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Tournament vs Default Variations? (A question for those with early access)


A preset variation is one that is already setup in the game. A loadout variation is one you make yourself. Hope this helps
still confused tbh because 16bit says this:

"By default when you first play every character has two load outs with one of the presets, NOT the tournament presets"


still confused tbh because 16bit says this:

"By default when you first play every character has two load outs with one of the presets, NOT the tournament presets"
Basically, what 16 Bit was trying to say, that in the system (kustomization menu) there are PRESETS for each characters made by developers for you to choose from (press 1 (square) to pop up preset menu), those PRESETS include tournament variations (they have a trophy icon). So, as default, like when you go to tower mode or local versus or training mode, you are given 2 load outs taken from those presets, which NOT tournament ones, but some of them might be similar (missing a move). In the tournament mode, characters have two tournament load outs. Hope it makes sense, although I disagree with such system. Load outs should tournament ones as default in every mode. If a casual player wants to experiment or get his liking abilities, he would just go either make a new load out or take from presets.


Basically, what 16 Bit was trying to say, that in the system (kustomization menu) there are PRESETS for each characters made by developers for you to choose from (press 1 (square) to pop up preset menu), those PRESETS include tournament variations (they have a trophy icon). So, as default, like when you go to tower mode or local versus or training mode, you are given 2 load outs taken from those presets, which NOT tournament ones, but some of them might be similar (missing a move). In the tournament mode, characters have two tournament load outs. Hope it makes sense, although I disagree with such system. Load outs should tournament ones as default in every mode. If a casual player wants to experiment or get his liking abilities, he would just go either make a new load out or take from presets.
Ok I see so since the beta they've added something that groups certain abilities into presets.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Ok so basically if we want to practice with tournament variations, we have to copy and paste that into a load out for the time being unless they patch this in the future so that it’s a little easier. I see. Thanks for the info 16 bit.
I'm sorry if this question was answered before(just point me to the right place to look for the answer), but how do I set tournament variations on switch? when I go to kustomize -> characters -> choose character -> abilities -> use a preset -> I don't see any presets with tournament icon.
Is it done elsewhere on nintendo switch?
P.S. I have checked for updates - I have the latest version of the game (1.02)
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Motor City Warrior
I just attempted the copy+paste method, and it flat out didn't work. When I went back to the Free Practice, the right moves were equipped but not to the correct commands. This is some ass.


This system is a disaster. NRS is a studio I usually have alot of faith in, but this is fighting game 101 levels of screw up. This should be made a priority. Make a toggle in EVERY mode to only allow competitive presets, it should be a ridiculously easy band aid for this issue.