Skarlet emphasizes space control through very safe buttons, long normals, lots of projectiles with one of them giving pushback on block when canceled into. She plays very fundamentally and his throw KBs to support the playstyle
Cetrion is the premier zoner, top tier zoning and keepaway, best anti airs, fullscreen frame traps. Defensive powerhouse
Jade is sort of a discount Cetrion. She lacks damage but is a lot more annoying in other aspects due to her mobility and versatile playstyle. She capitalizes on opponents mistakes, and due to how she's safer than Cetrion, they WILL fuck up.
Sub Zero (Thin Ice) is also a very defensive character albeit with some good offense as well. You have one of the best advancing specials in slide, iceball wins all trades and air axes make the approach annoying. He also has some excellent whiff punishing indag b1.
Kabal also gets a shoutout. He fits the defensive archetype, but does incredibly well on offense and zoning as well. He's a Jack of all trades except a master of all.
Cassie is the footsie queen. THE best buttons, has a mid projectile in First variation which also low profiles. She turtles excellently and has insane anti airs preventing any jumpin rather easily.
Erron is fucking lame dont play this broken piece of shit