Erron Black...
Erron vs Kano is SOOOO bad tbh. I want to make a video or at least a thread explaining just how terrible this matchup is.
He controls the matchiup Kano at all ranges and just dominates with his pokes. He is so safe on his pokes that he could push you out of range of Kano's D1 and still be -1 or -3 but Kano can't reach him so it's as if Erron is still + on block because he could still reach Kano with his faster mid (B2), his faster/safer/longer-ranged pokes (D3, D4, B4), or he could just use the fear of both these options to run up and stagger with 21 or grab....
Vs Erron Blacks that know the matchup well, Kano is forced to go full on yolo with nearly point blank Kano Balls in this matchup, but with no payoff. It's really bad.