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Towers of Time must be the worst game design i saw in decades.

oh just wait ive spent over 30 million koins already in the krypt here what people found about it

Yes. The way the Shirne gates content is as follows (give or take):

• To begin with, the Shrine throws up 99.9% skins for 100K Koin; 99.9% gear / finishers / intros/outros for 75~99K

• When the player reaches their "cap" (measured across the entire content suite of the game, not just what the Shrine spits ot specifically), the drop rate reduced dramatically

• After maybe 20 skins of this diminishing drop rate, the Shrine will no longer drop skins for 100K -- save for perhaps once in a blue moon -OR- when something that has not been thus far unlocked (example: a Tower challenge) is completed

• The 75~99K gear / finishers / intro/outro drops operate identically: near 100% drops up until a predetermined "cap" is reached (in my experience, 40~50% total content accessed), its returns diminish -- all the way until nothing but useless Augments (*cannot be used in any PvP mode, contradictory to what was promised and the gems appearing at the char. select load-out screen) and insulting "Konsumables" used only to acquire more useless e-junk.

In other words, all the substantive content is gated by a DIMINISHING RETURNS ALGORITHMthat ensures players cannot access more than ~50% of the total available content across the game (*different for all players -- some might get much more content for a given char. than another will), without beating the game's near impossible and interminable Towers of Time challenges -OR- (far more likely... which is the entire object of the scam) by buying the content via the time-release "Premium shop", using game's surrogate and real-world cash purchasable currency, "Time Krystals".

I tried to warn people of this from the first week of release onward; even posting related topics in Reddit and beyond (that went kind of viral, TBH). I was paying close attention to the hacking scene for this game, and all indications were, from day-dot onward, that the RNG system operated inside a framework strictly delimiting potential content access, and that a "diminishing returns" code -- similar to RPG's, where the more one upgrades a character's attributes, the less the upgrades are effectively worth; until it's barely worth upgrading any longer (done for game balance) -- was used to accomplish this.

Of course, few listened... Because the MK franchise is the fighting game that non-fighting-game players play. ¯\(v_v)
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lucky my last gear piece is in Ai battle, but still not everyone wants to play a multiplayer game, alone, for 600 hrs....unless you have no balls or something.

jst to be clear im talking strictly metaphorical balls here not literal ones :)

Professor Oak

Are you a boy or girl?
Not everyone is a competative gamer, and not everyone is big on online gaming. It's not an enigma at all.

I think it's great in general that NetherRealms Studios designs various game modes in its games for all types of players. Single, Multi, Casual, Competative. There's something for everyone in their titles.
Its competitive by nature though. Youre quite frankly playing fetch with a goldfish.
I actually find using the konsumables to come up with stupid and creative combos pretty enjoyable.

Character tower requirements are my main beef with it, but they aren't awful.


...to push players into paying to access the content that they legally own...
Not to disagree with you, as I'm not a fan of microtransations and such, but the above is a false statement. None of us own a single thing in Mortal Kombat 11, or any video game, save a license to access the software, which can be altered and adjusted at any time by the developers at their sole discretion. This includes revoking that license.

It's been this way since at least the early '80's, just read the License Agreement that comes with any game, classic or modern title.


Its competitive by nature though. Youre quite frankly playing fetch with a goldfish.
Sure, as were the originals back in the '90's, and people loved to play the Towers back then to. There's different ways to play the game. Some people value the Single Player aspect more, others the Multiplayer.

You obviously value the Multi more, which is great. That doesn't mean it's the way to play the game. There's lots of ways, and lots of modes.
Not to disagree with you, as I'm not a fan of microtransations and such, but the above is a false statement. None of us own a single thing in Mortal Kombat 11, or any video game, save a license to access the software, which can be altered and adjusted at any time by the developers at their sole discretion. This includes revoking that license.

It's been this way since at least the early '80's, just read the License Agreement that comes with any game, classic or modern title.
its not me who wrote this but i agree that some of the statements are false but everything concerning the gatekeeping of the krypt on the gear and grind seems to be true cause im at this point now that the shrine doesnt give me jack shit anymore and im still missing a lot of gear and skins

Professor Oak

Are you a boy or girl?
Sure, as were the originals back in the '90's, and people loved to play the Towers back then to. There's different ways to play the game. Some people value the Single Player aspect more, others the Multiplayer.

You obviously value the Multi more, which is great. That doesn't mean it's the way to play the game. There's lots of ways, and lots of modes.
Sure, guy. Fighting another human is not the founding idea of fighting games. Lol. I get that there are people who more so value fighting ai, what I cant understand is why?


lucky my last gear piece is in Ai battle, but still not everyone wants to play a multiplayer game, alone, for 600 hrs....unless you have no balls or something.

jst to be clear im talking strictly metaphorical balls here not literal ones :)
few people know that you just have to access the battle log to see the defense matches and get the rewards.


Sure, as were the originals back in the '90's, and people loved to play the Towers back then to. There's different ways to play the game. Some people value the Single Player aspect more, others the Multiplayer.

You obviously value the Multi more, which is great. That doesn't mean it's the way to play the game. There's lots of ways, and lots of modes.
even in terms of single player, how are ToT not decades behind every other single player experience today?


few people know that you just have to access the battle log to see the defense matches and get the rewards.
I will get mind of mileena by grinding ai battles for however long it takes, most ppl are not like me tho :)


if i could just give it to you :D, got no use for it
I still have to lvl up my gear, aug it...then kill kasuals :)

Jst to be clear I mean make my kustom builds, and fight ppl online :) no real life irony here. 4real no dramaz
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I like to play bad characters
My favorite with these is must get 10 flawless rounds. All the while you have to deal with tracking 10-15% chip on block gear the AI has. Thanks NRS.

Also why isn't the krypt accessable offline? Did a move recently and thought it was an oversight I couldn't play that game mode without a connection.


Shirai Ryu
Worst game design you saw in decades? You must not play alot of games then lol.
Anyone saying they preferred the Injustice 2 system is outta their minds. Sure you got gear after matches even online but it was all garbage, the gears that really mattered i.e Epic gears only ever came from Motherboxes and MV, both which were 99.9% RNG (some MV towers gave out set gear pieces but those were uncommon). Unlocking things through ToT is infinitely better because none of the rewards are random, every tower gives out its specific rewards. As far as the gameplay aspect of ToT is concerned, it's fine if you don't like it, certainly isn't for everyone I think but unlocking things through it could be far worse.
The only thing that really stinks about MK11 is the Krypt and since THAT is RNG shit as well. That much I think everyone can agree on. That's what really makes me wonder what the fuck were they thinking.

Syd Barrett Lives

Italian Psychopath
Not everyone is a competative gamer, and not everyone is big on online gaming. It's not an enigma at all.

I think it's great in general that NetherRealms Studios designs various game modes in its games for all types of players. Single, Multi, Casual, Competative. There's something for everyone in their titles.

I can agree on that, but the fact that they locked all the cosmetic stuff behind ultra grindy single player content, RNG slot machines or even worse random AI battles is kinda bullshit.

The way unlocks worked in previous games was perfect for everyone, turning the game into something like a F2P looter shooter (and a bad one at that, no shooter could get away with being this random) doesn't make sense if not "let's put all the content behind arbitrary walls just to artificially pad casuals playtime".


It is the worst thing ever to lock content for a MP game in SP. The ToT are tedious and boring. Super easy to do with AI or Konsumable spam even on brutal. The modifier are basically irrelevant thanks to Konsumables. Nobody should be forced to do play this crap to unlock stuff.

Ai battles are even worse. After you won enough times they behave like the Shrine. You get less and less stuff even if you win. The last week or so even winning 4 or 5 games i still got only 0-2 items (as in total for all 5 wins). If you are forced to play this crap and are limited to 5 attacks/day seeing a reward of "5hearts + 2500koins" is just a big additional fck u.

Shrine donation rewards rates get abysmal after awhile. I have 1500+ gear and its raining augments (most of them even garbage augments for 75/100k!).

Instead of ToT/Ai Battle they should have used Milestones for each character. This way you could play in any mode you want and unlock stuff while playing what you wanna play. Everyone would have been happy. The shrine shouldnt have diminishing returns and Kollector should have all the stuff everytime (how the Kollector works is the most stupid thing out of all the stupid things)

No way the people who made all this went like "guuuuuuyyssaa this will be sooo muuuch fuuuunnnnn"


A lot of it is flawed like have repeat towers for weeks on end it should be baed on your own progress but no.. ganulet is .....


Sure, guy. Fighting another human is not the founding idea of fighting games. Lol. I get that there are people who more so value fighting ai, what I cant understand is why?
i also don't get it. i play sp until im comfortable with the gameplay enough to play online. there is no reason to play with a predictable and cheating ai.


Plus if youre not good after 200 hrs in a game...youre playing it wrong imo...


oh just wait ive spent over 30 million koins already in the krypt here what people found about it

Yes. The way the Shirne gates content is as follows (give or take):

• To begin with, the Shrine throws up 99.9% skins for 100K Koin; 99.9% gear / finishers / intros/outros for 75~99K

• When the player reaches their "cap" (measured across the entire content suite of the game, not just what the Shrine spits ot specifically), the drop rate reduced dramatically

• After maybe 20 skins of this diminishing drop rate, the Shrine will no longer drop skins for 100K -- save for perhaps once in a blue moon -OR- when something that has not been thus far unlocked (example: a Tower challenge) is completed

• The 75~99K gear / finishers / intro/outro drops operate identically: near 100% drops up until a predetermined "cap" is reached (in my experience, 40~50% total content accessed), its returns diminish -- all the way until nothing but useless Augments (*cannot be used in any PvP mode, contradictory to what was promised and the gems appearing at the char. select load-out screen) and insulting "Konsumables" used only to acquire more useless e-junk.

In other words, all the substantive content is gated by a DIMINISHING RETURNS ALGORITHMthat ensures players cannot access more than ~50% of the total available content across the game (*different for all players -- some might get much more content for a given char. than another will), without beating the game's near impossible and interminable Towers of Time challenges -OR- (far more likely... which is the entire object of the scam) by buying the content via the time-release "Premium shop", using game's surrogate and real-world cash purchasable currency, "Time Krystals".

I tried to warn people of this from the first week of release onward; even posting related topics in Reddit and beyond (that went kind of viral, TBH). I was paying close attention to the hacking scene for this game, and all indications were, from day-dot onward, that the RNG system operated inside a framework strictly delimiting potential content access, and that a "diminishing returns" code -- similar to RPG's, where the more one upgrades a character's attributes, the less the upgrades are effectively worth; until it's barely worth upgrading any longer (done for game balance) -- was used to accomplish this.

Theses systems were meticulously designed to 1) work in concert with one another, to push players into paying to access the content that they legally own, had already paid premium price for, and which they rightfully had access to via reasonable in-game completion tasks; and 2) to avoid raising the "loot box" warming flags to anyone au fait and litigious enough to potentially take them to task for the machinations. The irony being, that what they came up with more like RANSOMWARE than "loot boxes"... Which is unequivocally illegal!

Of course, few listened... Because the MK franchise is the fighting game that non-fighting-game players play. ¯\(v_v)
Ironically Im done with krypt, its the character towers that will probably take me a week to finish...too much grind!!!