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The Game Awards 2019 discussion thread


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
Kinda disappointed.

The best announcements for me were the ghost of Tsushima new look and the Xmen DLC for MUA3 because it put in EVERYONE I wanted. Also looks like Doom is coming so maybe 5 characters instead of 4.


Who's coming up with the names for the Xbox consoles at Microsoft? They should`ve just called it Xbox Scarlett. The naming is so confusing.


Personally, I thought in terms of reveals it was pretty weak.
  • No Batman game
  • No Smash character announcement
  • No fighting game announcement
  • No Elden Ring gameplay
  • No Resident Evil 3 Remake gameplay
  • Pretty much all new announcements were CGI, with some trailers like the Dungeons & Dragons one being straight-up terrible.
  • Xbox Series X announcement was rushed, in my opinion. Should have revealed it when they were ready for people to get hands-on demos with it like at E3.
  • To top it all off, the FINAL big reveal is a Fast & Furious game that looks like it was made for the PS3.
  • Bonus: they keep getting movie industry icons to present for some reason, even though it should be game industry icons.
But honestly I kept my expectations kinda low so I wasn't really disappointed. With next-gen coming next year I figured most devs weren't going to be ready to talk about what they were making until both XSX and PS5 are fully revealed, plus there was just no way they were going to top last year with Reggie, Layden, and Spencer all one stage at the same time and with reveals like Mortal Kombat 11.