Positive Poster!
I agree, law has to be clear but there has to be law and it has to be enforced by professional staff.Yeah true, but still the popoff was just a popoff. Buffalo was yelling “ft2 boyz!” ffs, lol.
“Misbehaves” is too vague. There’s has to be clear, unambiguous rules. Like, don’t touch anyone who doesn’t want to be touched and/or doesn’t/can’t give consent. Don’t drug people without their knowledge. Don’t sleep next to someone who didn’t consent to you sleeping next to them. The ridiculousness is at an all time high right now. How ridiculous is it that rules like this seem to need to be required? All these scumbags should be banned from events forever, with zero appeal.
The premise that "nerds are chill" needs heavy revision because while most of us are, and you won't find me screaming in your face for bopping me in a game, some people aren't as well mannered and sportsmanship is not in everyone's vocabulary either.
As for "just a popoff" I'm going to have to disagree on that.
If you look at his eyes and body language, he was actually under heavy stress and he was venting immense frustration. He had the self-control or perhaps the reason not to get physical but that was actual anger and frustration that he blew up with.
In any public event with professional security, there would be two handling him and one standing in his way between him and his target, all three of them firmly suggesting him to stand down, gently forcing him back away and using neutral language with him.
He was screaming at Scar for nearly a minute.
This is unacceptable, if a competitor pulled an item capable of causing bodily harm to threaten another competitor with, this level of security incompetence could have cost someone a trip to the hospital or worse.