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What are "AI Battles"... I don't get it?


MK11 Pocket Guide: Koming Soon to the App Store
cool... so what do you guys think is a good AI setup?
I use 30/30 combo/reversal and they usually do pretty well. I also have a 30/30 zoning/runaway variation set up for when there’s a shitty modifier that kills you if you’re too close. Like this one blood drain thing that was pissing me off the other day, which kept giving my health to the opponent, along poison ground. It was very annoying. But even the AI couldn’t beat that one. After 17 tries, I ended up beating it myself, by using two health restores and a poison resist. With Jade since her staff can keep a distance. And even then it was just barely. I was so mad.


MK11 Pocket Guide: Koming Soon to the App Store
Yesterday my friends brought up a discussion we had years ago, about how the industry is killing local multi-player and that in the future we will seeing AIs playing our games. So...

This mode could be somewhat useful if you could just dispatch the team without the need to see the fight.

Anyway: Every now and then go into "battle log" to receive gifts (supposed loot you get of your "defending" team)
No one ever picks my defenders to fight. I’ve been at 0/5 rewards every single day. But I always get my 5/5 attacking rewards.


I actually kind of enjoy the AI simulator. It's like programming and equipping little fighting robots, and then sending them into battle.

If anyone is on Xbox, let me know or add me as a friend and I'll try and send my characters to attack your defenders so you get the rewards.


MK11 Pocket Guide: Koming Soon to the App Store
Yesterday, I was getting two skins every time I won an AI battle. Usually, I just get augments.
Man, really?? I have yet to get anything good from the AI battles. Always just augments or consumables or something.


Then give me the content I / we already paid for and legally own, and I'll retract the statement... Deal? ;)
So you never want unlockables in a game? Complaining little bish.

At the start it was justified as some towers were ridiculous, but now 99% of them are EASY AS FUCK. You also keep saying it’s rife with micro transactions, YOU CAN ONLY BUY TIME CRYSTALS WHICH YOU CAN THEN ONLY SPEND ON A LIMITED POOL OF ITEMS THAT ROTATE EVERY SO OFTEN. Fucking hell bro.

Your solution of having everything unlocked would make the game fucking boring as well. Learn how progression and rewards works.

Edit: only just noticed he’s banned. My bad. To stay on topic, I use Noob/Baraka/Sonya in that order. 30/30 for both combos and reversal on all of them. I always pick the player with the lowest score when attacking, regardless of their characters and W/L. On a streak of 10 at the moment I believe.
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Are rewards tied to the ranking of the opponent you play? I know for Injustice 2 I'd get a better reward if I "attacked" a player with a good AI Simulator ranking instead of a worse ranking.


TYM's #1 L taker.
As was mentioned earlier you can get skins and items from running some quick AI battles. Also my AI always ends the match in a fatality, with the 4x speed its a fairly quick way to grind some hearts now that they are 3 per fatality.


IMO it is so close to being a really neat complimentary mode. The management modes are always my favorite part of sports games. Doing a draft and then seeing how it all turns out, maybe playing a game here and there to see how my team feels. That would be so cool to experience in other genres.

When I read about it before Injustice 2 came out, I was pretty psyched. Then you switch it on and there's really nothing to it. I can't set up my defending team and then have it be constantly running against the managed rosters of other players, where in the aggregate we can see who had clever and successful setups (obviously the format would need to be a little bit deeper, but I imagine doable). I have to spend the time I would otherwise be playing more active modes finding my own AI fights and likewise people finding their own AI fights against me. And this only works when I am actually logged in!

It's so bizarre and I hope that they let somebody on staff just goof around with it to make something more compelling. Hell, maybe that's where the mobile app intersection can be, as that weird sort of fighting game app will never be opened again by many players.


I actually kind of enjoy the AI simulator. It's like programming and equipping little fighting robots, and then sending them into battle.

If anyone is on Xbox, let me know or add me as a friend and I'll try and send my characters to attack your defenders so you get the rewards.
I'm in. eolson3. We'll trade AI battles!


TYM's #1 L taker.
It's so bizarre and I hope that they let somebody on staff just goof around with it to make something more compelling. Hell, maybe that's where the mobile app intersection can be, as that weird sort of fighting game app will never be opened again by many players.
Definitely this, its odd that they didn't see the opportunity. Should be able to set a team, manage their stats and send them off on different things while you play other modes or are out for the day. This game already has you grind for items and such, might as well let your AIs start at a base level and increase and such allowing you to make them stronger with equips and stats and such. Then let you manage it all through the mobile app, allowing you to passively gain Koins/hearts/souls/skins/etc.


4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42.
AI battles unlock character fatality trophies as well even if you haven't unlocked them in the Krypt. I just got Jades and Devorahs yet on the move list it still says "???".

Just choose three characters that you haven't found the fatalities for and hope the CPU does them.