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The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
tbh, I'm happy that some women raised their voices and accussed those assholes of such actions. Sexual harassment is a minor crime, but forgivable on some people who are responsible and know how to right the wrongdoings. Besides, IMO, sexual harassment is another one of the many psychological games, and kind of a sexual bullying. It's up to anyone who's being sexual harassed to raise the voice to protect himself/herself. This should work to make them forget to even sexual harass anyone.

What I don't like and hate the most is the worst crime. Worst than sexual harassment, and that's the sexual assaulters (rapists), the pedophiles and the murderers. Include the drug poisoning, too.

And I hate those who do those above crimes and just laught it off, and those who protect them and not reveal who it was (or even their real names). Those are bad people, and I don't want them associated with anyone. Protecting them is equivalent to the crime accomplice.

And FGC isn't the only community to have such assholes. It happens everywhere. In clubs, in schools, in national offices, everywhere.

What happened with the girl and the rapist there, the rapist was clearly a bad person, because he was a violent one. Good shit they dealt with him and kicked him out.

I'm glad that we had no victims in after-EVO party.


Mr. Righteous
Exactly assess the situation. Can you actually help or will you just make it worse. Clearly everyone in this thread even those with the upper body strength of a 14 year old would square up with this dude. View attachment 15509
Man, you're adding too much negative energy to this conversation THAT IS NOT NEEDED!. We get your point of your view. You overstayed your welcome. Go somewhere else with that shit. Its not needed here.


Its Game Over, Man
Exactly assess the situation. Can you actually help or will you just make it worse. Clearly everyone in this thread even those with the upper body strength of a 14 year old would square up with this dude. View attachment 15509
Even the strongest of guys have sensitive parts. If you need to defend someone, you do what you can. Eyes, throat, groin, if it appears to be a life-or-death situation, you don't fight clean, you just fight.

Maybe you can run up and hit them with your hand bag.that’ll show em
Dude, seeing how @Vslayer could probably kick my ass (and I'm no slouch in the size/strength department), she wouldn't need no handbag. Her fists would do just fine.


Vampire mommy simp
Even the strongest of guys have sensitive parts. If you need to defend someone, you do what you can. Eyes, throat, groin, if it appears to be a life-or-death situation, you don't fight clean, you just fight.

Dude, seeing how @Vslayer could probably kick my ass (and I'm no slouch in the size/strength department), she wouldn't need no handbag. Her fists would do just fine.
Yeah dude talking like you need to challenge the guy to a knife fight lol


AKA Uncle Kano
This whole drugging drinks Bill Cosby shit is way too common nowadays - I mean any instance of it is "too common", I'm just saying it's sad we see that shit so often. I have a female friend who studies abroad for an internship, and she currently lives in some dorm-like thing with a bunch of girls and dudes. She told me that one of her instructors had groped her ass, and I know they party over there quite often - and I was instantly like "Girl you need to watch your drinks, and keep tabs on your fellow females when things get wild - you gotta stick together". It doesnt help these mofos are fucking chemists with all kinds of access to chems lul

And it's not to villainize men, but you just observe this phenomenon quite often these days. And place a large bunch of guys with a few females in a whole other country with barely any supervision where they live - you gotta be smart about it.


The world's least hype player
Man, you're adding too much negative energy to this conversation THAT IS NOT NEEDED!. We get your point of your view. You overstayed your welcome. Go somewhere else with that shit. Its not needed here.
Then close the thread you made it and now you’re getting mad that I’m making sense and putting your protect all whamen ideology to shame. You don’t care about having an open conversation so you’re attempting to get me off the thread. I’ll say it again if people quote me I’ll reply. If you don’t want me on here then take your negative energy somewhere else.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
Agreed 100%. This is precisely what I'm saying. What I was getting at was the perception that was given to others. It's NOT right, but that is the way it is. That's why I do not judge. She made her decisions, I respect them, period. She doesn't need my help because I'm a man and never will.

In terms of hitting on women, I was always the one who wouldn't. I never shy away from a conversation, but I also don't see an issue with someone going up to a person they find attractive and striking up a conversation. If that doesn't go the way he/she wants it, then so be it. I DO, however, understand how it can get incredibly annoying if it happens over and over again when the men who are doing it are clearly after one thing.
Yep and talking isn’t an issue at all, it’s the obvious over the top flirting without even trying to act like a human first that’s just creepy.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
I'm sorry, but I cannot buy into this "Protect the women" deal. I know I may get a lot of hate for this, but before browbeating me, read on:

Women are not some delicate little flowers that need to be protected at all times by us hulking, domineering men.

Women are capable, self sufficient people who don't NEED our protection.

I refuse to be so sexist as to assume any woman will ever need to hide behind me.

You want to help women in the FGC? The answer is about honesty and encouragement;

So here's honesty.

I've been to events many times. I've seen women cos-play in next to nothing, and those same women wind up in a pro player's hotel room. Then, I've seen the same cos-player wind up in a DIFFERENT pro player's hotel room the next event. Later, she complained that too many guys hit on her event after event. Her actions dictated what others perceived. 2 events, 2 scantily clad cos-play costumes, 2 different guys. She is a totally self sufficient individual with the right to make her own decisions, which she did. I respect that, and respect that she stuck to her guns and continued to cos-play at future events. She doesn't need some guy's protection.

We DO, however, live in a world where a promiscuous woman gets called a slut and a promiscuous man gets respect or called a player. Completely unfair, but that's our reality today. To change this, you have to change the culture. I don't have the answer on how to do this, I wish I did.

It's also HONEST to say that when people dress up, be it as a cos-player or just dressing up to look nice, you're hoping that people notice. Here's the truth about that; THEY DO. Our demographic is primarily late teen males to mid/upper 20's and some later than that. The majority fit in that late teen/mid-twenties group though. Guess what? Their brains are NOT fully developed!!! The human brain does not fully develop until 25 years old, in particular the prefrontal cortex which is responsible for complex planning, DECISION MAKING, logical and organized thinking, risk management, & IMPULSE CONTROL!!!

So what does this mean? This means that you're dealing with boys becoming men who have an impaired ability to assess risk, make good decisions and control their impulses. YOU WANT TO DRESS IN SEXY CLOTHING AND THROW YOURSELF INTO A GROUP OF THESE? Likewise, if you're in that late teens to mid-20's range and you're a woman, it's important to understand that you too have an impaired ability to assess risk, make good decisions and control your impulses. Remember, know your audience. It's not fair, but sometimes safety over fairness is a better decision.


Do you know someone who was sexually assaulted? ENCOURAGE her to come forward, name names and be specific. If she won't come forward and give names, ENCOURAGE her to explain why. What is she afraid of? If she's simply afraid of going to another event and seeing that person, ENCOURAGE her to NAME NAMES because the only way to go to that next event and not see him, is if she ACTIVELY helps remove him from the event. There is no other way.

I'm sure there's more I can add, but I need to get back to work.
In all honesty, women do need protection sometimes. Everyone does. Especially when they’re in a vulnerable position. It’s not sexist to understand that women are generally at a disadvantage physically, it’s even dangerous to not acknowledge it. It doesn’t mean they’re inferior in any way, but it’s definitely a thing. Of course there are outliers, but EVERYONE needs someone watching their back.


I think some of you are purposefully ignoring what @gam224 is trying to say just for the sake of argument.

Perhaps the wording isn't overall favorable or how it's being presented, but his overall point is: assess whether you can help, if you can, can you do so with no serious, possibly fatal harm to yourself?

Will trying to help -worsen- the situation? There's a lot to keep in mind. My natural instinct would tell me to help, but I may regret doing so because I assessed the situation incorrectly.

There is nothing inherently wrong with taking your own safety into consideration when helping a complete stranger, especially if there's a weapon involved, or even worse, if you don't know whether one can suddenly come into play.

I believe this is all he's trying to say and it's because so many people are like, "HAD I BEEN THERE, BITCHES WOULD BE SORRY!"

In theory, sure. But you have no idea what the situation would be like if it ever presented itself.

This is as a whole, not just what happened at the after party.

So let's stop with this nonsense and ganging up on the guy like he's calling everyone fools and disagreeing with everything said to him.


This is my billionth life cycle.
Maybe next time we don't have click bait thread titles so that another very important post doesn't immediately get politicized. @JBeezYBabY this is on you as much as everyone in here saying "what about men" etc.

Ideally the FGC would be a safe space, but to actually believe that it is, or one day can be, is incredibly naive. No one should ever be affected by this, and it'd be nice to trust other people, but at the end of the day, you are the only variable that you can control. 90% of stuff like this could be eliminated if people followed DMS' advice of watching your drink.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Damn that guy got thrown lol. I don't approve of that guy touching the girl's ass(seemed like he a light grab as oppose to a slap though) but yeah would not touch the butt lol. I would have just asked her for her number if he found her attractive. Nothing wrong with that.


Vampire mommy simp
Maybe next time we don't have click bait thread titles so that another very important post doesn't immediately get politicized. @JBeezYBabY this is on you as much as everyone in here saying "what about men" etc.

Ideally the FGC would be a safe space, but to actually believe that it is, or one day can be, is incredibly naive. No one should ever be affected by this, and it'd be nice to trust other people, but at the end of the day, you are the only variable that you can control. 90% of stuff like this could be eliminated if people followed DMS' advice of watching your drink.
The point of the thread still stands. A lot of incidents being preventable by watching your drinks doesn't change the fact that many, many other incidents are preventable by watching each other's backs and exposing predators.
Drowning is largely preventable by paying attention or, hell, not swimming. Doesn't mean lifeguards aren't important.


Positive Poster!
I guess we attend different parties lol
Could be. Over here in Eastern Europe guys just put on jeans and a shirt, or maybe a suit if it's a fancy place. Women have all the revealing clothing that will then subject them to all manner of undesirable advances from men.
My gran always said "Don't be surprised if you get quacked at if you dress as a duckling"

Which is not to say men are faultless in this. Seeing a woman in a swimsuit doesn't automatically make me walk up to her and make offers, which is true about no clothes or any clothes at all. Yet some men still don't seem to understand how to behave.

At the same time there is an expression in law that I'm not sure how it is in English but the point is that certain forms of behaviour lead to certain outcomes and while majority of the time women are innocent, there are a score of cases where behaving certain ways may make them more likely to be assaulted. Also there are cases where a woman wearing jeans and a coat still got assaulted so I'm certainly not making anything more than a broad statement.

The gist of which is, guys should protect girls because that is what we do, but girls should also be mindful. (Dressing up in a more evocative way to a party, for example, is only safe if the party itself is protected from predators and the like.)
The more factors we consider for safety, the safer we are.


A Hitbox Pirate - YARRR -
Damn that guy got thrown lol. I don't approve of that guy touching the girl's ass(seemed like he a light grab as oppose to a slap though) but yeah would not touch the butt lol. I would have just asked her for her number if he found her attractive. Nothing wrong with that.
I saw that on Reddit. The backstory is that the guy is married and was there with his family.
I think the audacity of it all might have contributed to getting slammed.