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Tom's Incident Has Made it to Esports Mainstream News


Lord of embers
I will never be piece of shit enough to scam people and lie about it live on stream.
Lol well this is utter bullshit. At some point in your life you've done someone wrong period. You can classify all you want it's not as bad blah blah, you want a man to lose his lively hood and die a homeless bum on the street over a fucking video game controversy which totaled no more than 2grand. It's people with this feeble mindset that allows people like tom to fucking thrive because your all toxic and deserve one another.
Tom Brady is a loser for this yes, you also are a loser for investing so heavily in negativaty that didnt affect you directly.
You dont want to be apart of the solution your just a cancerous sheep mentatality member. Grow up realise life is more often gray than it is black and white.


Lord of embers
Secondly the op asked a very specific question where the FUCK ARE THE MODS? Stop feeding into the fucking nonsense and clean it up FUCK.


It's one thing to fuck up once or twice or whatever.
The shit I read about Tom is that he's been scamming fans and close friends for years now and instead of coming clean he weasels and squirms about acting like he's still innocent and had to forge the document because he was actually there but needed it for proof or whatever.

Stop defending this douchebag. He's such a fucking asswipe who had years to learn and/or come clean but chose to do neither.

I don't want him to lose his job, but I fucking hope that nobody keeps watching/supporting him, even though I know it's never going to happen because the internet loves watching dumpster fires burn.


Deus Fulminatus
Tom should be forgiven, but forgiveness is earned.

An apology and refund after he's been caught is not enough to keep supporting this guy.


Philanthropist & Asshole
Yeah, fuck that Tom Brady!
On an unrelated note, this old obscure MK vet named Bill Menoutis is thinking of coming out of retirement for one last run. Anyone hear of him?
Anyway, he seems totally legit and just needs a little help to cover expenses.
Let’s get behind this guy, he could really invigorate the scene!


Yeah, fuck that Tom Brady!
On an unrelated note, this old obscure MK vet named Bill Menoutis is thinking of coming out of retirement for one last run. Anyone hear of him?
Anyway, he seems totally legit and just needs a little help to cover expenses.
Let’s get behind this guy, he could really invigorate the scene!

Saltea Moonspell

"Mind Over Matter" I dont mind, and X dont matter
As much as we all see wrong in his doing, he is just a human. That's for one. Two, he contributed to this community years of his life, with love to the frenchise. He f@cked up bad. In my neighborhood, he would've endup hospitalized, and in months of recovery for doing this to people. He is obligated to publicly apologize, and if he wishes, continue his devotion. Some of will support, some will not, but that is up to everyone of us. He, like anyone deserve forgiveness - don't confuse it with forgetting. Ive seen folks doing worse, and they were forgiven, and some learned, some never did - those did not lived happy for long.


Random foreign guy
As a long time Brady fan, I hope he's forever remembered as a fraud. He was always my favorite player and as a Sub main I looked up to him since the MK9 days. What he did is inexcusable, and while I overlooked his constant childish behavior and attention-seeking I can't overlook this a neither should anybody else. The guy is a mess, he needs to face real consequences after all this shit. Maybe he'll learn from it, maybe he won't, either way, he shouldn't be allowed to be relevant on this community anymore. He crossed the line.

Legion DC

"Another weakling..."
There's more to life than video games. To my understanding Tom has a life, family, and job.
I wish Tom the best. Far as streaming, and acquiring the beauty that comes with it should come to a halt.
What's done is done. Tom's best bet is to focus on his personal life and don't come back.
You can ban people from your stream. However, you better run, better run. When the wolves comes out to play!!


Online Scrub Lord
If we lived in Medieval times, his ass would get the guillotine. There's some benefits to this as it would deter others from doing this type of shady shit.

People moved on from Dragon's little fiasco back in the MKX days so I don't see why this would destroy his career. Despite him mostly being a dick, he has contributed a lot to the FGC even if he's a mediocre player at best. Tom is stuck in his ways and is never going to change.

I'm still waiting for my refund Tom, but I don't know, maybe some people on this site will donate to my patreon so I can go to a tournament. I promise I'll go guys.

Hebrew Negro

KingofBosz97 XBL
I feel like it's already passed from an outside perspective. He will go on with his career as normal, nothing will change.


Vampire mommy simp
Honestly once you mess up like this trust has to be earned back. If people just let this slide and life goes on as usual, they deserve to be scammed tbh.
Everyone deserves a second chance, but it has to be earned. I hope his family doesn't suffer too much from the consequences of his actions, but I also hope no one in the community trusts him until he deserves that trust again.
And honestly I hope he works on his issues. That's not how someone who's right in the head acts. Your mental health isn't your fault but it's your responsibility, and he can't have any credit in the community until he fixes his shit.

Gojira Prime

Zoner Green Lantern for Injustice 3.
Lol well this is utter bullshit. At some point in your life you've done someone wrong period. You can classify all you want it's not as bad blah blah, you want a man to lose his lively hood and die a homeless bum on the street over a fucking video game controversy which totaled no more than 2grand. It's people with this feeble mindset that allows people like tom to fucking thrive because your all toxic and deserve one another.
Tom Brady is a loser for this yes, you also are a loser for investing so heavily in negativaty that didnt affect you directly.
You dont want to be apart of the solution your just a cancerous sheep mentatality member. Grow up realise life is more often gray than it is black and white.
Meh, I want him to burn as well.


RIP Akira Toriyama
Well, all I know is, if you are aware of this incident and you keep donating to this guy, you're a fucking idiot.


Lord of embers
No accusations champ, just that it's the sort of low tier behavior you see from people with problems like that.
Opioids chemically imbalance you. That "low tier" behavior shouldn't really be the standard he held to if hes shot off perks. Shit will make you kill your own mother.


Lord of embers
Well, all I know is, if you are aware of this incident and you keep donating to this guy, you're a fucking idiot.
I dont donate and I dont look at these lanes like celebs. But if some nerd looks to tom as an idol and doesnt care if he goes to tourneys or not who are you to tell them dont look up to this guy?
I promise you one of YOUR IDOLS probably touches women or little boys who are you to tell someone who to worship and who not to.

Which is the crux of my argument Tom is a fucking scum bag for beating those lames outta of money however when you give your money away is it really Tom's fault? I mean I donate to red cross but even I know 5cent is going to the cause and 95 to the ether you know?

It wasnt really you I'm snapping at just the overall tone of the thread is out of control at this point.