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Super characters?


hi all.

i watched tom bradys new video on sub zero complete match up
he mentions that there are super characters in this game.

the four characters being jax, raiden, kitana, and kabal. i trust tom knows these characters the best

what does this mean? are these characters overpowered? are these the 4 being nerfed next patch?

excuse me for being new to some of these high level terms.



.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
hum, nope. Jax, Raiden, Kitana, and Kabal are top tiers, that's it. Besides, we still have to see a Raiden player winning a major tourney, despite Raiden himself, as character, is a very good one picking.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Super characters , at least , in theory : Shao Kahn, Goro and Kintaro, if, by a very slight chance, they could be released as DLC content .... hehe :D

Other than that, nope. There are no such thing in MK9, just go more in training option, pratice "reading" your oponent more, check some strategy videos, and take part more in TYM discussions .... and the ilusion of "super characters" just fade away, little by little


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
NRS could not foresee all final results regarding building moves set for all characters .... they simple, ported all classic moves for MK characters, put some few new ones, and give each character individual 1,2,3,4, plus d1,b2, etc moves ....... due the game engine mechanic, move characteristics, natural frame advantage/disadvantage, now, us, players, end to discover tools to exploit, in a good or cheap way, depending of the game situation, haha :D

If Ed Boon was planning purposely to fuck off some characters, making them "godlike" type, why not do it for Scorpion, his favourite "protege" ? You can see that Scorpion is not overpowered neither insane cheap in this game, that's so ........... :D

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Sonya and Kabal are super characters IMO. At least when you play them as cheap as possible.
This. Just about everyone else, I can deal with. These two drive me fucking nuts.

The rest are just a matter of reading. Theyre still gonna fuck your breakfast up, but not as bad as Kabonya.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
hum, nope. Jax, Raiden, Kitana, and Kabal are top tiers, that's it. Besides, we still have to see a Raiden player winning a major tourney, despite Raiden himself, as character, is a very good one picking.
I think JOP won a couple with Raiden and Cage.


cheers for the replies. i hadnt a clue these 4 were the best characters in the game.

saddens me a little wish there were more characters than just 4 super ones


Come On Die Young
cheers for the replies. i hadnt a clue these 4 were the best characters in the game.

saddens me a little wish there were more characters than just 4 super ones
Don't be so disheartened. The good thing about MK9 is that most of the cast (eventually we might see all of the cast when the work is put in) is very viable at a high level. It's also that these are Tom's opinions. You can easily make the argument to expand the list of "super" chars with Mileena, Cyrax, and maybe even Freddy. "Super" chars don't mean broken/op in the context Tom is talking in, as the advantages of these characters are not as major as the word might imply. For example, a character not considered super, like Kenshi, easily beats Kitana in the matchup chart.
Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one. :bigsmile:
Its not. Opions are worth looking into when there are many people contribute into the same point. If you could find a good mk9 player that says kabal or kunglao suck then please do. There is a universal opinion that this is true, so therefore opinions become a fact.

Nevertheless "super characters" arent cheap characters, but rather as characters that have no bad match up or match ups that are pretty closed or have advantage on other characters.So if you are learning a person like jax or raiden theres no real bad match up (as in 3-7)

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
Its not. Opions are worth looking into when there are many people contribute into the same point. If you could find a good mk9 player that says kabal or kunglao suck then please do. There is a universal opinion that this is true, so therefore opinions become a fact.

Nevertheless "super characters" arent cheap characters, but rather as characters that have no bad match up or match ups that are pretty closed or have advantage on other characters.So if you are learning a person like jax or raiden theres no real bad match up (as in 3-7)
So because the majority believe something, that makes it fact? Holy fucking shit balls what am I reading?
Also I personally believe Jax has a 3-7 matchup but thats for another time.


Deus Fulminatus
So because the majority believe something, that makes it fact? Holy fucking shit balls what am I reading?
Also I personally believe Jax has a 3-7 matchup but thats for another time.
Its about building consensus. If all the top players and even all the intermediate players believe Kabal is one of the best, their opinions are much more valuable than a day 1 noob who believes that Sheeva is the best. Mainly because they've proven their knowledge of the game and have formed a certain number of guidelines together based on their collective experiences. It's nots exactly fact and it can be wrong, but it's damn near close enough.

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
Its about building consensus. If all the top players and even all the intermediate players believe Kabal is one of the best, their opinions are much more valuable than a day 1 noob who believes that Sheeva is the best. Mainly because they've proven their knowledge of the game and have formed a certain number of guidelines together based on their collective experiences. It's nots exactly fact, but it's damn near close enough.
He stated it became fact though, not 'close to fact'. He insinuated all those who diagreed are wrong, which is just silly.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
People need to explore Sheeva a little bit more before they start bashing her. Awwww...I'll never forget watching the footage of Michael Bolton at VSM throwing around Chris G.'s Reptile like a rag doll! I've defeated many highly skilled/competent Lao's, Kitana's, Raiden's and Kabal's with her...I mean it can be done!

I've always found "tier lists" SOMEWHAT silly. Key word being somewhat. It's all in the player, the person holding the controller. I can remember when Jax was labeled bottom tier...oh how times have changed. I can remember playing a Stryker online when the game first came out and he knew how to work him to the point I didn't know what to do! My point being that certain players can bring a certain "style" to any character in the game thus making them spectacular!

I predict the rise of Skarlet. She is so ignored and so few play with her....she has to be one of the most unpredictable fighters in the game...my god, mix up central!

Tom Brady

i didnt mean super characters as in waaaaay OP or unbeatable...

by super character i meant they are the most universal characters.. able to fight anything or almost anything.. you can use these characters and 99.9999999% never have to worry about having a second character or counter pick. there are only 4 characters in the entire game like this. those 4 have the least weaknesses.

probably could have used a better term then super characters but it was the first word that popped into my head lol..

Lt. Boxy Angelman

i didnt mean super characters as in waaaaay OP or unbeatable...

by super character i meant they are the most universal characters.. able to fight anything or almost anything.. you can use these characters and 99.9999999% never have to worry about having a second character or counter pick. there are only 4 characters in the entire game like this. those 4 have the least weaknesses.

probably could have used a better term then super characters but it was the first word that popped into my head lol..
This statement > Tier Lists.

its not about whose most powerful; its about who's best prepared to survive the fight, be it offensively and defensively.

Seems like an accurate 4 to me.
Although I, like Mr. Mileena, am convinced the day someone puts Jade on the map isn't far behind now.
She has too much useful shit not to eventually blow up.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
I don't know about Kitana being a super character.


Bone and Metal
I don't believe there's such a thing as "super characters" in MK9. Not one character has a clean sweep of advantages across the board against every character for them to have such a title. I used to think Kabal could've been one, but started to think again after rethinking how he'd play against certain other characters that aren't my mains.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
I don't know about Kitana being a super character.
Well, Kitana is a bit of a pain in the ass to a good deal of the cast; but pretty much everyone carries around a pocket Reptile these days. A flowchart Rep gives her problems. I guess the same can be said for Kabal though? REO seemed to have a lot of trouble with Chris G's Reptile.