Amazing movie and so happy the media's BS backfired hard on their stupid asses. Phoenix is definitely going to get nominated, hopefully gets an award because he deserves one for that amazing performance. Definitely rivals Ledger's Joker for sure. I felt so bad for this Joker at times, and also so bad for Bruce at the end. The movie is breaking records nobody imagined, it already broke Venom for best comic book movie in October. I hope DC makes more of these Black Label/alternate universe like stories, darker, grittier. I'm so hoping they make an Injustice film at some point. Make Superman hardcore like Homelander in Boys, that shit would be amazing.
On the age difference, it's not that big of a deal because in the comics we don't know Joker's age for one. He's a mystery, secondly this is an alternate universe so when you do that you can do anything. Perhaps in this universe there's a 25 year age difference let's say Joker is 30 ish in this movie, Bruce is said to be 9 I read somewhere or 10. Whatever. But even in Keaton's Batman, Joker was way older. He was like probably in his late 20's when Bruce was like 8 or 9. So this isn't really that big of a deal to me unless it's like 50 years+ difference.