Hey all! Just letting you all know, that I'm not sleeping on updating the player list. I am actually working on a pretty slick idea for the first post. In the interest of "reuiniting" the DFW FGC, I am going to reformat the original post to contain all the goodies we have to offer here.
pkrstdnt and
IceColdEdge, If I could get the two of you to PM me all the contact info/pedigree info for HOG and Fight Club so that I can make this as comprehensive as possible. I'm aiming to have it include links and all that to the DFW FGC facebook group, any youtube/twitch pages for players out here, and a continuously updated "upcoming events" section for any tourneys, as well as the player list of course. I will most likely be removing gamer tags from the list and break it down by "faction" i.e HOG players, FC players etc. I am also going to see if storms will allow us to change the title to the official DFW Fighting Game Community thread and steer it exclusively to offline play. I figured if peepz around here want to play online, they can find us on the XBL/PSN player threads or look our profiles up. Thoughts? Ideas? I'm essentially going to create a little "mini forum" with this thread and make the original post as robust as possible. Ive done some tests, im just trying to get as much out of this new formats board code as possible.
Just wanted to update urreh body.