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Best Video Game Character Tournament: Current Match-Kitana(MK) vs. Chun-Li(SF)


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
@MKF30 How about the fact my 7 year old cousin has an equal chance at beating me(I played since xbox one's Launch) as I do him, no matter his pick? So far he has played for a month.
(Not mad lol)
And I have NOT gone easy on him
lol your little cuz must be a gamer eh? haha I remember as a tike my first game was Atari pong, then Super Mario Bros. Yeah, I'm old lol

Alright!! Fulgore takes it 10-2 over Tri-Borg

@Onilordasmodeus @Ck AeroVoid @Marinjuana @superbn0va @John Grizzly @HeavyNorse @xKMMx @EarlyReflections @Blade4693 @zerosebaz

Next Match: Kitana vs. Chun-Li



I like Kitana more but Chun is on another level in terms of how iconic she is to not only fighting games, but gaming in general. I gotta go with her even though she isn't who I like better.


Yea kitana is cool but like someone mentioned above me Chun Li is an Icon. In asia people abolutely love her and they have no idea who kitana is. Also damn shes fine. Chun li +1
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John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
Both iconic characters, but I've never enjoyed playing Chun-Li. I've loved Kitana in every game except MK11, where she might be the most boring character in a game filled with nothing but boring characters. Highborn is absolute cancer to watch.

Ok....I'm getting off topic here....

It's Kitana. The first time I saw those MK2 corner combos, I fell in love.

One thing I will say for her MK11 design is that she has never looked better visually. That's the absolute only positive I have for her in her current form.


The first vote is over, but I would have voted for Fulgore. Triborg was a cool concept and a mush of characters. He's also non-canon and DLC only. Fulgore is a wicked cool character, they've done some nice story stuff for him in Killer Instinct (2013), and he's also my main in that game.

For the current vote, Kitana, no question. She was my main in Mortal Kombat (2011), I really liked darker, angry, dead Kitana from Mortal Kombat X, it was a very interesting take on a traditionally "good guy" character, and I think she's still great in Mortal Kombat 11. I don't play Street Fighter myself, though I did back in the '90's a bit, and I never got into Chun Li.

Ck AeroVoid

Mk Casual, KI God
@Ck AeroVoid Just noticed the "KI God" title under your name. Nice!

I'm waiting for the inevitable "TJ Combo vs Jax Briggs", or "Jago vs <insert MK character>" voting periods. Those will be a very tough choices for me as TJ and Jago are some of my all time favorite characters..
I started with Sabre wolf, But Riptor is my go to. I legit rarely loose unless *Ahem SOMEONE AHEM @Juxtapose * uses Combo assist

OR they are good with Blocking


My GT: UncappedWheel82
I started with Sabre wolf, But Riptor is my go to. I legit rarely loose unless *Ahem SOMEONE AHEM @Juxtapose * uses Combo assist

OR they are good with said character
I like the combo assist feature. I don't think it it has really hampered me in any matches, but some of the closest KI match I have ever witnessed were between my son and by brother both using CA. It is a great / fun feature for people to just mash and see cool things. Really lowers the barrier for entry while not giving any unconquerable advantages.

Ck AeroVoid

Mk Casual, KI God
I like the combo assist feature. I don't think it it has really hampered me in any matches, but some of the closest KI match I have ever witnessed were between my son and by brother both using CA. It is a great / fun feature for people to just mash and see cool things. Really lowers the barrier for entry while not giving any unconquerable advantages.
I don't mind it either. it makes things fun lol.
it allows my 7 y/o cousin to stand a chance.

although, i dislike people using it 100% of the time because if you mash buttons, and play the game for a while, to watch your character do the same thing(combo or move) it gets boring and repetitive.(personal experience)

that is why I dislike games like Monster hunter world or warframe
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