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FT2 or FT3?

FT2 or FT3?

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EFL Founder
Hate it, that extra round gives you time to strategies and decide if you need to change things up. It's hard to tell with just 2, you could have just had a bad round.
Exactly. You could have beaten yourself in 2 games by dropping a combo, making a bad read, etc. FT3 is more assurance that the better player actually won, or at least adapted within an already short set to strategize the win.


Play time is limited. I am an adult I don’t have the luxury of playing MK 24/7, so yes time is precious. With the time I do have I’d rather play someone’s main opposed to a random pocket character in ranked. More of a reason why I usually run sets with other folks from TYM. Now how do you feel?
I feel if you have limited time, ranked still makes no sense. As an adult that structures time accordingly I would go with private or kasual predominantly over ranked so I can jet away quick in case something comes up. Whenever I play ranked I make sure I have the appropriate time allotted so the set can complete. Exceptions to the rule happen with life so if I need to leave I back out and give the win over. More often than not if I play ranked I know what I’m getting into. A ft3 allows more adaptation imo. Time constraints are irrelevant also in an argument for 2 to 3. If you set the time aside for ranked 2 or 3 games matters not. If times a huge issue you won’t be in ranked. Unless “time” is a straw man for something else? With that said I reiterate the purpose of the game is fun. More mk is fun to me, not less. I understand some people like to blaze through play 1 match to win and leave without a run back. Personally if I’m going to play I’d like to ply a few games. Nothing is learned in a first to 2 that isn’t greatly expanded on in a ft3. Iv seen plenty of games go 3- 0 after a 2 game deficit, and I’m sure the argument can be made for a 2 - 0 after a 1 game loss, but it just doesn’t seem as substantial. I feel 3 is the way to go for ranked to give the most bang for your buck in competition. That is if you have the “time” for ranked. If play time is limited, kasual it is for easy turnover.
Game Settings: 2/3 games, Top 8 will play 3/5 games.
Reminder that Pro Series is 2/3 for pools and 3/5 for top 8. FT2 is the format dictated by time constraints, and FT3 is the format where skill is the principal consideration.

Also playing FT3 is not somehow worse preperation for FT2 pools. That's not a thing. Stop pretending that's a thing

Saltea Moonspell

"Mind Over Matter" I dont mind, and X dont matter
FT3, its one game, but it still makes a lot of difference when the stakes are high. I believe that in FT3 a worse player will fall.
Everyone prefers more matches in sets. The change was made to align with the tournament pro series rules, which was requested. No one who is a good player really prefers ft2 over ft3, but if that’s the tournament rules for pools, it’s only logical that ranked sets follow suit. Ranked already follows the tournament variation rules.
Requested by who? As far as I know the NRS FGC spokespeople like Mr. Aquaman called for FT3 at Tournaments and they insisted TO's should let the Kommunity decide how they want to play their game. Top 8 was FT3 at Combo Breaker aaand personally I don't give a flying fluck about what the tourney stanadard is. I want to play enjoyable FT3 sets and as I see the poll most of you want that too. We can enable or disable Tourney variations in Kasual, why can't we choose how we want to play Ranked? They should have added a FT2 option to Ranked and if you choose that you would be paired up with people who also want to play FT2. And all the FT2 and FT3 fans would have been satisfied.



The stake is higher from the start. FT3 took too long and I was feeling sometimes demotivated by this. Now the sets are faster, you can play with more people in less time, you gain more eventual matchup knowledge etc. You might not have enough time to adapt in certain matches but most tournaments will be played in a FT2 format till Top 8/4. That's another argument behind FT2.


Is inj2 and mk11 all you guys play? There are other fighting games with ft2 or some other variation that isn't ft3


Watcher from the sky
FT2 for cheese strat. FT3 for serious game. Ranked is seriuous game. Why i must play serious ranked game with cheese ft2 regime?


Just remove ranked mode from the game...period. Why does one scrublord need to feel better than another scrublord? They're all the same. Just footsie away (neutral neutral) in the lobbies boys. The lobbies need to be filled with a joyous bunch like you.


Are you not entertained!?
I mean, if Kombat League will be the new ranked ft3, then who cares about ranked. Will never touch it again. Moreso, the league will have rewards and stuff.


I never understood the "well it's ft2 in pools" argument. Yeah cause over a thousand people are entering, so it's for the sake of time. So you want practice randoming people out easier? Ft3 is still better practice for playing solid. Not to mention this isn't a tournament, it's playing online, we're not dictated by time constraints. And guess what? After evo when the game dies down, tournaments are gonna be ft3 all the way through because it's not gonna be that many entrants.

Ft2 is awful. Not only is playing gimmicky more rewarded now, you're spending more time searching than playing. You get less bang for your search buck. It's so wack, I hope Kombat League makes this better


Something like this would divide the player base to far. Kinda like how dice does battlefield on consoles. All these modes for choice and always, I mean always players choose to neglect the extras and it all ends up with everyone funneled into one game type while the rest are a barren wasteland.
While i get what you are saying the divide the playerbase argument is still somewhat of an excuse. RTS for example did do it and they were still enough player in any mode.

If they make separate ranked for ft2/ft3 and the playerbase is split 50/50 where is the harm? At the end its better than forcing people into something. Also not much difference to people abondoning the mode cuz they dont like the rules. Its basically the same issue as customs variation. They didnt include a ranked mode for customs but enough people still dont bother with ranked cuz they prefer customs and there isnt a ranked customs.

And if a mode stays barren they could simple remove it again. Its not like we are talking about a completely new modes here.


While i get what you are saying the divide the playerbase argument is still somewhat of an excuse. RTS for example did do it and they were still enough player in any mode.

If they make separate ranked for ft2/ft3 and the playerbase is split 50/50 where is the harm? At the end its better than forcing people into something. Also not much difference to people abondoning the mode cuz they dont like the rules. Its basically the same issue as customs variation. They didnt include a ranked mode for customs but enough people still dont bother with ranked cuz they prefer customs and there isnt a ranked customs.

And if a mode stays barren they could simple remove it again. Its not like we are talking about a completely new modes here.
I think precedent from other games show it to be quite true instead of an excuse. The harm? 2 ranks.. how is ranked gauged when there are two? While I personally don’t really care about rank, a great majority seem to live or die by how well they do in a game. It affects them mentally, and physically to a degree. Some people are really prideful abou that aspect of games. Dividing ranked with two will only lead to more divide with one leaderboard ranking calling out the other saying “ you aren’t legit cause you had 1 or less game than I did”. And it would be a war between ranks. Now yes I know ranks can be cheesed but that’s a problem of harm off the top of my head. Customs tend to be more overpowered and unbalanced and I believe that’s why they aren’t in the tourney variations or ranked. The argument can be made for balance but many people like to feel op and win based on op bs so they go with the most broken moves and character possible and avoid ranked. I try to stay away from any move that isn’t tournament legal cause that’s where I see their balance priorities being, and I want to have the most level playing field possible, but that’s just my preference.

You mention removing modes that are barren but are failing to acknowledge all that development time to create new modes and the systems to get them working and working online. If precedent shows it won’t work, why waste the time and resources? Put the time into something else otherwise money is being wasted. Adding another ranked would be a new mode btw. How would you enforce the,? Which ranked takes priority over the other? Which is the legit one? These are some questions that will divide the base.


Kitana & Skarlet
FT3; because some games go by super fast otherwise. The only downside is that it can allow two counter pick attempts, but that's the nature of fighting games.


Watcher from the sky
We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2! We need FT3! No FT2!