-looks at avatar-would leave a bitter taste in my mouth.
-looks at avatar-would leave a bitter taste in my mouth.
I agree. I can see that complaining happening.Yeah I can see it becoming true.
but honestly the complaining would change to "they were NPCs, they should be on the main roster!" on MKX to "if there were fights they should be on main roster, not DLC" instead I guess
They are. That's what "DLC" was conceived as -- compare: pre-DLC era expansions, based on customer feedback and desires, and not on what games companies thought they could fleece people with best.it would really feel like they were nickel-and-diming us
you nailed ! if two of the greatest fighting game franchises ever created , just had no shame to put iconic characters as DLC, you can't expect less from MK ....It makes sense. Dlc are supposed to be popular. Sfv made sagat dlc and Tekken made Julia dlc. I don’t see a problem with it.
MeSee, this is how I feel on the matter.
I respect everyone's opinion but I honestly just feel like it's a bit cheap to include them like that.
Mileena is Side charcter cage and raiden are full on main charcters. She had pretty stand pat death in MK 10.It's already been mentioned, but I'd like to emphasize that I feel Mileena being relegated to DLC would leave a bitter taste in my mouth.
There's no doubting Mileena's popularity, and if she is put in as DLC, I think even the general public would see this as a scummy move done in order to take advantage of fans of the series. I just can't defend these kind of predatory practices. I know they need to sell, but DLC should really be reserved for characters that are popular, but just not big enough to make the roster like Sindel, Nightwolf, Fujin, etc. I mean, can you imagine the reaction if Raiden or Sub-Zero was put in as DLC right after launch? I just wonder where the line is drawn between characters just not making the cut and companies purposefully holding back.
Nothing is too Evil-Lyn.i would love Millena in this game...
if back what do you think about this skin for her?
is it too evil lyn???
I'm just hoping her roll doesn't have the hitbox under the floor this time.you mean to tell me we can take the inherit annoyance that comes with mileena and we get to give her the nrs female dlc bump. sign me the fuck up
Except we can't have that, because I'm sure WB is going to insist on some in-game advertising in the form of guest characters.I don't like that main fan favorites like Mileena & Shang Tsung are DLC only because I want them to be a huge part of the story. I am happy to get them in any shape or form.
I'll pay for my favorites and I can think of no one better than Mileena, Shang, Smoke, Reptile, Cyrax & Sektor to make them tons of money.
Well I’m bringing it up anyway, when they were alone in DA/Deception it didn’t feel weird at all....and it actually gave Mileena some character development (thank god)As long as she makes it in I’d be very happy. As much as I love Kitana, I love Mileena just as much if not more.
Plus, having Kitana with no Mileena feels weird in a main MK game. And before anyone brings it up, get that 3D shit out of here.
I don't think we'll see NPC fights, no, but I wouldn't be surprised if the MK characters who will be DLC have a non-playable role in story mode cutscenes the way Fujin, Li Mei, and Sareena did in MKX. I could totally imagine Shang Tsung having a role in the story, along with -- if they're indeed DLC, and I hope they are -- Sindel and Nightwolf appearing in cameos as part of the Netherrealm Army.
RE: Mileena, for the record my guess is she's totally out this time and they are hoping she and Reptile will be hype for people next game the way Jade, Baraka, Kabal, and Noob were hype for people this game. Boon has said you sometimes want a fan favorite to sit out because absence makes the heart grow fonder.
We can't have NPC fights. We can't have NPC characters full stop. The fanbase is both ill-informed and toxic. They basically started screaming that Sindel, Baraka and Rain should have been in MKX because they "were nearly finished", despite not having variations, voice actors, X-rays, fatalities, brutalities, intro/outro animations, etc.I don't think we'll see NPC fights
Even if Mileena returned in the story mode, why would you expect her story to involve Kitana or Jade in any way...?My only problem with her being DLC is that her appearence on Story Mode is unlikely (yes I know about Tanya and Bo'). I'd like to see her story unfolds with Kitana and Jade.