Don't take any of this as definitive, but here are my thoughts so far on Marauder (not sure Bone Picker would change any of these, but let me know if you have a different opinion):
Sub: Worst matchup to me thus far. He outfootsies Baraka completely and controls the pace of the match. If you block a D4 you are out of range for any followup. Not to mention his vortex and 50/50 shenanigans. Baraka's saving grace is he can punish commitments to the vortex hard but tbh I don't really think Sub needs to go for those in this MU as he outfootsies Baraka so hard. I'm pretty confident this is a bad MU, but we'll see.
Erron: Not as much experience, but also feels like a bad MU. His zoning is annoying, you can;t punish him for doing much and His F4 makes it hard to really play footsies against him. Not impossible by any means (whiff punishing is a must) but still feels like he is at a disadvantage most of the time.
Frost: Feels even. I don't know why people call her bad, maybe I just don't know the MU idk. Most of her good moves are safe and she actually has pretty good zoning and footsies. Nothing too overwhelming and Baraka can definitely outfootsie her and outdamage her, but she has the tools to compete imo. Might be something i'm missing.
Kollector: Feels in Baraka's favor so far. Most of his footsie strings and pressure is punishable and with F44 you can outfootsie him pretty hard, not to mention we outdamage him too. I would put this in 6-4 territory based on my current experience.
Noob: Feels pretty even. Noob has great footsies but if you use F44 smart he won't be able to whiff punish you. This is basically a footsie battle, Noob can't keep Baraka out that long. Could even be in Baraka's favor, I might just need to mix up my pressure more. But Noon does solid damage and can punish any missteps hard enough that it feels even to me.
Scorpion: Really hard to decide between even and slightly bad. The teleport shenanigans are obnoxious but if he commits Baraka punishes really hard. If he cancels we can usually check with D1 or reposition. THrow teching the cancel into throw (or D2ing if you read it) helps too. Scorp has pretty good buttons though and he does control the pace of the match for the most part which is why I was leaning toward bad, but Baraka's damage and better footsie game could make it even.
KL: Feels in Baraka's favor, at least a little. I feel like when I lose to KL it's mostly me being dumb or having bad reactions. Most of his tele options are punishable on reaction and his footsie tools aren't that great. His 21121 or whatever is punishable when ducked (takes some practice) and anytime he commits to anything he gets punished hard.
Shao Kahn: Probably in Baraka's favor. Shao isn't as bad as everyone says he is but Baraka hits pretty hard and when you have so many highs it can be really risky to go for them against Baraka. His footsie tools are ok but he just doesn't have enough to warrant it being even, although I haven't gotten to play the MU offline yet.
Kabal: I feel like this is pretty much an even footsie battle. Whoever can play neutral the best tends to win. Nothing Kabal does seems that oppressive, he just has really good footsie tools which Baraka can match.