I remember that about a month ago for the nightwolf YouTube reveal trailer, there was a comment that pretty much said “cool.. now I have to guess what moves are available for competitive play... we were promised customization!!”
It was the top comment with over 250 likes. The comment was then shortly removed by nrs.. people need to stop pretending like this is a complaint by just a few loudmouths in the community
That's not much different than when IJ2 was dropping new characters. I don't feel near the same level of fragmentation between the casual and competitive sides as in that game, and like it was a much bigger deal then with the causal crowd basically getting everything and having RPG stat crap making it totally impossible to sometimes play against custom loadouts with a stock character.
It's not even a "we got what we asked for but didn't know what that meant" situation at this point. There were tons of people ready to burn NRS to the ground if variations returned, now we wan't infinite variations. We hated MKX, IN2, but now we loved them so much more than today's game, and why can't things just be MK9?
I think individuals are probably quite consistent for what they want and are saying, but the mob just wants so many conflicting things, and is never ending; this wanting something to be different. There is no way to win, and no way to recognize all the complaining. All they could do was to try and give us something they thought would work, and they thought was cool, and they though is what we wanted and see how the dice fell. By in large, the competitive crowd as been getting more and more of what it has been asking for since mid MKX and this is where we end up. Not everyone is loving it I guess, just like they didn't love the last couple of games. There is no game to be made that will make everyone happy, and at some point it's a bad idea to try and make one.
I wasn't happy in the end with the last one. My memory may be a little faulty here, but when people like me said we weren't having fun, some of the same people complaining here seem to leave me feeling like we weren't allowed to complain. That the game was good and it was our fault for not trying hard enough or being good enough at it to even be allowed to have an opinion on the matter.
Now we are here with this game. I like this game. I feel like I can play this one more effectively, and like I'm learning something by playing it. It's fine not everyone likes it too, but people don't just want to complain about it, they want to change it. I don't think I asked for IJ2 to change. It's a really cool and great game; for some people. It just wasn't quite a fit for me. This one has been, and I'm not totally up for just letting that call to change it go with out some sort of push back.
All that said I don't know that full customization changes the game enough that it's worth fighting against, but I also don't know that it will shake things up any more than a third set of variations. Maybe we just wait and see what that feels like instead of flipping out and asking for the whole cake. Maybe they could just run a full customization KL season and we would know for certain what it's like without them having to commit to anything at all.
I should go to bed now, cuz my rant mode flipped on or something.