This. DLC is still coming.
On top of that, the general game systems have ALL undergone changes since release due to feedback (ToT, getting currency playing online, the Krypt, game balance, KL) and will likely continue to get changes to address other issues as time goes by. There's balance changes coming with the 3rd variation patch. There's more updates coming to ToT with the 3rd variation patch. Terminator releases in a little over a week IIRC with Sindel following in a little under 2 months.
At this point, I feel that customs are not going to come to ranked / pro play at any point in this game's lifespan. NRS is locked into the preset variation system from both a design and a balance standpoint. I've come to this conclusion predominantly based on what Steph said on the recent Kast: that the non-preset-variation moves were never intended for ranked / pro play so they were never balanced to be. That tells me that the 2 variation system was decided upon long ago and the pre-release balancing efforts went entirely to those variations as that would be the core of the game. Consider all the other potential moves a bonus for casual play just like they were in IJ2.
If the argument being made for customs is less about having all options and more about the mixing of the moves so you're not locked to whatever NRS has decided on, I dont see the point. It's been said any number of times here: full customs would only result in the best combinations being utilized per character with the only deviations being matchup specific. Player expression would likely surge up greatly immediately after the opening of customs; but said expression would also immediately plummet to even worse than it is now as everyone looking to win settles on the best 1-2 combinations per character, resulting in the same sort of 1-2 variations we have now.
I really do not see customs ever happening. It makes 0 logical sense for NRS to scrap ALL of their design and balance work up until this point. Suddenly every balance decision is no longer made within a defined character space of the variation moves are in. Instead, every balance decision has to be made with every possible variation combination in mind which would be insanity for the balance team.
To conclude, I'd like to give a hot take I've thought about for quite a while: the people who are kicking and screaming about this game NEEDING customs would still not be satisfied if they came. It's clear the base game of MK11 just is not for them and making an immense change of that scale would change very little in the long term for them.