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Anyone suffer from palmar hyperhidrosis?

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Get on that hook
It's annoying to play MK or any video game when you have this. Having to constantly wash hands and have a towel nearby to wipe them. Very very sad face :(

5ent frum Arby N Ch33f hau5 0f fun trololololol


Filthy Casual
What is it just sweating a lot? I sweat like crazy, especially my hands when I play video games. I need to go back to the doctor and get some liquid I put in my pits and it prevents me from sweating, deodorants don't keep me dry at all, 30 minutes after putting on deodorant my armpits are already drenched. My feet also sweat a lot, I change my socks about 3 times a day, a plus side is that my feet are as soft a a babies butt.

One embarrassing thing though is when I rest my hands on a surface and it leaves a sweaty imprint.

Hypercare is what I used for my armpits, amazing stuff.


Eh, the stick I have is laminated or something, so my hands get a little sweaty. No big deal. If you have a medical condition what did your doctor say? Maybe you just put some antipersperant on your hands, same stuff you'd use on your underarms. Would that help?

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
This may sound absolutely silly... but have you ever thought about getting like baseball batting gloves?

In all seriousness... I can not see how you deal with it. If I sweat even a little on my hands i'm wiping my pant leg.


Cock Master!!
I do this all the time unfortunately. Even the slightest distraction can ruin my concentration.

I wipe down the controller as well. Rubbing alcohol.

DanCock m2dave - Remember my baby powder obsession? lol
yea i remember that, your poor controllers..

i dont really have a condition but i have recently been powdering up my left hand for my stick, seems to give me more control and less mistakes come out..


EX Ovi should launch
i have recently been powdering up my left hand for my stick, seems to give me more control and less mistakes come out..

Didnt know this was a condition or something, i just have insanely sweaty palms, at some times i even keep a rag/towel to wipe them when i play because of it. I might actually go to a doctor or somebody and see about getting something for it now im aware. Great thread!

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Yea I thought at first it was normal.Then I looked it up on teh internetz and it turns out it's a condition.

Not severe obviously but annoying , embarassing and frustrating.I can't even write on a page without it getting wet on the side if not the whole thing.And imagine how my past girlfriends felt the first few dates?A lot of explaining...

And apparently there are no real treatments besides botox injections or electrocuting myself lmao.


Filthy Casual
This may sound absolutely silly... but have you ever thought about getting like baseball batting gloves?

In all seriousness... I can not see how you deal with it. If I sweat even a little on my hands i'm wiping my pant leg.
Are they breathable? I can't wear latex gloves and do "work" because my hands will sweat so bad that they will turn red, swell, and burn. I had a job that was commission and important that you worked fast, it sucked so much having to change my latex gloves pretty much every 5-10 minutes, not only that but it was hard to completely dry my hands and then it's so hard to put on gloves when they are a little wet.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Are they breathable? I can't wear latex gloves and do "work" because my hands will sweat so bad that they will turn red, swell, and burn. I had a job that was commission and important that you worked fast, it sucked so much having to change my latex gloves pretty much every 5-10 minutes, not only that but it was hard to completely dry my hands and then it's so hard to put on gloves when they are a little wet.
They have holes that go up your fingers... some have a few around your palm. I think they are probably the most breathable of any glove for sports. Golf and Football are pretty much not. Just something to try I suppose. :)

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I would never wear gloves while playing video games. I've actually tried that before when I used to get blisters on my hand by playing video games back when I was 6 and it's very very uncomfortable and it removes my sense of control.