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NRS Cancels Last Chance Qualifier Event, Removes Live Audience From Final Kombat Just Day Before the Event


Damn. I’m still stuck in my apartment complex in china. Sorry to hear u guys are now catching some of the shit from this too...I can’t access American news/social media here and I can’t read chinese very well so I dunno how serious it is over there. Hope stuff like this is just a precaution and it’s not on the same scale as here!


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
Day or two of work? Wdym man, all these pros busted their asses off for months preparing for this event.
yeah... but it is not NRSs fault that there is a massive world health crisis. 1000s of people are dead man. NRS made a unpopular choice for health reasons, the correct choice. A BAD corporation would just say fuck it and go ahead anyway risking everyone health so they can make more money.

AND... remember they are paying everyone accommodation and travel (as well as return).. if only all corporations were this moral.
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Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
It sucks to happen so late, but it has been a rough couple of days.

I work near (within a mile) of a major outbreak, and shit has been really crazy. I think they had to cancel the event given how fast this is spreading.


Ermac & Smoke Main
  • it isn't nrs's fault
  • coronavirus never improve it's skill in practice
  • it is all players fault
  • audience doesn't deserve this game
  • ticket and hotel values should be nerfed


yeah... but it is not NRSs fault that there is a massive world health crisis. 1000s of people are dead man. NRS made a unpopular choice for health reasons, the correct choice. A BAD corporation would just say fuck it and go ahead anyway risking everyone health so they can make more money.

AND... remember they are paying everyone accommodation and travel (as well as return).. if only all corporations were this moral.
Maybe a correct choice but not less than 24h before the event. Surely they talked about this for days maybe even weeks. And the players are all there already. They all knew the risk and still went there and are ready to play, as you can see on Twitter, they are all pissed af.

You just don't do this. It would've been a correct choice a few days ago, not less than 24h before the event.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

What a fucking disaster.

Don't even know what to say except that if I'd gone through everything it took to get to this show and/or compete for a spot, just for this to happen now at the last possible minute when it should've been dealt with days ago, or at least elaborates on when Italy and Korea said they weren't having crowds at their events...yeah, I'd be looking for heads to roll.

Blow the whole thing up and start over.

NRS cant do anything right when it comes to MK 11. I'm telling you this game is straight up cursed.
Couldn't have said it better myself.

  • it isn't nrs's fault
  • coronavirus never improve it's skill in practice
  • it is all players fault
  • audience doesn't deserve this game
  • ticket and hotel values should be nerfed
Thanks for saving the shills the trouble.
This isn't a laughing matter, but that one gets a laugh.
Let's see them try and pretend this isn't the icing on the "everything on Planet NRS is fucked at the moment" cake.


All your mains belong to me!
How can this be a joke when you put public safety first? Is caring for others wellbeing a joke?

Tons of other events, not only gaming related, are being cancelled, people sent homes with contingency plans done at the last minute.

Gotta take your heads out of the sand fellas. You're more worried about an event rather than people. Even those for the finals can be at risk.

It sucks for every parts involved! NRS/WB spent money for this event, not only the players and they, NRS/WB, could face more negativity due to unreasonable people.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
How is this specific to MK11? Oo


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
they are refunding flights and accommodation as well. .. maybe read the NRS feed before acting all righteous.

NRS should have made this decision a week ago, but they made the correct choice. They are refunding tickets, travel and accommodation, which is going to hit them financially and that includes return travel.

They are doing everything they can to make this right, and spectators and players looses nothing but time and maybe a day or two of work... but guess what shit happens, life happens.

I can not see how this is a big issue to act all pissy about. Does it suck? Sure, is it, but the actual impact on people is so minimal. I mean what more can they do?
Spoken like someone who truly has never traveled to an event ever. Smh


At the very least they should've dismissed the audience but keep the players for both days, not sunday only.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
Spoken like someone who truly has never traveled to an event ever. Smh
spoken as someone that is not self centered and selfishly thinking only of their own inconvenience and someone who would rather be inconvenienced than risk the lives of their parents and grandparents and babies and risk spreading it to communities of innocents literally all over the globe, over a fucking computer game. Your attitude disgusts me.


NetherRealm had poor communication?


In all seriousness, though, NRS & WB made the right choice. But this should have been communicated like a week ago and not the day before the event. I mean people are already on planes (apparently), if not already there.


How can this be a joke when you put public safety first? Is caring for others wellbeing a joke?

Tons of other events, not only gaming related, are being cancelled, people sent homes with contingency plans done at the last minute.

Gotta take your heads out of the sand fellas. You're more worried about an event rather than people. Even those for the finals can be at risk.

It sucks for every parts involved! NRS/WB spent money for this event, not only the players and they, NRS/WB, could face more negativity due to unreasonable people.

How is this specific to MK11? Oo
Dude every ones point is that this is the "right" decision at the WRONG TIME!!!!
Yea cancel the event but why not days ago for f*&Cks sake. Its not like all of a sudden this has come about. This shit has been going on for weeks and its not like some huge outbreak occurred in Chicago. These dicks sat on their hands for days longer than they should have and as others have commented there are some people that have spent a lot of money and made arrangements all for nothing.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
At this point cancelling any and all events with LOTS of people is common sense....hell they're talking about canning Comic Con even.


Lord of embers
For a game with really awful press already this is an absolutely unmitigated disaster a catastrophe of epic proportions imagine in 2020 having an event cancelled literal hours before. This is monumental failure in leadership the scale of the virus was well known a week ago this course reversals timing is so suspicious I wont elaborate further but you can imagine. Side note I hate that offical announcements come from twitter.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
NRS cant do anything right when it comes to MK 11. I'm telling you this game is straight up cursed.
lol cursed. That's kind of funny. Or just really bad luck but to be honest, if this continues I wonder if Evo and general FG tournaments and events like CC, E3 etc will be cancelled as well.


I was really bummed to hear that it was canceled, but I sure as fuck wasn't upset about it. This is what NEEDED to happen. It could have been announced earlier, sure, but as it's been suggested in the thread already: perhaps it was a last minute decision or the decision just so happened to not be reached until today? We'll never know and even if we did know, it wouldn't change anything.

I've seen some folks all 'round the Net with their pitchforks and torches all ready to go storm the gates of NRS over this. Like, why? Why is you watching a game on a laptop/computer/mobile device more important than another person's well-being? I'd really like to ask someone that question and see what their answer is 'cause it's probably gonna be a doozy.

Peoples' health could have potentially been jeopardized and it certainly isn't worth it happening because of a video game.

This just proves more and more that humans as a species can be really damn dumb.


What if someone gets infected, comes home and infects/hospitalizes a weaker family member? Are you also going to blame NRS/WB?
NRS/WB are smart to to this, the chance of litigation is too high if someone gets infected.
I seriously believe folks who are up in arms over this don't think that far ahead. They can't. They just think of the here and now instead of what could possibly happen. It's awful.