I'm not sure if you mean your favorite to play as or personality/design, so I'll do both.
1) Raiden (Best hat in the game, eyes made of electricity, protector of earthrealm.)
2) Nightwolf (I've always been drawn towards native characters in fighting games.)
3) Skarlet (A ninja made of blood! Seriously, if that isn't MK what is?)
4) Scorpion (Ghost Rider)
5) Mileena (Was it good for you?)
To play as:
1) Raiden (Played him since MK 2 before i had any knowledge of FGs at all Nostalgic overload when ever i land a superman)
3) Noob Saibot (Very aesthetically pleasing and his combos look amazing to me)
4) Smoke (The greased up deaf guy of the MK universe)
5) Kenshi (Plays like Ray Charles with a sword.)