but it seems people have forgotten how to do anything constructively.

We're close to a point of no return.

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
Why is there two of this thread?
That was a mistake on my end. I messed up with hitting submit twice. Sorry about that.

Haha, it's funny that in parallel, I was writing a similar post.

3-4 years ago the complaints were the following:
  • -Stop listening too much to players and making kneejerk nerfs/buffs
  • -Be more conservative in patches instead of 'tier shifting'
  • -(And stop patching the game so often, give metas more time to breathe)
  • -Less 50/50s
  • -Bring footsies back
And in 2020 the complaints are the following:
  • -Listen to players more and patch what they want patched immediately
  • -Be less conservative in patches and shift tiers around so that the game is more interesting
  • -Patch the game more often, give metas less time
  • -Bring 50/50s back
  • -Footsie-based gameplay is boring
The message is that people will complain no matter what. And that message means legitimate concerns will not get through when we they arise, because the community is complaining nearly 100% of the time.

People say that they want more communication about what NRS is thinking or might do, but then when NRS communicated around reveal time that they might or might not have custom variations in competitive play, and ultimately decided not to for launch, people blew a gasket for for months as if they'd promised them for tournament.

It's almost laughable, but it's really sad, as we're becoming the community that will, for 4 games straight, kill our own competitive scene if we think the game isn't perfect. Constructive criticism balanced with hype is important, but it seems people have forgotten how to do anything constructively.

We're close to a point of no return.
NRS is one of the best companies in gaming outside of shaky shit here or there. We don't deserve them. We're getting an NRS Cup because Boon sees people still playing the old games. If there is one aspect of us I like is that we keep playing our games and running events for them.

I think we're getting better but aftermath has been a can of worms. I'm not here to say MK11 is perfect but I really feel people don't know what they want. M2KDave is right about one thing. The community doesn't want a balance game. They want a game where they can abuse broken shit. There is a reason people have been defending MK9 and 10 lately. They're fun games but it is a fact MK11 is more balanced than them.

I made a status on here that said," Remaster MK9 so we can bitch about it again."


What a day. What a lovely day.
I’m almost impressed at the amount that you seem to misunderstand the complaints about the game.

“NRS patches the game too much, but now they’re not patching!”
This is more of an issue with people who do not exclusively play NRS games. And while, yes, in the past NRS has shown to change things too quickly (you could argue Deathstoke, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, etc.), one could also argue that in that game in particular, NRS has been very cautious to change the meta at all. Jacqui is still everywhere. Top players still complain about how busted Fatal Blows and jiK’s are. Breakaways are still considered a flawed mechanic, etc.

“Wakeups are brain dead.”
You’ve hilariously simplified the wakeup game down to, “dude, make a read.” The person on the ground has 9+ options to make the aggressor (AKA, the person who scored the knockdown) make the wrong read. I don’t know about you, but that’s absolutely absurd to me as a logical human being. I should be wary of your options, but not absolutely afraid to approach if YOU’RE the one on your back.

“Jump ins are too strong.”
Yes. They are. jiK’s have insane priority. And they’re plus. And they can be option selected. Some characters have worse than others, sure, but for the most part; a jiK is an always safe option that leaves you plus next to the opponent and is incredibly hard to consistently AA unless done on a read, not reaction to the jump, a read. Which leads us to...

“We wanted neutral!”
Exactly. We didn’t want all of these nigh-unreactable attacks that hit us anywhere on screen. Jacqui simply ignores neutral due to her jump (a point I ignored due to the sheer idiocy of your statement), and can do it quite easily, hence why we see her flooding the top 8’s like Mileena fans flood Boon’s Twitter. Geras sand traps if you so much as think about counter poking. Cetrion’s teleport. A million other damn near unreactable specials and normals you just have to deal with, and then..... Fatal Blows. The momentum killers themselves. God forbid you do anything against characters like Geras in the “neutral” at ~30% health. You’re dead. Nice (yes, yes, MU dependent. Thing is... anything you do against any character can lead to death at ~40%. That’s not good game design IMO). Oh, and those pesky jump attacks rear they’re ugly heads here too. :)

What a fucking self-servicing thread. Please. Pros and casuals alike make these complaints constantly, and there’s a reason for it.


Dojo Trainee
@xWildx I think for the wakeup system you just have to accept that going for a meaty is a losing gamble when opponent has defensive meter. I just don’t go for them anymore for the most part unless I’m gambling on a hard read. Instead I usually shimmy to bait a wakeup and punish. Ngl though I’m free to rolling...gets me every time.

For Jump-in kicks, those are negative unless it’s a deep jump-in. If I see my opp take to the air I immediately let go of block and crouch, ready to d2 or AA combo. Works pretty well against most characters’ jump-in attacks. If I was to nerf them in any way I’d make the Flawless Block window 2-5 frames larger for jump attacks.

Yes some characters have tools that absolutely make me salty. Geras’ FB has no right to be that godlike after so many patches. Some fuck-neutral tools in the game are just mind numbing to play against for sure. It forces you to learn counter picks which isn’t my favorite thing.

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
I’m almost impressed at the amount that you seem to misunderstand the complaints about the game.

“NRS patches the game too much, but now they’re not patching!”
This is more of an issue with people who do not exclusively play NRS games. And while, yes, in the past NRS has shown to change things too quickly (you could argue Deathstoke, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, etc.), one could also argue that in that game in particular, NRS has been very cautious to change the meta at all. Jacqui is still everywhere. Top players still complain about how busted Fatal Blows and jiK’s are. Breakaways are still considered a flawed mechanic, etc.

“Wakeups are brain dead.”
You’ve hilariously simplified the wakeup game down to, “dude, make a read.” The person on the ground has 9+ options to make the aggressor (AKA, the person who scored the knockdown) make the wrong read. I don’t know about you, but that’s absolutely absurd to me as a logical human being. I should be wary of your options, but not absolutely afraid to approach if YOU’RE the one on your back.

“Jump ins are too strong.”
Yes. They are. jiK’s have insane priority. And they’re plus. And they can be option selected. Some characters have worse than others, sure, but for the most part; a jiK is an always safe option that leaves you plus next to the opponent and is incredibly hard to consistently AA unless done on a read, not reaction to the jump, a read. Which leads us to...

“We wanted neutral!”
Exactly. We didn’t want all of these nigh-unreactable attacks that hit us anywhere on screen. Jacqui simply ignores neutral due to her jump (a point I ignored due to the sheer idiocy of your statement), and can do it quite easily, hence why we see her flooding the top 8’s like Mileena fans flood Boon’s Twitter. Geras sand traps if you so much as think about counter poking. Cetrion’s teleport. A million other damn near unreactable specials and normals you just have to deal with, and then..... Fatal Blows. The momentum killers themselves. God forbid you do anything against characters like Geras in the “neutral” at ~30% health. You’re dead. Nice (yes, yes, MU dependent. Thing is... anything you do against any character can lead to death at ~40%. That’s not good game design IMO). Oh, and those pesky jump attacks rear they’re ugly heads here too. :)

What a fucking self-servicing thread. Please. Pros and casuals alike make these complaints constantly, and there’s a reason for it.
I always find it funny people like you show up and try to flex on me. I don't know who you are but your post is really bad. Anyway line by line. Also our top players are literally divas. They complain anything. You can almost mistake them for UFC fighters/boxers with how much they complain.

Incorrect. The people who bring this up were established palyers who are still in the community. But just because we got others we don't play NRS 24/7, it doesn't take a genius to realize when you are overpatching a game too much. Jacqui is everywhere but isn't winning everything. I find that very interesting as people just don't want to play agaisnt her so they have trick themselves as she is an unbeatable god when she isn't. I think their approach to this game has been smart and this has been a weak defense to patching for the sake of patching because people hate x, y, and z.

I did that because it is a fucking read and I like how it is now and not having to deal with fucking 100 billion iframes when I knock someone down. You and others want to fuck over the person who is knockdown and give them fucking crumbles to work with. So, yes, make a fucking read my guy. It won't hurt you.

The scrub guy pretty much fills in what I wanna say but I will just add, "Do you play this?" I ask that because jump ins were nerf ages ago and the only safe one is a deep jump in which is something you can anti air on reaction. It is your fault if you're gifting +18 to the opponent.

Where is your game design degree? I would like to see it. After how you foolishly spouted false information about jump ins, I really don't think you know what you're talking about this and just copy what other people say. You want to be apart of a group but it seems you mroe so a follower than a leader. Also a good chunk of those characters tone down, so you're late my friend. Even Jacqui has to spend bar to keep doing the Upgrade jumps but even then if you don't sit there and block you can beat it. People have don't it before. This is kind of funny since I play Jacqui and I am just sitting here watching people flop and flip like fish against her. Jacqui is a beast, but man you guys need to stop stinking up the joint your trash defense.

@xWildx I think for the wakeup system you just have to accept that going for a meaty is a losing gamble when opponent has defensive meter. I just don’t go for them anymore for the most part unless I’m gambling on a hard read. Instead I usually shimmy to bait a wakeup and punish. Ngl though I’m free to rolling...gets me every time.

For Jump-in kicks, those are negative unless it’s a deep jump-in. If I see my opp take to the air I immediately let go of block and crouch, ready to d2 or AA combo. Works pretty well against most characters’ jump-in attacks. If I was to nerf them in any way I’d make the Flawless Block window 2-5 frames larger for jump attacks.

Yes some characters have tools that absolutely make me salty. Geras’ FB has no right to be that godlike after so many patches. Some fuck-neutral tools in the game are just mind numbing to play against for sure. It forces you to learn counter picks which isn’t my favorite thing.
I feel with Gears while he was good, I think people respected him too much. I got an issue with FBs in this game doing too much damage but no one wants to talk about that. I think FBs are almost perfect if they fix that one little problem with them. Because the range and armor isn't what bothers me about them. This is coming from a Jax main where he had a FB that was i11 on start up. They made it i18 and people think it sucks now.(It doesn't). FBs have counter play to them though and you're not super helpful like some make it out to be.


1 2 3 drink
I’m almost impressed at the amount that you seem to misunderstand the complaints about the game.

“NRS patches the game too much, but now they’re not patching!”
This is more of an issue with people who do not exclusively play NRS games. And while, yes, in the past NRS has shown to change things too quickly (you could argue Deathstoke, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, etc.), one could also argue that in that game in particular, NRS has been very cautious to change the meta at all. Jacqui is still everywhere. Top players still complain about how busted Fatal Blows and jiK’s are. Breakaways are still considered a flawed mechanic, etc.

“Wakeups are brain dead.”
You’ve hilariously simplified the wakeup game down to, “dude, make a read.” The person on the ground has 9+ options to make the aggressor (AKA, the person who scored the knockdown) make the wrong read. I don’t know about you, but that’s absolutely absurd to me as a logical human being. I should be wary of your options, but not absolutely afraid to approach if YOU’RE the one on your back.

“Jump ins are too strong.”
Yes. They are. jiK’s have insane priority. And they’re plus. And they can be option selected. Some characters have worse than others, sure, but for the most part; a jiK is an always safe option that leaves you plus next to the opponent and is incredibly hard to consistently AA unless done on a read, not reaction to the jump, a read. Which leads us to...

“We wanted neutral!”
Exactly. We didn’t want all of these nigh-unreactable attacks that hit us anywhere on screen. Jacqui simply ignores neutral due to her jump (a point I ignored due to the sheer idiocy of your statement), and can do it quite easily, hence why we see her flooding the top 8’s like Mileena fans flood Boon’s Twitter. Geras sand traps if you so much as think about counter poking. Cetrion’s teleport. A million other damn near unreactable specials and normals you just have to deal with, and then..... Fatal Blows. The momentum killers themselves. God forbid you do anything against characters like Geras in the “neutral” at ~30% health. You’re dead. Nice (yes, yes, MU dependent. Thing is... anything you do against any character can lead to death at ~40%. That’s not good game design IMO). Oh, and those pesky jump attacks rear they’re ugly heads here too. :)

What a fucking self-servicing thread. Please. Pros and casuals alike make these complaints constantly, and there’s a reason for it.
Everything you complain about happens in other fightingames too.

If your afraid to aproach someone after a knockdown thats on you. In Killer instinct if opponent has meter u also cant just go meaty after knockdown, you have to make a read what your oppoent is gonna do and even if they do have meter there are counters to it, just like in other fightingames.

Jump ins are too strong even tho they nerfed them and if you let ppl jump on you thats on you not the game. There are options to counter it, antiair, flawless block, make it whiff by crouching, dashing, etc.

About neutral, just because a character can hit you from midscreen or farther doesn't mean the game doesnt have neutral. If that was the case, not many fightinggames would have neutral except virtuafighter.

You guys seriously need to start playing other fightingames to actually learn what fightingames is about instead of copying random tweets from pros.


Dojo Trainee
@CrimsonShadow I agree with most of your points except...

People say that they want more communication about what NRS is thinking or might do, but then when NRS communicated around reveal time that they might or might not have custom variations in competitive play, and ultimately decided not to for launch, people blew a gasket for for months as if they'd promised them for tournament.
My issue with how they handled the variation system was their communication about it was way too late. There was no discussion about anything other than custom variations until the very last minute. We had a stress test and a beta where we only played with custom variations and were never told that there’d be anything different.

To me, it felt like someone was trying to sell us something while hiding the fine print. And remember, we had to pre-order to play in the beta, so if you wanted to play in the beta, and there was no reason to assume customs wouldn’t be tournament legal (I’m still surprised they aren’t), then they had our buy-in before giving us these details.

Personally, I think the community has the right to be a little upset with how late this was communicated.

edit: nevermind, I was wrong. Boon clearly established customs wouldn’t be tournament legal well before the beta. I guess I chose not to remember it
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My issue with how they handled the variation system was their communication about it was way too late. There was no discussion about anything other than custom variations until the very last minute. We had a stress test and a beta where we only played with custom variations and were never told that there’d be anything different.
The game was announced Oct/Nov 2018, then silence until the reveal in Jan 2019. After the reveal I recall reading a number of times the quote from Boon saying they're still looking at how variations would play in a tournament setting. So literally from the first real info being released of the game there was talk that customs may not be the default option. Just because there wasn't a full page ad in the NYT or it trending on Twitter doesn't mean it wasn't discussed.

And it was a beta, things can and will change.

What would be interesting is to see who the complainers are. Are they the same people that just like to be heard, or is it the opposing camps that just don't like each games particular play style. MKX lovers hating on MK11 and vice versa.


Ermac ftw
The community doesn't want a balance game. They want a game where they can abuse broken shit.
Funny part is, when mkx was the current game with its brokenness, every single “pro player” disliked it and wanted a balanced neutral heavy game, which is what we have right now, and now all those same players dislike the game and want all that broken bs back.
Bottom line is, the community is indeed hypocrite asf.


i swear people here overuses the word neutral and footsies too much, unless you guys reinvented the term the only non sf games ive seen something remotely similar to footsies are either 20 year old games or a super niche anime fg based off a hentai game. stuff in nrs games have way too much recovery and movements are too slow to play footsies
heck i've seen something more similar to footsies in xrd, way more neutral too and that game is still far from being neutral and footsies based
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Funny part is, when mkx was the current game with its brokenness, every single “pro player” disliked it and wanted a balanced neutral heavy game, which is what we have right now, and now all those same players dislike the game and want all that broken bs back.
Bottom line is, the community is indeed hypocrite asf.
100 times this. MKX ( a game I enjoyed) was broken, dumbed down and a 'coin flip simulator' that allegedly anyone could pick up and play. Now it's regarded as fun and deeper than MK11. I'm looking forward to the revisionist history this community is going to conjer up about MK11 when we in year two of MK12 :rolleyes:


Dojo Trainee
The game was announced Oct/Nov 2018, then silence until the reveal in Jan 2019. After the reveal I recall reading a number of times the quote from Boon saying they're still looking at how variations would play in a tournament setting. So literally from the first real info being released of the game there was talk that customs may not be the default option. Just because there wasn't a full page ad in the NYT or it trending on Twitter doesn't mean it wasn't discussed.

And it was a beta, things can and will change.

What would be interesting is to see who the complainers are. Are they the same people that just like to be heard, or is it the opposing camps that just don't like each games particular play style. MKX lovers hating on MK11 and vice versa.
I’m sorry but I don’t recall Boon discussing that beforehand... I’m not saying I don’t believe you, I just don’t remember it. That said, according to what you claimed, Boon didn’t confirm the tournament variations back then, so I still think my point stands and they're communication was too late.

Edit again: nevermind, I was wrong about this. It was established that they wouldn’t be legal much earlier.

Anyways, I recently came back to this site and I find it interesting that people seem to be lumped into pro-MKX/anti-MK11 camps and vice versa... Can’t anyone simply like both games for different reasons but also think they could both be improved on for different reasons as well? Just because you want to see the current game improved, does that automatically mean you hate it? Or if you want to point out its flaws in an attempt to make it better for everyone that you’re a complainer who just likes to be heard?
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My pussy, my rules
There's a happy medium to be found between "meta-changing, tier-flipping patches every month" and "tower consumable bug fixes plus a page and a half of Kitana buffs every 6-7 months". Until NRS finds it, I'm just gonna keep complaining.

Stay mad about it.


Philanthropist & Asshole
I just don't get this community. Ever since MK9, it's some song and dance on repeat. It's like a fucked up version of Groundhog Day. I'm going to list off as many instances where the community is hypocritical. I think I know which one to start with first.

"NRS patches the game too much! Let the game grow!"

NRS did this and people complain about not getting enough patches and calling the game incomplete. Uh...what? LOL! I would hate to work at NRS and browse social media to take feedback apply said feedback just for them to complain about again. It's like fans demanding their favorite rapper go back to certain flow he did when he was younger he does it and people pan it for beign whack, corny, and lame.

"Wake up system is too braindead!"

Well this one goes back a few games. People were not fans of the iframes on wakeups. Okay fair enough but NRS changes it up to remove the armor and people complain they can't do anything once they're down. In MK11, they went out of their way to expand the wake up system so you're not fucked in this situation but players complain that, "OH my god they got too many options and can get out of everything! I'm not being rewarding for scoring a knockdown." Dude make a read.

"Jump ins and jumps are too strong!"

Okay fair enough they're a little too safe. Fixes them "They're still too strong, you say? Wait...you want to be rewarded for making a read and don't feel rewarded even though you need a deep jump to be safe on a jump in? Ah....uh.... dude make the read. The game won't play itself. I don't get this complaint because it seems people just didn't wanna make a read but are still mad they can't make a read on shit where if you jump you're negative on block. This game is all about reads and people don't wanna make them.

"Jacqui Briggs is too strong!"

Replace Jacqui with Batgirl, Kabal, Superman, and Aquaman. You get the same thing here. Usually they may end up being right and the character is nerf but sometimes they end up being wrong as the character proves to not be as effective. You want to see broken, go look up prepatch controller on Fornite. This leans on people not wanting to learn the mu and just get rid of something they don't like fighting against. I play SC6 most of the times and I would pay an organ to get rid of characters like Maxi, Azwel, and Shopitia but I can't. The character is strong and you need to make the effort to figure out how to beat them. It's easy to write a tweet about Jacqui being broken, but it is another to put the time in to figure her out. No fighter is gonna be perfect and we not to stop looking for it.

"We want neutral. I don't like options that skip neutral."

MK11 gives you that but you start to whine you can't just go ham. You can't have it both ways.

Now should MK11 stay the same? No, but I feel every time I hear someone, "If they do this the game will be in a better place." I'm sick of hearing this as it is fucking lip service and you will never be happy as you'll find someone else to complain about next. I think SC6 is in a good place right now despite how I think some characters are a little too strong. I was a fool to say, "If they nerf Azwel hard the game is in a good place." They didn't and people just got better at fighting him. What happened to adapting? Stop waiting for buffs and nerfs to make the game feel artificially better to you when you'll just move the goal post further.

I didn't want to vent but after five games of this, I think the community needs to be called out. We need to stop this as I feel we hurt our own games. I'm happy to at least see that people still play the older games but we need to love right now, not 3 to 5 years later.
He’s right.
Y’all basic.


Not Good Enough
Previous NRS games have had a variety of different designs and paradigms in terms of their mechanics. They are taking the effort to experiment and implement certain concepts to see what fits with their clientele. I fall into the camp that none of us are developers and we shouldn’t act as such. NRS should view the characters and mechanics of their game to assess what needs to be changed.

From a consumer level, players know what they bought. Put the game down if you don’t enjoy MK11 and head to something else. As of the past month, MKX and Injustice 2 is still alive and kicking. In addition, no amount of DLC or Meta changing patches will change MK11 to you. If you don’t enjoy its base, you won’t enjoy the extra goodies it has to offer.


I think that for some people, they might have an idea of what they want, but they don't know how it will feel once executed and turned into reality. And once they've tried it out, they might not actually like it after all and want something else. But the way people go about it can be rather... well, arrogant and hypocritical. It's people assuming they know what is best, to then find out it was probably not really what they wanted once they get it.

However, then there's the fact that different people want different things. It's hard to reach a common ground when the fanbase are made of literally thousands of people. We're not a hivemind who all share the same wants and ideas.

So maybe don't just put the entire fanbase into one box. I see you going "people said this, then they got it, and now they are saying they want something else instead"... but are they all the same people who are saying they want something else? Or are they another part of the fanbase who probably didn't want the first thing to happen in the first place? Not necessarily, mind you.

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
There's a happy medium to be found between "meta-changing, tier-flipping patches every month" and "tower consumable bug fixes plus a page and a half of Kitana buffs every 6-7 months". Until NRS finds it, I'm just gonna keep complaining.

Stay mad about it.
uh...... huh? You just seem like you will complain for the sake of it.
I think that for some people, they might have an idea of what they want, but they don't know how it will feel once executed and turned into reality. And once they've tried it out, they might not actually like it after all and want something else. But the way people go about it can be rather... well, arrogant and hypocritical. It's people assuming they know what is best, to then find out it was probably not really what they wanted once they get it.

However, then there's the fact that different people want different things. It's hard to reach a common ground when the fanbase are made of literally thousands of people. We're not a hivemind who all share the same wants and ideas.

So maybe don't just put the entire fanbase into one box. I see you going "people said this, then they got it, and now they are saying they want something else instead"... but are they all the same people who are saying they want something else? Or are they another part of the fanbase who probably didn't want the first thing to happen in the first place? Not necessarily, mind you.
Actually yes....yes they are! I have been in this community since MK9. I know these guys by name. They don't know what they want. It's like an internet wrestling fan wanting a company to push younger guys, they push a young guy but it isn't someone they like. So... yeah my guy. I know this is shocking but I pay attention who says this shit.
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Actually yes....yes they are! I have been in this community since MK9. I know these guys by name. They don't know what they want. It's like an internet wrestling fan wanting a company to push younger guys, they push a young but it isn't someone they like. So... yeah my guy. I know this is shocking but I pay attention who says this shit.
Then those individuals are hypocrites. But they don't make for the entire community.

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
Then those individuals are hypocrites. But they don't make for the entire community.
After five games of this shit they are. This isn't one game dude. This has been a trend from the start. These people are not no names either but are established, and well known players saying this. That's bad because they have a big influence. If people who don't play our games can point this out, then you know something is wrong. Take your head out of the sand.


After five games of this shit they are. This isn't one game dude. This has been a trend from the start. These people are not no names either but are established, and well known players saying this. That's bad because they have a big influence. If people who don't play our games can point this out, then you know something is wrong. Take your head out of the sand.
Considering a few individuals as the entire community? No thanks.


From a consumer level, players know what they bought. Put the game down if you don’t enjoy MK11 and head to something else. As of the past month, MKX and Injustice 2 is still alive and kicking.
Still alive and kicking in a sealed oil drum at the bottom of the ocean maybe.

If you need that NRS fix MK11 is the place to get it, which is why people are so critical and frustrated with the shortcomings of MK11. Not to mention hopeful and invested towards improvements to the gameplay.