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MK9 10 year anniversary is coming up in 2021. Revival/backwards compatibility? Remake?


D'Vorah for KP2 copium
over a boring balanced game. MK11 is not even close in the top 3 best MK games. MK9 is actually top 3 or close.
You forgot to include the phrase "in my opinion" here.

It’s a matter of taste after all. But if your a fan of MK you must appreciate atleast all that MK9 offered
That's some fine gatekeeping you got going on here. Good to know that anyone who came in from MKX onward and missed the MK9 train cant be MK fans.


Dojo Trainee
That's some fine gatekeeping you got going on here. Good to know that anyone who came in from MKX onward and missed the MK9 train cant be MK fans.
i said it’s a matter of taste. In other words my opinion.

i never said nor did i implied to say that, your words. what i ment to say is that MK9 did alot of FAN favoures. It’s a real treat for long time fans. Fans of the classic games as it brought back alot of classic features..


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
There is no comparison between the balance of MK9 and MK11. Constantly trying to push this just makes one look foolish.

It is possible to both like MK9’s gameplay and admit that the balance was by far the most lopsided we’ve had in the modern 2D era.

I greatly enjoyed MK9 but we need to be real about it too. It’s not even close.
Honestly, I've come to the realization that the term "balance" is highly overrated(MVC2 anyone?) Seriously look it up, the game had more glitches, infinites and broken than any MK yet was popular for over a decade, MK 9 isn't remotely as bad yet also popular...the gameplay mechanics in MK 9 balance is better and I'm not talking about "just characters" but the game itself. Well, the NRS decade thread speaks for itself lol the poll proved my point and won by a landslide obviously others feel the same way I do but may not want to post, me I don't really care who likes/dislikes my opinion. I've been playing MK my entire life and before a good portion of today's players to judge. Nothing foolish about that.

We all have preferences but MK 9's isn't nearly as lopsided as you're making it out to be, not when you can beat the top tiers with mids as I have. MK 11 hahaha good luck doing that. The last 2 tourneys Kumite and Frosty proved this, there wasn't any else outside of J. Cage, Geras, Jacqui, Kitana, Kano and KL. That was top 8 at Frosty(2 Cages)

Kumite was literally the same exact characters lol ....real balanced and diverse there bro. Where's the Raidens? Kollectors? Sindels? Jades? Shao Kahns? Shangs? etc etc just a fair question. Just saying MK 11 is far from perfect, but to each his own. You enjoy it, that's great. I'll stick to MK 9, UMk3 for my favs though.

MK9 did not age very well at al in terms of visuals, it's a very ugly game. So yes, a graphics bump would certainly be very welcome
It's not that bad, I mean it's also 2 gens ago 20 years from now MK 11 won't look that good compared to whatever is out. NES, SNES, Sega G etc graphics, PSX, N64 etc all look bad compared to 10 years ago but that's evolution for you. It doesn't make them any less classics or the games on those platforms I should say any less than MK 9 is one of the best MK's ever made overall at the end of the day.


Administrator and Community Engineer
The last 2 tourneys Kumite and Frosty proved this, there wasn't any else outside of J. Cage, Geras, Jacqui, Kitana, Kano and KL. That was top 8 at Frosty(2 Cages)

Kumite was literally the same exact characters lol ....real balanced and diverse there bro. Where's the Raidens? Kollectors? Sindels? Jades? Shao Kahns? Shangs? etc etc just a fair question. Just saying MK 11 is far from perfect, but to each his own. You enjoy it, that's great. I'll stick to MK 9, UMk3 for my favs though.
What? Frosty was won by a sub zero player.. The Top 8 had Jade, Jax, Sonya, Etc.


How is this lineup even remotely similar to KIT?

It really just seems like you generally have no idea what you're talking about, or you are intentionally trolling. I'm not sure which.
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Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
What? Frosty was won by a sub zero player.. The Top 8 had Jade, Jax, Sonya, Etc.

How is this lineup even
It really just seems like you generally have no idea what you're talking about, or you are intentionally trolling. I'm not sure which.
How about neither? The wrong vid link showed when I searched...but I do find it hilarious how you ignore kumites boring lineup. Typical roster in the top 8. So wait now apparently disagreeing with you now means I'm "trolling"? :confused:

See...heres the link.

Oh yea because its not like majority of the site didnt agree with me in the nrs topic right? But sure dude I dont know what I'm talking about. Oh. Wait. Not everyone puts mk 11 on a pedestal like you do. Wheres frost?raiden?kollector? Skarlet?shao kahn? Etc since you conveniently ignored that question before.
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D'Vorah for KP2 copium
We all have preferences but MK 9's isn't nearly as lopsided as you're making it out to be, not when you can beat the top tiers with mids as I have. MK 11 hahaha good luck doing that. The last 2 tourneys Kumite and Frosty proved this, there wasn't any else outside of J. Cage, Geras, Jacqui, Kitana, Kano and KL. That was top 8 at Frosty(2 Cages)
So are you saying that MK11 has consistent 9-1, 8-2, and 7-3 matchups by the top tiers against anything below the top 2 tiers? Are you saying that 32% of the MK11 cast have, at the minimum, losing matchups against 62% of the rest of the cast? Is Johnny Cage pumping out 9-1, 8-2, 7-3, and 6-4 matchups against 87% of the cast?

I know you love to bend over backwards praising MK9 like the second coming of Jesus, but PLEASE take off those rose-tinted glasses. You can push your "MK11 sucks and MK9 was the pinnacle of MK!" narrative without looking like a damn fool all the time.

EDIT: to conclude, trying to push anything about balance concerning MK9 is a fool's errand. Stop it.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
So are you saying that MK11 has consistent 9-1, 8-2, and 7-3 matchups by the top tiers against anything below the top 2 tiers? Are you saying that 32% of the MK11 cast have, at the minimum, losing matchups against 62% of the rest of the cast? Is Johnny Cage pumping out 9-1, 8-2, 7-3, and 6-4 matchups against 87% of the cast?

I know you love to bend over backwards praising MK9 like the second coming of Jesus, but PLEASE take off those rose-tinted glasses. You can push your "MK11 sucks and MK9 was the pinnacle of MK!" narrative without looking like a damn fool all the time.

EDIT: to conclude, trying to push anything about balance concerning MK9 is a fool's errand. Stop it.
Only fools here are those who who act like elitist shills that cant grasp the fact that their precious mk 11 isn't perfect and cant accept why majority prefer mk 9 more.

No more than you like to bend over backwards in mk 11s defense. You do know most including yourself have gripped over people like geras? Yes? Or are you flip flopping now? Lol. You mean when I see threads not made by me mind you requesting for jacqui, geras, scorp, cage nerfs? But sure dude this game is totally balanced to perfection.

I will not stop speaking my mind, sorry to disappoint. If it bothers you then I'd recommend you ignore me. I've said several times mk 9 isnt perfect but overall it's a better game than mk 11 as majority on here agree. Sont believe me read the topic I posted regarding nrs best game this decade. I can vote only but once afterall. So....yeah enjoy what you like, I'll enjoy what I like.

And please enough with the "rose tinted glasses" it's old and stop being an elitist I can assure you, I've been playing mk since forever. That thread proves my point, nuff said. Sorry the mk election didnt go the way you wanted maybe you should take off your mk 11 blinders or cross tinted glasses"and try other mk games, respect what other players prefer.
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D'Vorah for KP2 copium
Only fools here are those who who act like elitist shills that cant grasp the fact that their precious mk 11 isn't perfect and cant accept why majority prefer mk 9 more.

No more than you like to bend over backwards in mk 11s defense. You do know most including yourself have gripped over people like geras? Yes? Or are you flip flopping now? Lol. You mean when I see threads not made by me mind you requesting for jacqui, geras, scorp, cage nerfs? But sure dude this game is totally balanced to perfection.

I will not stop speaking my mind, sorry to disappoint. If it bothers you then I'd recommend you ignore me. I've said several times mk 9 isnt perfect but overall it's a better game than mk 11 as majority on here agree. Sont believe me read the topic I posted regarding nrs best game this decade. I can vote only but once afterall. So....yeah enjoy what you like, I'll enjoy what I like.

And please enough with the "rose tinted glasses" it's old and stop being an elitist I can assure you, I've been playing mk since forever. That thread proves my point, nuff said. Sorry the mk election didnt go the way you wanted maybe you should take off your mk 11 blinders or cross tinted glasses"and try other mk games, respect what other players prefer.
3 things for you.

1: You're really dead set on completely misrepresenting what everyone else is saying to make it play into your own narrative. I dont know a SINGLE MK11 lover here that doesnt believe there are notable issues in the game, be it balance, mechanics, QoL, style, etc. There are gripes I have with this game as I do any game I've ever played. Please find me one post from me, Crimson, or anyone else saying this game's balance is "perfection." Please do. Meanwhile, none of this changes the fact that MK9 was an absolute mess for balance which is the point I was making. Speaking of which..

2: It's a simple matter of you once again taking a discussion about BALANCE and you injecting your preference of the game into it. MK9 vs. MK11? Literally not even what we were talking about in the slightest until you tried to imply MK11 is having just as notable of issues. I haven't said a word in this thread about MK11 being better or presenting myself as an "elitist." I called out poor phrasing that sounded like gatekeeping / presenting MK9 being the best as fact from one person and you unironically saying that MK9 wasnt that lopsided balance-wise. Whatever other messages you're applying to my posts are entirely on you, boo.

3. I'd love to pick at whatever deep recesses of your brain your ending points on the favorite MK poll and needing to play other MK games came from. You gotta be SUPER flexible to manage mental gymnastics that crazy to think those points meant something.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
3 things for you.

1: You're really dead set on completely misrepresenting what everyone else is saying to make it play into your own narrative. I dont know a SINGLE MK11 lover here that doesnt believe there are notable issues in the game, be it balance, mechanics, QoL, style, etc. There are gripes I have with this game as I do any game I've ever played. Please find me one post from me, Crimson, or anyone else saying this game's balance is "perfection." Please do. Meanwhile, none of this changes the fact that MK9 was an absolute mess for balance which is the point I was making. Speaking of which..

2: It's a simple matter of you once again taking a discussion about BALANCE and you injecting your preference of the game into it. MK9 vs. MK11? Literally not even what we were talking about in the slightest until you tried to imply MK11 is having just as notable of issues. I haven't said a word in this thread about MK11 being better or presenting myself as an "elitist." I called out poor phrasing that sounded like gatekeeping / presenting MK9 being the best as fact from one person and you unironically saying that MK9 wasnt that lopsided balance-wise. Whatever other messages you're applying to my posts are entirely on you, boo.

3. I'd love to pick at whatever deep recesses of your brain your ending points on the favorite MK poll and needing to play other MK games came from. You gotta be SUPER flexible to manage mental gymnastics that crazy to think those points meant something.
1. No I'm not just calling it how I see it bud. Yeah lol.ok there are people like crimson who put mk 11 on a pedestal now whether they admit it or not I dont rrallybcare but seeing is believing. Mk 9 has its problems but it does more things right than wrong and if not for mk 9 youd have no mk 11. Just think about that for a second. Mk 11 also has its problems with that being said. One does not simply have to also say "this game is perfect compared to that game" to imply something btw.

2. Umm no I'm merely posting my own point of view like anyone else here, if you have an issue with it that's on you guy. The fact that people are using mk 11 as a means to justify why they miss mk 9 just goes to show that not everyone here isnok with mk 11 or some elements of the game where as mk 9 excelled in those particular areas for alot of us. If someone acts like elitist I call them out on it example all those boo boos in my nrs thread who got butthurt over mk 9 votes besting their beloved mk 11. Uhh so what? That doesnt justify pro.mk 11 people to shit on mk 9 or namely those who voted for mk 9. So boohoo yourself dude lol.

3.Yes perhaps I'd like to examine your brain and find out why you people say "rose tinted glasses" then you wonder why you come off as an elitist just because you dont feel the same way?

Actions speak louder than words buddy or this case words speak for themself since were on a forum. Reo, myself and many others already pointed this out in that thread if you read the many debates in there youd see what I mean....or not. My point is that topic speaks for itself, I can only vote once lol but hey I cant speak for the rest of tym. You can digest if you wish or go back to "nah uh you like mk 9 so therefore you wear rose tinted glasses" card. Curious though I lf I may, what was your first mk game, which year? 3d era? Mk 9?
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Administrator and Community Engineer
How about neither? The wrong vid link showed when I searched...but I do find it hilarious how you ignore kumites boring lineup. Typical roster in the top 8. So wait now apparently disagreeing with you now means I'm "trolling"? :confused:

See...heres the link.

Oh yea because its not like majority of the site didnt agree with me in the nrs topic right? But sure dude I dont know what I'm talking about. Oh. Wait. Not everyone puts mk 11 on a pedestal like you do. Wheres frost?raiden?kollector? Skarlet?shao kahn? Etc since you conveniently ignored that question before.
You said KIT and Frosty had the same characters in the Top 8 when they had a completely different lineup of chars. You didn’t even watch Frosty, but you were here spouting off criticisms of the game based on it as if you did. I’m not even sure if you know who K7 showoff is.

And when you’re called on it, you just switch to attacks based on a completely different subject.

You know exactly why you looked foolish here, and continuing to try to BS your way out of it just makes you look worse. Just give it a rest.
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Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
You said Kumite and Frosty had the same characters in the Top 8 when they had a completely different lineup of chars. You didn’t even watch Frosty, but you were here spouting off criticisms of the game based on it as if you did. I’m not even sure if you know who K7 showoff is.

And when you’re called on it, you just switch to attacks based on a completely different subject.

You know exactly why you looked foolish here, and continuing to try to BS your way out of it just makes you look worse. Just give it a rest.
Lol you're a funny dude. You know that dude?
I said I made a mistake as in the wrong link came up when searching for frosty but limited is correct so not sure what you're disputing there. My point was not much variety there. When I say variety I mean lower mids and low tiers.

What basic attacks what? Lol you're the one who always tries to put these subtle potshots at people you disagree with namely me I dont see how I'm making myself look bad for acknowledging I watched the wrong video. You want a cookie or something bro? You still can't deny the fact that nobody has used lower tiers but it's all good dude mk 11 balanced! All characters can compete 100%, no bad match ups all are totally even right bro?

Its not foolish to make a simple error and I've insulted nobody anymore than you've insulted me so dont even go there please. Just because you're polite with your subtle knocks doesnt mean they're not there. K7 the streamer? Yeah I can make a few estimates about you as well given who your feel is the top tier of a certain mk game.

Btw actually I did watch it during this time I found the right video. It's ok you didnt know.
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The Prettiest
Backwards compatibility or remake would be 100% fine with me. It won’t be as fun without my old online friends, but waxing some ass will sate my hunger.


Fabled Villain
You have to remember that there is a major nostalgia factor for people when it comes to discussing MK9. For a lot of people on here (myself included), it is THE game that got them to take fighting games seriously. So, there will always be a lot of special love for MK9 on this board.

None of this changes the fact that, as a competitive fighter, MK9 isn't even in the same league as Injustice 1/2, or MKX/11. MK9 was horribly balanced and buggy. It was a major step in the right direction for NRS and was a lot of fun, but I'm not sure how any serious fighting game fan could compare it favorably to a game like MK11. Again, it was a wonderful game, but inherently flawed and primitive.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
If the game is and can be played competitively then balance is irrelevant. Look at mvc2....way worse than mk 9 yet played competitively. Balance is importantbut way overrated...Just saying.

Wait, is this for real?
You really believe MK9 is better balanced than MK11?
I'm referring to gameplay mechanics, not characters. However that's not to say mk 11 has perfect balance. Its solid but not perfect. Know what I mean?
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What's the point of a random Krypt?
If the game is and can be played competitively then balance is irrelevant. Look at mvc2....way worse than mk 9 yet played competitively. Balance is importantbut way overrated...Just saying.

I'm referring to gameplay mechanics, not characters. However that's not to say mk 11 has perfect balance. Its solid but not perfect. Know what I mean?
I dont really know what you mean. Balance is irrelevant, but mk9 is better balanced than MvC2, yet you are talking about the "gameplay mechanics's" balance, in opposition to character balance, and we are not to think MK11 is perfectly balanced. I honestly don't know how to answer to this.

Look, I hate MK11, and MK9 might be my favorite videogame ever, but thinking MK9 is better balanced than MK11 is crazy. I'll ask again, do you really believe MK9 is better balanced than MK11? It's a simple yes/no question.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I dont really know what you mean. Balance is irrelevant, but mk9 is better balanced than MvC2, yet you are talking about the "gameplay mechanics's" balance, in opposition to character balance, and we are not to think MK11 is perfectly balanced. I honestly don't know how to answer to this.

Look, I hate MK11, and MK9 might be my favorite videogame ever, but thinking MK9 is better balanced than MK11 is crazy. I'll ask again, do you really believe MK9 is better balanced than MK11? It's a simple yes/no question.
Your opinion then. The fact that my nrs thread had mk 9 destroying mk 11 should tell you something. You just admitted that balance is irrelevant and agreed with my point yet you still question me? Lol to each his own bud but mk 9nwill always be the better game as far im concerned to mk 11. I've already explained my answer earlier just reread my explanation bro.

Since you said you hate mk 11, I trust you understand what I'm saying.
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What's the point of a random Krypt?
Your opinion then. The fact that my nrs thread had mk 9 destroying mk 11 should tell you something. You just admitted that balance is irrelevant and agreed with my point yet you still question me? Lol to each his own bud but mk 9nwill always be the better game as far im concerned to mk 11. I've already explained my answer earlier just reread my explanation bro.

Since you said you hate mk 11, I trust you understand what I'm saying.
So, you DO think MK9 is the better balanced game? You seem to imply it, bit I just want to be completely sure.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
So, you DO think MK9 is the better balanced game? You seem to imply it, bit I just want to be completely sure.
I think balance is overrated and MK 9 is an overall better game. Balance aside, I'll just say that I prefer the BS in MK 9 over the bs in MK 11. :) I'm a little confused as to your conclusion however. You said you hate MK 11 yet seemingly feels like you're defending it vs MK 9. I'm guessing you also hate MK 9 as well? Let me just ask you a question, which game do you like better overall. All I want to know, you don't have to go into why unless you want to.


D'Vorah for KP2 copium
1. No I'm not just calling it how I see it bud. Yeah lol.ok there are people like crimson who put mk 11 on a pedestal now whether they admit it or not I dont rrallybcare but seeing is believing. Mk 9 has its problems but it does more things right than wrong and if not for mk 9 youd have no mk 11. Just think about that for a second. Mk 11 also has its problems with that being said. One does not simply have to also say "this game is perfect compared to that game" to imply something btw.

2. Umm no I'm merely posting my own point of view like anyone else here, if you have an issue with it that's on you guy. The fact that people are using mk 11 as a means to justify why they miss mk 9 just goes to show that not everyone here isnok with mk 11 or some elements of the game where as mk 9 excelled in those particular areas for alot of us. If someone acts like elitist I call them out on it example all those boo boos in my nrs thread who got butthurt over mk 9 votes besting their beloved mk 11. Uhh so what? That doesnt justify pro.mk 11 people to shit on mk 9 or namely those who voted for mk 9. So boohoo yourself dude lol.

3.Yes perhaps I'd like to examine your brain and find out why you people say "rose tinted glasses" then you wonder why you come off as an elitist just because you dont feel the same way?

Actions speak louder than words buddy or this case words speak for themself since were on a forum. Reo, myself and many others already pointed this out in that thread if you read the many debates in there youd see what I mean....or not. My point is that topic speaks for itself, I can only vote once lol but hey I cant speak for the rest of tym. You can digest if you wish or go back to "nah uh you like mk 9 so therefore you wear rose tinted glasses" card. Curious though I lf I may, what was your first mk game, which year? 3d era? Mk 9?
1. Your point about "if MK9 hadn't been so good MK11 wouldn't be here" means absolutely nothing and has nothing to do with my first point. Disregarded due to irrelevance. You attributing the idea "this game is perfect compared to that game" to my arguments is a ridiculous strawman. Am I implying that MK11 has better balance? Hell no. I'm outright stating it and have multiple times. Seriously go look up pros' matchup charts from MK9 (such as the one Reo posted earlier in this thread). Am I implying MK11's balance is "perfect compared to MK9"? Hell no as well, and no one has said that. It's just better balanced by a long shot. Nothing more, nothing less. No "perfect" about it as you seem so fixated to attribute to my argument.

2. Your "point of view" here has no bearing on what I was talking about as I was strictly focused on the poor balance of MK9. Not MK9 as a whole, not MK11 whatsoever, not anyone's preference, not MK9 vs. MK11 - just MK9's balance. You once again injecting a slew of irrelevant talking points to the topic at hand means nothing to what I was saying and is exactly why I had my second point. You're trying to bring in all these things you perceive as forum drama into a discussion it's entirely off topic to. I'm also not one of those who shit on MK9 in that poll thread, got mad MK9 won, or shit on those who voted for it. I'd be a damned fool to think literally any NRS title in existence right now could beat out MK9 in a popularity contest. Completely irrelevant points you're making once again.

3. My "rose tinted glasses" comment was in the context of you trying to say that MK9 "wasn't nearly as lopsided," not the game as a whole. Please go back and read my post as it's entirely focused on balance. I'm honestly baffled by how you took that as "anyone liking MK9 has rose tinted glasses," but you have clearly set a track record of adding useless commentary in your responses so I guess I shouldn't be baffled.

Your lack of reading comprehension has lead you to incorrectly believe that I hate MK9 and anyone who likes it which is just the most entertaining thing. The game was fun as hell and I have a ton of fond memories of it. What you don't seem to understand is that the only real area I'm critical of it is its balance, especially considering how much better NRS has done with its games' balance since then. That has been my entire point in my last few posts in this thread. Nothing else. Just its balance. All this other shit you're either forcibly attaching to my argument or pulling in from your own weird attempt at arguing points I'm not talking about at all is, again, entirely on you, boo.

Per your question at the end: my first MK game that I took seriously was UMK3 on Xbox Live Arcade ages ago. After that, I played MK9 religiously from its launch until MKX's release. I played MKX until the end of KP1. I played IJ2 until a little after the release of Red Hood before dropping it. I've played MK11 regularly since launch.
I think its safe to say they'll never "remaster" anything between mk4-mk9. Those female outfits are just too much for us adults to possibly handle.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I think its safe to say they'll never "remaster" anything between mk4-mk9. Those female outfits are just too much for us adults to possibly handle.
Someone would probably protest it now days because they're more revealing

1. Your point about "if MK9 hadn't been so good MK11 wouldn't be here" means absolutely nothing and has nothing to do with my first point. Disregarded due to irrelevance. You attributing the idea "this game is perfect compared to that game" to my arguments is a ridiculous strawman. Am I implying that MK11 has better balance? Hell no. I'm outright stating it and have multiple times. Seriously go look up pros' matchup charts from MK9 (such as the one Reo posted earlier in this thread). Am I implying MK11's balance is "perfect compared to MK9"? Hell no as well, and no one has said that. It's just better balanced by a long shot. Nothing more, nothing less. No "perfect" about it as you seem so fixated to attribute to my argument.

2. Your "point of view" here has no bearing on what I was talking about as I was strictly focused on the poor balance of MK9. Not MK9 as a whole, not MK11 whatsoever, not anyone's preference, not MK9 vs. MK11 - just MK9's balance. You once again injecting a slew of irrelevant talking points to the topic at hand means nothing to what I was saying and is exactly why I had my second point. You're trying to bring in all these things you perceive as forum drama into a discussion it's entirely off topic to. I'm also not one of those who shit on MK9 in that poll thread, got mad MK9 won, or shit on those who voted for it. I'd be a damned fool to think literally any NRS title in existence right now could beat out MK9 in a popularity contest. Completely irrelevant points you're making once again.

3. My "rose tinted glasses" comment was in the context of you trying to say that MK9 "wasn't nearly as lopsided," not the game as a whole. Please go back and read my post as it's entirely focused on balance. I'm honestly baffled by how you took that as "anyone liking MK9 has rose tinted glasses," but you have clearly set a track record of adding useless commentary in your responses so I guess I shouldn't be baffled.

Your lack of reading comprehension has lead you to incorrectly believe that I hate MK9 and anyone who likes it which is just the most entertaining thing. The game was fun as hell and I have a ton of fond memories of it. What you don't seem to understand is that the only real area I'm critical of it is its balance, especially considering how much better NRS has done with its games' balance since then. That has been my entire point in my last few posts in this thread. Nothing else. Just its balance. All this other shit you're either forcibly attaching to my argument or pulling in from your own weird attempt at arguing points I'm not talking about at all is, again, entirely on you, boo.
Per your question at the end: my first MK game that I took seriously was UMK3 on Xbox Live Arcade ages ago. After that, I played MK9 religiously from its launch until MKX's release. I played MKX until the end of KP1. I played IJ2 until a little after the release of Red Hood before dropping it. I've played MK11 regularly since launch.
1.Ok, first of all actually yes it does mean something given the fact that NRS's first game was MK 9 but clearly you're not the brightest apple in the bin. Only a moron would deny this fact. Disregarding facts tells me you simply have no argument lol. Not a ridiculous strawman, it's fact. You want to dickride MK 11 be my guest, I'm not a shill to the game and can recognize as many others here the many flaws of the game as my thread regarding NRS proved. What does Reo's tier list have to do with anything? He posted it to prove you people wrong making assumptions that "Cyrax is the best character" yet he's not even top 3 in the game. Well you'd still be wrong then as I've stated that the gameplay mechanics suck and are NOT better than MK 9's, you can scream about it til the cows come home I'm not changing my viewpoint as a top MK 9 player and someone who plays MK in general competitively, oh and you don't need to be in every tourney to know this. Even a casual player can grasp this concept that MK 11 is not nearly as great as balanced game as you think. Not by a long shot, there's characters like Geras, Kabal, Jacqui, Cage, Cetrion, Sonya, Scorp who literally dominate Kombat League and tourneys if you've actually watched them. Guess what? Mk 9 people complained about Kabal, KL, Kenshi, Cyrax, Sonya showing up too much but from what I've seen in general way more diversity in MK 9 and lower and mid tiers getting farther than any mids or lows in this game. There's a known Sheeva player who got far in MK 9 tourneys she's low af. Crazy Dominican Jr won a combo breaker with Rain....so yeah, talk to me when Raiden in 2nd or 3rd V wins anything, hell at this point even V1. Raijin is the best easily but haven't exactly seen anyone tear anyone up with it now. But again, I'm not even talking "character exclusive balance" I'm talking overall game balance which are two entirely different things however, one indirectly effects the other. Example, MK 9's wake ups, breakers, throws, poke system were superior to MK 11 in every way possible. Why? Simply put because they worked. MK 11's are inconsistent, not universal (take Jade's U2 vs oh I dont know Gera's U2 which is far better than most U2's in the game from the arche alone) and let's not forget the fact that wake ups in this game with delay being the ONE and only exception costs defensive meter which is a ripoff. If you're facing someone like Jacqui Upgraded with insane pressure and you have no meter to wake up, you may as well drop the controller. Poke system is flawed since you mentioned REO, ok you are aware he also made a video explaining why pokes suck ass in MK 11 compared to MK 9 right? Throws are too OP you can throw someone from a mere ducking animation and you get thrown easily out of rolls, forward and backwards as well as FB's up close(great armor there) Break Aways? Ha if I have really have to explain why these are ass compared to breakers to you then there really is no hope for you. So yeah not fixated on anything, just telling it how it is but feel free to deny all that.

2. Actually it does because my preference aside, nobody by nobody I mean majority on here gives a rats ass about "Balance" as much as people like you. If they did MK 9 wouldn't have won that poll by a landslide over MK 11 now would it? nope. Again, just went through this, character balance is not everything when it comes to defining a solid game. MK 9 was also played multiple tourneys and Evos, you're acting as if the game was rejected by majors and MK 11 is this game lightyears better in balance. It may be a little better with character balance but it sure as hell ain't MUCH, MUCH better than MK 9 for various reasons. Umm no has nothing do with "forum drama" as you put it, just more facts that back up my claims. I'm not even talking about the disputes, just the poll results if you actually read what I said guy...

3. Nope, now you're trying to backtrack I didn't take it wrong I called you out on your elitist, arrogant attitude and now you're backpedalling lol. "Rose tinted glasses" implying people can't see past their own preference, lol hypocrite much? What are you doing with Mk 11? lol You're quite amusing I must say. Whoever told you that obviously is a troll since I address only the topic at hand, now for people like you I may have to go into vivid detail but you'll just ignore what I say anyway and go back to your elitist formula. I have news for you dude, not everyone on here goes where the wind blows. You need to accept and understand this. That being said my "point of view" according to your logic has no more bearing than your personal opinion about my "reading comprehension, what kind glasses I wear or some fake news rep you label me by" because you happen to disagree with me on this. All of that is irrelevant to me as my personal view is to you.

lol if anything You're the one that needs work in reading comprehension, I've explained myself several times in that thread, this one among others WHY most prefer MK 9 to MK 11 but you just keep parroting the same argument like a broken record "character balance, character balance, character balance" it's rather old and tiresome at this point. When did I say you hate MK 9? Again I just said I call it how I see it, you may not hate MK 9 but you're obviously pro MK 11 and put it on this pedestal of perfection the way you talk about it. Yes, yes, yes again with the character balance....while ignoring everything else not just in the game but that effects character balance such as universal gameplay mechanics but feel free to ignore that "boo boo".

Cool story bro, I've been playing MK since MK 1 being an 80's kid and while I can't afford nor have the time to go to majors I've played in plenty of local tourneys at mom and pop joints, Gamestops, Gamechamps and numerous other places that are now gone or relocated over the years with MK games. But at least you've played UMk3 which is easily one of the best MK games ever to this day. FTR and I know this is again my personal preference here but saying it anyway because, UMK3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MK 11 any day. That game is way older but the balance since that's your thing was fantastic with it. Another game of the MK franchises where lows if you were good with them could compete with majority of the roster. Can I say that for MK 11? Nope.

That all being said, we may as well just agree to disagree because clearly we're going in circles and you have your mindset, I have mine. Let's just move on, shall we? And why do you call me boo boo? Are you trying to scare me or this some sort of flirting tactic you use?lol