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Coronavirus (Covid-19) Discussion

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Hey, it isn’t the thread, just certain people and their responses. I was going to say “no politics” or something, but I think this is good. COVID-19 really is allowing people to show their true colors. One of my best friends, who KNOWS that my sister and parents are immunocompromised, said that this virus is natural selection. That it is here to weed out the weak and elderly. First of all that’s a fucked up thing to say, but knowing what he knows about my family and still says that?

Being 100% healthy is a privilege most people have and don’t even realize they have. It definitely is something a lot of people take for granted. And a lot of 100% healthy people don’t give an absolute shit about sick people. As long as it doesn’t effect them, who cares right?

I honestly thought this way of thinking was reserved for wealthy people in positions of power. COVID-19 really is opening my eyes. I have been naive.
That is pretty disheartening. Whether its attributed to younger age, good luck in the Russian roulette that is genetics, or good preventative habits, being healthy is a blessing. I hope your family stays healthy man, people can be shitty. And that guy is nuts for using natural selection as an arguement, if you wanna get technical, any medical or therapeutic intervention done by humans is denying "natural selection", that's so missing the point of what that even means for todays world.

As for the political bullshit going on in this thread, neither side is really making a case for themselves. Regardless of anything, everyone in here should be able to agree that coronavirus is a problem and that we need to do what we can to not get anyone sick. History will judge societies by how they treat their most vulnerable. Arguing over who did or said what won't change concrete facts. I have no more issues with President Trump or President Obama than I do any other politician. Most of their actions are for show anyways to appease their respective parties. The Clintons were at Trump's wedding, he didnt hate them till they were his political rival. Nobody hated Trump till he joined politics. None of these people will be transparent with you. Their only goals are to say things that slightly more than half of the country will find agreeable. Scummy as hell, but like know what you're reading or hearing, it's hard for me to hate a fictional character.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
That is pretty disheartening. Whether its attributed to younger age, good luck in the Russian roulette that is genetics, or good preventative habits, being healthy is a blessing. I hope your family stays healthy man, people can be shitty. And that guy is nuts for using natural selection as an arguement, if you wanna get technical, any medical or therapeutic intervention done by humans is denying "natural selection", that's so missing the point of what that even means for todays world.

As for the political bullshit going on in this thread, neither side is really making a case for themselves. Regardless of anything, everyone in here should be able to agree that coronavirus is a problem and that we need to do what we can to not get anyone sick. History will judge societies by how they treat their most vulnerable. Arguing over who did or said what won't change concrete facts. I have no more issues with President Trump or President Obama than I do any other politician. Most of their actions are for show anyways to appease their respective parties. The Clintons were at Trump's wedding, he didnt hate them till they were his political rival. Nobody hated Trump till he joined politics. None of these people will be transparent with you. Their only goals are to say things that slightly more than half of the country will find agreeable. Scummy as hell, but like know what you're reading or hearing, it's hard for me to hate a fictional character.
Thanks. And I hope you and yours stay safe a healthy as well.

The craziest part of all of this that I have been thinking about is this. If we actually ARE successful in our efforts to contain the spreading, and we are able to get medicial attention to those who need it. And only a few thousand die versus millions. People will then say “see, it was an overreaction! Yeah thousands died but they were acting like millions would die and that it was a “pandemic” and everything! Haha, bunch of dramatic idiots”.

Not even realizing that everyone actually listening and taking precautionary measures, constantly washing your hands, practicing social distancing, and not going out into public places where there’s more than a group at a time in one plce, actually is what made it SEEM like it was an overreaction. Everyone came together (not literally, lol) to do what we could to flatten the curve and help prevent this disease from spreading.

Meaning, even if “win” short term, we will “lose” long term if this ever happens again!

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Thanks. And I hope you and yours stay safe a healthy as well.

The craziest part of all of this that I have been thinking about is this. If we actually ARE successful in our efforts to contain the spreading, and we are able to get medicial attention to those who need it. And only a few thousand die versus millions. People will then say “see, it was an overreaction! Yeah thousands died but they were acting like millions would die and that it was a “pandemic” and everything! Haha, bunch of dramatic idiots”.

Not even realizing that everyone actually listening and taking precautionary measures, constantly washing your hands, practicing social distancing, and not going out into public places where there’s more than a group at a time in one plce, actually is what made it SEEM like it was an overreaction. Everyone came together (not literally, lol) to do what we could to flatten the curve and help prevent this disease from spreading.

Meaning, even if “win” short term, we will “lose” long term if this ever happens again!
Honestly yeah, skilled manipulators can use any outcome to their advantage. I think politicians all are borderline sociopaths, both parties


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I’ll allow it to a certain extent. Unfortunately there’s a reason we usually do not allow religious or political discussions on here. People hold their beliefs very personally, so it GETS personal more often than not. And then the thread derails into something different entirely from what it originally was.

Also, just because I have said I will allow something, that doesn’t make it final. If another lead mod or above feels it should be shut down, they have every right to do that and I will back them.

Personally, I like that we have a small little place where we can discuss COVID-19 and all that is attached to it. Especially without outside influences of followers/subscribers. Attempting to have a conversation with someone that has an audience on social media is literally pointless. But anyway, once again, if it becomes too personal and unproductive, the plug will have to be pulled unfortunatelyz
You're right, I dont blame you I mean tym not allowing certain topics. A lot of sites are like that. I have no issue discussing, debating whatever so long as there's a mutual respect.

I may be opinionated but will respect whoever's view so long as there's no personal attacks being an exception but I've learned way back cursing people out is not productive. I hear what you're saying, I know quite a few friends I met from on here who tell me they hardly come here or do here and there due to drama, though obviously not nearly as much as Twitter. I only like going there for boons tweets and for friends

At any rate, let's just hope we can find a cure asap or if not a cure at least a vaccine soon. Really sucks that it's going to take a year. I think everyone is starting to get antsy, impatient and anxious about it. This just seems way bigger than anything we've gone thru before.


1 2 3 drink
The only fools are people who attack others for their views and posting irrefutable facts. shrugs
Thats funny cause youre the one who calls ppl who dare to disagree with you communists and treehuggers then posts walls of text and fox videos.
I knew you where nuts but damn. Are u wearing a maga hat too when your at home?


XBL tag: South of Zero
@MKF30 There is literally no one saying our dear leader has done "too much".
"I don't know how you can say he screwed up last 2 months" I literally pointed that out in my post. He's made a consistent 4 year habit of hiring sycophants and unqualified ass-kissers in his inner circle to positions they have ZERO knowledge about. He eliminated the pandemic response team (BC he has to tear down everything Obama ever did for his racist base), and then appointed Mike Freakin Pence to lead the corona response initially, the man who single handedly went out of his way to let an HIV epidemic run rampant in his own state.

You're refusing to actually see what's going on so it's pointless to go on any further


XBL tag: South of Zero
Hey, it isn’t the thread, just certain people and their responses. I was going to say “no politics” or something, but I think this is good. COVID-19 really is allowing people to show their true colors. One of my best friends, who KNOWS that my sister and parents are immunocompromised, said that this virus is natural selection. That it is here to weed out the weak and elderly. First of all that’s a fucked up thing to say, but knowing what he knows about my family and still says that?

Being 100% healthy is a privilege most people have and don’t even realize they have. It definitely is something a lot of people take for granted. And a lot of 100% healthy people don’t give an absolute shit about sick people. As long as it doesn’t effect them, who cares right?

I honestly thought this way of thinking was reserved for wealthy people in positions of power. COVID-19 really is opening my eyes. I have been naive.
I would just tell your friend natural selection does not always favor the consensus "weak", and everything is relative.

Example: Sickle Cell trait provides protection against Malaria.
Example: Cystic Fibrosis actually provides protection against Cholera.

Tell your friend to research the details of the 1918 flu pandemic. The first wave ravaged the weak and elderly. The second wave? The second wave actually was the deadliest part of the pandemic and the main victims were completely healthy young individuals with healthy immune systems. This is because it turned healthy immune systems against the body via a process known as 'cytokine storm' where your body's immune system gets up-regulated making every endothelial barrier in your body porous. This is what happens in ebola or dengue hemorrhagic fevers.
So by his logic the 1918 pandemic was natural selection against healthy immune systems. Which it kinda was, I guess heh.

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
With China banning US journalists, I think they can't control the narrative anymore. Expect the USA media to hardcore blast them.

Also @LeoMK29 and @MF30

and everyone else.

LeoMK29: MF30 is not a racist.

MF30: You have to be objective here and acknowledge Trump isn't perfect and has poorly handled the situation. Some of the stuff Zero is bring up are facts. (Like Mike Pence being in charge of this whole thing). You don't gain anything turning a blind eye or excusing Trump's fuck ups. Also while unemployment is the lowest it has every been I still can't find a job under Trump's reign despite this. I am a recent College graduate and a really strong resume. This isn't a Trump or Obama situation, but a core issue situation where jobs in this country are bullshit. They are allowed to lie to your face and get away with it. I currently have been "hired" by a job company that didn't know I was in their fucking system and tried to act I used shady tactics to get the phone number of one of their excs posted on their own damn website. We also got a lot of company asking for a fuckton of experience for entry level positions fucking over people who could have everything besides that. I got pass over for a Call Center job here in the city because I didn't have Call Center experience but had better resume and test scores than most of the people they were looking at. I checked and learned my shit was in the top 10.(test scores). So yeah, we have a problem and looking at unemployment rate isn't gonna make me say, "Yay I can get a job now."
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Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Cleaned some recent posts. Stop making personal attacks/insults. If you want to discuss politics, do so like an adult. I realize everyone is on edge right now, but please do not take it out on each other.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
@MKF30 There is literally no one saying our dear leader has done "too much".
"I don't know how you can say he screwed up last 2 months" I literally pointed that out in my post. He's made a consistent 4 year habit of hiring sycophants and unqualified ass-kissers in his inner circle to positions they have ZERO knowledge about. He eliminated the pandemic response team (BC he has to tear down everything Obama ever did for his racist base), and then appointed Mike Freakin Pence to lead the corona response initially, the man who single handedly went out of his way to let an HIV epidemic run rampant in his own state.

You're refusing to actually see what's going on so it's pointless to go on any further
On the contrary I understand full well and have lived through a few of these already to realize when the media slays someone and when they worship someone...it's more china's fault than Trumps or anyone else in the world for that matter, are you even aware that Taiwan, Japanese Presidents etc have said they don't trust china and know they lied? These are countries right next to them practically...You issue should be with China if you're looking to blame someone, not Trump....Obama wouldn't have done any better, there'd still be people getting sick, quarantined etc

You can keep trying to divert this crisis as some how "Trump's fault" when it's not, you just hate him so naturally you'll blame him for everything. If he cured cancer you'd complain "oh why didn't he do it faster" Only thing's Obama did that he's torn down are flawed, stupid policies as far as I can tell. And speaking from experience as in jobs, health options and my own personal experience unfortunately. Freeing terrorists and drug cartels? Letting illegals into the country who commit crimes, give them a free pass? Why? I came here legally as a baby, my parents had to go through lots of red tape and did it legally. Why should anyone else be different? Obama also bowed down to everyone including our enemies and worked with them Iran much? yeah...Say what you want about Trump's bluntness but I don't judge a president by his personality but by what he does and him actually caring for America the country he's in charge of.

See you guys are just intolerant of others views that differ from you own you can't even see past your own hypocrisy but you're right not worth it...I'll just let you guys believe whatever you want, I know a lot of other users on here who feel the same way I do they just left the site, hardly post or don't want to get involved. At first I wondered why but given as how TYM treats people who apparently aren't left on here, I understand why they made that choice now...normally I have the I don't care I'm expressing my views attitude but since even after I've backed my claims, some of you still question me, insult me or just try to pull the race card so there's no point.

I'm sorry you want to talk about let chaos happen? lol Obama with the baltimore riots? siding against cops, military blaming the good guys as the bad guys, releasing drug cartels, Fast and Furious giving them weapons I can go on. And what evidence do you have with Pence "letting HIV" as you say do you have?


XBL tag: South of Zero
On the contrary I understand full well and have lived through a few of these already to realize when the media slays someone and when they worship someone...it's more china's fault than Trumps or anyone else in the world for that matter, are you even aware that Taiwan, Japanese Presidents etc have said they don't trust china and know they lied? These are countries right next to them practically...You issue should be with China if you're looking to blame someone, not Trump....Obama wouldn't have done any better, there'd still be people getting sick, quarantined etc

You can keep trying to divert this crisis as some how "Trump's fault" when it's not, you just hate him so naturally you'll blame him for everything. If he cured cancer you'd complain "oh why didn't he do it faster" Only thing's Obama did that he's torn down are flawed, stupid policies as far as I can tell. And speaking from experience as in jobs, health options and my own personal experience unfortunately. Freeing terrorists and drug cartels? Letting illegals into the country who commit crimes, give them a free pass? Why? I came here legally as a baby, my parents had to go through lots of red tape and did it legally. Why should anyone else be different? Obama also bowed down to everyone including our enemies and worked with them Iran much? yeah...Say what you want about Trump's bluntness but I don't judge a president by his personality but by what he does and him actually caring for America the country he's in charge of.

See you guys are just intolerant of others views that differ from you own you can't even see past your own hypocrisy but you're right not worth it...I'll just let you guys believe whatever you want, I know a lot of other users on here who feel the same way I do they just left the site, hardly post or don't want to get involved. At first I wondered why but given as how TYM treats people who apparently aren't left on here, I understand why they made that choice now...normally I have the I don't care I'm expressing my views attitude but since even after I've backed my claims, some of you still question me, insult me or just try to pull the race card so there's no point.

I'm sorry you want to talk about let chaos happen? lol Obama with the baltimore riots? siding against cops, military blaming the good guys as the bad guys, releasing drug cartels, Fast and Furious giving them weapons I can go on. And what evidence do you have with Pence "letting HIV" as you say do you have?
You gotta read up on Mike Pence.
The man literally told his people he would pray for HIV to go away.

You keep saying I'm only blaming trump. I'm not. But you're the only one comparing a "what if Obama" scenario to clear trump of blame and personal accountability. Obama had an entire team in place to jump on and study pandemics at a moment's notice and Trump proudly tore it down. Lets just ignore all the other facts and focus on that one. It renders the rest of your anti-Obama rhetoric meaningless, in the current context of a pandemic. They have video of your boy announcing it was dismantled "I'm a business man I don't believe in paying people when they're not needed," he proudly said.


Administrator and Community Engineer
MKF I tried a friendly warning, but now it’s going to have to be an ultimatum. If you insist on attempting to make this thread about things that have absolutely nothing to do with Coronavirus, then you won’t be allowed to participate in it any longer.

Let’s not turn a thread about a serious, pressing issue into a fight about irrelevant things from years ago.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
With China banning US journalists, I hink they can't control the narrative anymore. Expect the USA media to hardcore blast them.

Also @LeoMK29 and @MF30

and everyone else.

LeoMK29: MF30 is not a racist.

MF30: You have to be objective here and acknowledge Trump isn't perfect and has poorly handled the situation. Some of the stuff Zero is bring up are facts. (Like Mike Pence being in charge of this whoel thing). You don't gain anything turning a blind eye or excusing Trump's fuck ups. Also while unemployment is the lowest it has every been I still can't find a job under Trump's reign despite this. I am a recent College graduate and a really strong resume. This isn't a Trump or Obama situation, but a core issue situation where jobs in this country are bullshit. They are allowed to lie to your face and get away with it. I currently have been "hired" by a job company that didn't know I was in their fucking system and tried to act I used shady tactics to get the phone number of one of their excs posted on their own damn website. We also got a lot of company asking for a fuckton of experience for entry level positions fucking over people who could have everything besides that. I got pass over for a Call Center job here in the city because I didn't have Call Center experience but had better resume and test scores than most of the people they were looking at. I checked and learned my shit was in the top 10.(test scores). So yeah, we have a problem and looking at unemployment rate isn't gonna make me say, "Yay I can get a job now."
Appreciate you admitting and realizing just because I support some of Trump's policies doesn't make a me a racist. However, I have said he's not perfect but nor was Obama or any other president. I'm just pointing out that situations like this whenever a natural disaster happens the msm will back a liberal president, but bash a conservative or republican one. I mean it's pretty obvious just look at how they treated Clinton, Bush, Obama and now Trump...I don't think he's handled it poorly, maybe he could have done better had he been informed better, but I see things like "oh last week he botched reassuring americans about it and had trouble with the teleprompter" Obama used one all the time literally....alot of them do, just because someone isn't great at presentation does not mean the don't care or aren't doing a good job, again especially when the msm is constantly against you. They influence the public well people who don't do research at least. I'm sorry to hear that, but for me I was out of work the longest time under Obama's administration and it caused major anxiety, stress and financial issues for me. When he left, the stocks went up, jobs went up(til now of course but I'm sure you know that the CV is killing the economy all over the world for obvious reasons) See here's the thing also not trump or obama related but with college(my two best buds went got degrees had nothing to show for it long before trump even) all it put them in was in debt, that being said degrees, college while it's good to learn stuff but it's a waste man for jobs. They con you as they did my friends, both went to schools that promised them "job placement" and neither delivered, they took their money though. I think college is a waste personally, just my opinion especially now with trades that pay just as much if not more than jobs colleges would help you with. I worked for Target for a few years before leaving last year due to coorporation changes, and stress. For the time I do temp jobs, off the book etc but still looking for another pt steady job though right now it's on hold due to this CV.

A lot of that also sounds like bad luck, which believe me I know all too well but I also know when the economy is improved and when it's complete shit which plays a role too.

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
Back on topic.

Local government here has pretty all of the restaurants doing pick up. Mom is taking no chances and everything we eat is gonna be in house. Anyone else doing this?

Appreciate you admitting and realizing just because I support some of Trump's policies doesn't make a me a racist. However, I have said he's not perfect but nor was Obama or any other president. I'm just pointing out that situations like this whenever a natural disaster happens the msm will back a liberal president, but bash a conservative or republican one. I mean it's pretty obvious just look at how they treated Clinton, Bush, Obama and now Trump...I don't think he's handled it poorly, maybe he could have done better had he been informed better, but I see things like "oh last week he botched reassuring americans about it and had trouble with the teleprompter" Obama used one all the time literally....alot of them do, just because someone isn't great at presentation does not mean the don't care or aren't doing a good job, again especially when the msm is constantly against you. They influence the public well people who don't do research at least. I'm sorry to hear that, but for me I was out of work the longest time under Obama's administration and it caused major anxiety, stress and financial issues for me. When he left, the stocks went up, jobs went up(til now of course but I'm sure you know that the CV is killing the economy all over the world for obvious reasons) See here's the thing also not trump or obama related but with college(my two best buds went got degrees had nothing to show for it long before trump even) all it put them in was in debt, that being said degrees, college while it's good to learn stuff but it's a waste man for jobs. They con you as they did my friends, both went to schools that promised them "job placement" and neither delivered, they took their money though. I think college is a waste personally, just my opinion especially now with trades that pay just as much if not more than jobs colleges would help you with. I worked for Target for a few years before leaving last year due to coorporation changes, and stress. For the time I do temp jobs, off the book etc but still looking for another pt steady job though right now it's on hold due to this CV.

A lot of that also sounds like bad luck, which believe me I know all too well but I also know when the economy is improved and when it's complete shit which plays a role too.
I will say calling it the Chinese virus or Wuhan Coronavirus is why medical professionals got together and came up wit hthe term Covid-19. So Trump saying that is once again just creating problems for him. There is a good video that explains how they came up with the term Covid-19.

On the other stuff, life really sucks and it's not fair. I don't think College is a scam and I'm not in debt like others but I really do feel they are doing what they can but they can't be ready for how fucking stupid companies can be. Too many times I see job fairs at Colleges and Junior Colleges and no one ends up being hired and get ghosted when they try to push the issue. I legit feel companies use places that want to do right for their students as a way to get federal funding from the government and look good. I never seen a company hold a big event just to not hire anyone. You have to ask what is the point?
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Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
+Cymasterhavik, respectfully disagree bro. College now is a scam because they take your money, don’t help with job placement and like I said there are trade jobs that require training but no college for good if not better money than your liberal arts degree. I don’t think trump speaking the truth of its origin from China should be an issue like i said the msm will give him shit regardless what he says at this point, is he perfect? No but does the media lie and twist his words?yes. Amazon holds events I live near one when they opened last year and during now with needing workers bad because they have trouble keeping up on the demand for certain items. On the name they always create code names for these things swingflu is h1n1, the flus have diff names etc. the name so long as the origin is accurate to me isn’t an issue for me personally.

MKF I tried a friendly warning, but now it’s going to have to be an ultimatum. If you insist on attempting to make this thread about things that have absolutely nothing to do with Coronavirus, then you won’t be allowed to participate in it any longer.

Let’s not turn a thread about a serious, pressing issue into a fight about irrelevant things from years ago.
Wait what? What warning? anyone I'm not even going to get into it, next time just please IM me you just came at me with "I don't know what I'm talking about etc, etc" but I just have one question, if you're going to allow politics in it, then shouldn't that apply to everyone and not just me? I have no problem taking your advice but what about others who come at me or insult me for just feeling differently? I have no problem following the rules but just be fair dude. If it's just going to apply to me then I may as well not even post anything in here....

Also I just saw this post now after I responded to Cy Master ftr.

@Hellbringer No, but believe what you want...I'm just going to put you on ignore since you're still coming at me and haven't said one thing about the virus...and seemingly are allowed to do it.
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Administrator and Community Engineer
Wait what? What warning? anyone I'm not even going to get into it, next time just please IM me you just came at me with "I don't know what I'm talking about etc, etc" but I just have one question, if you're going to allow politics in it, then shouldn't that apply to everyone and not just me? I have no problem taking your advice but what about others who come at me or insult me for just feeling differently? I have no problem following the rules but just be fair dude. If it's just going to apply to me then I may as well not even post anything in here....

Also I just saw this post now after I responded to Cy Master ftr.

@Hellbringer No, but believe what you want...I'm just going to put you on ignore since you're still coming at me and haven't said one thing about the virus...and seemingly are allowed to do it.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but this is dragging the whole thread to a place that had nothing to do with Covid-19.

There’s plenty to talk about regarding the current crisis as its unfolding, and fighting about your job prospects under past presidents etc. is just a big distraction.

People are literally dying right now or in intensive care all across the country. Let’s try to use some common sense.
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Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but this is dragging the whole thread to a place that had nothing to do with Covid-19.

There’s plenty to talk about regarding the current crisis as its unfolding, and fighting about your job prospects under past presidents etc. is just a big distraction.

People are literally dying right now all across the country. Let’s try to use some common sense.
Yes I'm aware of people dying, it sucks. I think we need to look past the blame game at this point and just work together to find a solution. But anyway I imed you any concerns, questions whenever you get a chance.

Living Corpse

Something that bugs me is, someone with very bad intentions, the resources, money, manpower and know-how to make a weaponized virus is gonna learn from this, see what the world's governments did right and what it did wrong and figure out the best way to make their dirty bomb most effective to kill as many people as possible.

I'm not worried the next outbreak could be a new natural virus we have no vaccine, I'm worried the next outbreak will be man made & intentional.


I would just tell your friend natural selection does not always favor the consensus "weak", and everything is relative.

Example: Sickle Cell trait provides protection against Malaria.
Example: Cystic Fibrosis actually provides protection against Cholera.

Tell your friend to research the details of the 1918 flu pandemic. The first wave ravaged the weak and elderly. The second wave? The second wave actually was the deadliest part of the pandemic and the main victims were completely healthy young individuals with healthy immune systems. This is because it turned healthy immune systems against the body via a process known as 'cytokine storm' where your body's immune system gets up-regulated making every endothelial barrier in your body porous. This is what happens in ebola or dengue hemorrhagic fevers.
So by his logic the 1918 pandemic was natural selection against healthy immune systems. Which it kinda was, I guess heh.
Posts like these are so nice. Most people don't take the time to explain themselves so thoroughly. Hell, I even get to learn from them. So thanks. lol

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Something that bugs me is, someone with very bad intentions, the resources, money, manpower and know-how to make a weaponized virus is gonna learn from this, see what the world's governments did right and what it did wrong and figure out the best way to make their dirty bomb most effective to kill as many people as possible.

I'm not worried the next outbreak could be a new natural virus we have no vaccine, I'm worried the next outbreak will be man made & intentional.
You're username and avatar that I assume is you wearing a gas mask adds so much to the tone of this post lol