Firstly, fix your mics holy shit.
Secondly, I'm sorta new to this podcast so I don't have the history, but do we really need Dave and REO calling each other morons about armor?
Grow the fuck up, damn.
Now as someone who was around during KI since its launch and pretty active on the forums I had actually somehow completely forgotten all about Paul B and only had a vague sense that his name brought me some dark nostalgia. That said, as much as I dislike the man and how two-faced he was with comments like "it's the community's fault" regarding backlash towards the game or the devs, he still had a lot of good points about risk/reward aspect of neutral breaking attacks using the KI comparisons.
Regarding things like Geras sand trap and how this part of the discussion explored it I was disappointed nobody brought up Raiden's lightning strikes as this move already functions pretty much how everyone in the stream would like all the other similar moves to function; hella unsafe mid screen and closer. Unfortunately it's also just as unsafe at full screen to a few characters, but the general idea is there where encroaching on Raiden's space fucks him up.
Tom gets a lot of shit but he always makes a lot of strong points, and I think his findings on the way i-frames work on wakeup is not only interesting as fuck but also a colossal deal that I'm surprised nobody else seemed to care about it when explained. I do agree that the shouting and interruptions could use a nerf though, Tom.
Dave, I
really dislike your attitude of "
x will never get fixed so cut our losses". Tom brings up an important happening where NRS decided to rebuild their entire online feature at great cost to themselves (and I don't just mean money) more than a year after MKX was released. This is an unheard of thing to do with a game.
The moment this happened I no longer find "this won't or can't get fixed" as a viable answer. I think there's merit in perhaps NRS is just chilling due to backlash for patching previous games too much, but I also agree with REO that these concerns should still be voiced constructively to NRS if anything is going to improve.
I understand that you mean we're not going to be seeing large overhauls to the variation system (agreed) or how the block button works (agreed, sadly) but I think a lot of the suggestions brought to the table in the stream to be viable changes.
I love this game too and I do agree with Tom that it's pretty close to where it needs to be but there are a lot of little weird shits that bring down the experience tremendously when they appear. I think forward roll and delay wakeup are great examples to talk about for character specific stuff that makes these mechanics even more frustrating than they already are:
Characters like Geras and Jax get to stand on top of you while you're in knockdown and continue throwing out their usual buttons without even needing to care about roll or delay because their best strings either catch jumpers/buttons, blow up the delay, or move them out of punish range if you rolled forward.
Meanwhile a character like Raiden can't do any of that since all of his buttons are 1 or 2 hits with big whiff animations and goofy hitboxes. This character gets disintegrated by rolls and delay wakeup, and holding up is probably the safest thing you can do against him. Raiden players are always talking about B2 KB being bad because you can block it when the real problem is Raiden actually has to stand there with his eyes taped open to try and read the full wakeup or he dies while top characters literally don't care.
I think we're having an important discussion and I am grateful that this conversation is happening and even with people we don't always get along with. That said, I was pretty frustrated listening to this one due to the mics cutting, several people talking over each other and not listening to one another, and again whatever that was between Dave and REO; it's bad enough the forums are rife with ad hominem so allowing it onto your stream makes you guys look really bad no matter how good your talking points may be. Whatever your history, if that was actually friendly ribbing or something I think it needs to be checked because it certainly doesn't read as such and I don't believe it has any place in the discussion nor does it do any favors for this game or community.
-Fuck me I just looked at this after posting, sorry about the wall.