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Should NRS legalize custom variations for competitive play? (Poll)

Should NRS legalize custom variations for competitive play?

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Retirement my ass
I don't want to live in a world where things are being constantly patched (or nothing is patched and broken stuff just rides) and you can gimmick out games with a specific combo that someone hasn't seen before. The innovation aspect is exciting, but it opens the door to cheese through tournaments, which are often 2 of 3. This feels quick to download an opponent anyways, and if you're dealing with totally novel cheese every time you play someone, it own't feel like you even played the game. Just that a new gimmick was discovered and you won/lost because of that.

Maybe this will change later when the game feels more solved. Give it a year.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
If they can’t/won’t do it then they should have never put fucking custom variations in the game to begin with.
exactly .... what the hell they put those in MK11, and just gave only half-assed taste of using them only in non competitive modes ? people enjoy to read recipes books without tasting the food you can make of it ? :confused:


yall are gonna get on me but its a no for me. Yes i agree it would be so cool to have our own variations but itd be a nightmare to balance. People would be figuring out the most broken variations or even just variations that are way better than the rest and then things would have to constantly be patched out. Itd be better if they somehow found out what was the best way to make these moves coexist in a not so broken way that would enable us to be happy. It's a lot to ask but there is definitely a reason why you cant just put together any variation you want.
Edit: also i hate variations as a whole, just give me my whole character like mk9. Its clear to me that variations are a bad idea because there will always be a character who has a wack variation.
I put maybe because I think that they can do either one, or the other. they can make certain tournament variations better and even possibly add a third variation. Or they can allow custom variations and Slightly Nerf the obviously OD stuff a bit. But i'll be happy either way. I like either change as long as it feels like I'm still playing competitively.


I don't want to live in a world where things are being constantly patched (or nothing is patched and broken stuff just rides) and you can gimmick out games with a specific combo that someone hasn't seen before. The innovation aspect is exciting, but it opens the door to cheese through tournaments, which are often 2 of 3.
i fear that nobody can be ready for everything and so even high level play might just end up in randoming each other out.
Precisely this. How can someone train against a custom variation that they've never seen before, and regardless of the same character, fighting someone else is probably always going to be a different variation, meaning a different unknown matchup.
Maybe a good solution or compromise would have a built in "Tournament Variation Submission" Process where players could submit variations they developed to NRS for approval for official induction into tournament play. Maybe have it tied to the replay system where you could submit 3 to 4 replays of the variation for them to view its effectiveness.

This system would allow players to have input in the development of tournament variations, as well as bring attention to overwhelmingly powerful combinations, that could be viable BUT require modification.

Another idea is that NRS could add buffs and debuffs to certain ability synergy combinations to help reign in more overpowered combinations while still keeping them viable

I think this system would provide NRS a way to be involved with their community and actually expand the overall life of the game as a whole. Maybe there could be new tournament rotations that come out each year or "season" of MK11 to game fresh and interesting.

What I think makes this cool is that it gives players an actual REASON to go in and play with variations while still putting some limitations on it for sanctioned tournament play. I also think it would be great for the community as a whole.
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its completely laughable people are using balance as an excuse when currently the game is so unbalanced.

Please compare a kollector vs geras
scorpion vs shaokahn
erron black vs kotal

The game is already unbalanced. lets at least make it fun
The game is unbalanced so instead of keeping what you have and balancing that lets instead work with a higher amount of variables, making it harder to balance but supposedly more fun? Whats gonna end up happening is you're gonna have those same comparisons but worse. Isn't this why we have ranked and non ranked?


I tried to throw a yo-yo away. It was impossible.
Precisely this. How can someone train against a custom variation that they've never seen before, and regardless of the same character, fighting someone else is probably always going to be a different variation, meaning a different unknown matchup.
You would probably have to more practice for the player, not just the character like you would normally. And you're going to have to be able to learn faster on the fly during the match. Both of which are doable. It would be harder to practice for the player unless you knew for sure that's who you'll be playing.

I dont think its going to create that much randomness in tournaments. Good players will be able to adapt and figure out a counter/strategy to something they haven't seen before in the course of a 3 game set. And what's wrong with a little randomness? That's part of what makes watching and playing games of any kind fun and interesting.


No, example with jade, her advantage with her lack of combos is her air projectile and ground projectile.

The fact that characters like sub, kabal, Kitana can just add this to counter her throws off the whole balance of the game. I will never be in favor of customs.