Don't know where to post this but I need your guys help. So I played DrYukino (dont know how to tag him, will edit if i figure it out), beat him like 20 times in a row did a fatality and dipped. He messages me saying i was mashing. I told him any good player should be able to blow that up. He tells me to give him a rematch, which I do, and he picks cetrion a terrible match up for jax. Beats me once teabags me then i proceed to beat him about 10 times in a row again. He switches to Sonya and beats me then dips saying I mashed less thats why he won. My whole point was if im mashing, which at some points i definitely was, you should be able to blow that up. It took about 40 matches for him to start beating me consistently and claims im the asshole and that im the one with the ego. I dont have the dvorah or sonya matches but I do have the cetrion matches. I apologize for bringing yall into this but thoughts?