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Here's a feature I'd like to see in Practice Mode



My reactions suck. Even if something is considered relatively easy to react to, I'll botch it anyway.

Mileena's 34f overhead? Hits me every time. Tremor's f2? Hit. Tremor's db2? Hit. The list goes on.

So, this is what I'd like to see to help work on this kind of thing:

Allow us to "program" the AI to randomly use a dedicated (reactable) special move within a string or set of strings. That way you never know when it's coming and can better teach yourself to react to it.

What do you folks think?


Mr. Righteous
The only thing close to that i can think of is the Record feature. But the way you're describing it sounds difficult to implement unless it would be an advance tutorial mode.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
This feature would help with that, clearly. =P
way too advance too much visionary ... the idea, on paper, it's cool, but, , maybe could be a hell for the "programming people" to do it correctly inside the training mode .... :(


Bomb Setups & Ball Rolls(Mileena/Cyrax)
What I did was set the AI to record and had it done several different strings and labbed up responses to those moves. I would like to be able to set AI to do normal reversals and be specific about what they reversal with. Certain characters will have long range mids that your main can't handle so it's important to have a feature like this in practice mode.

How about we also are able to set AI to flawless block, jump after a hit and block after getting juggled/hit. I also hope they include frame data for cancels and advantage of said special cancels


^ You have no idea who this guy is ^
This would be a sweet feature and think that it wouldn't be too hard for them to implement.
Pretty much, dial in a combo in some new settings tab, but then have options to set it to randomize moves/strings every so often in that combo by choosing which ones should be switched in randomly.


Part-Time Kano Hostage
I think this would be possible to implement.

It's sort of like the "Block Randomly" option in the blocking section. The random block could be used to improve your hit confirms.

The thing about it though is that there'd have to be a way to program which specific moves you want them to randomly do. I honestly don't think this is in MK11 at launch, but it's an idea that'd be cool for them to add for sure.


Positive Poster!
My reactions suck. Even if something is considered relatively easy to react to, I'll botch it anyway.

Mileena's 34f overhead? Hits me every time. Tremor's f2? Hit. Tremor's db2? Hit. The list goes on.

So, this is what I'd like to see to help work on this kind of thing:

Allow us to "program" the AI to randomly use a dedicated (reactable) special move within a string or set of strings. That way you never know when it's coming and can better teach yourself to react to it.

What do you folks think?
This would be very good to have.


I want Kronika to step on my face
In MK11 you can record 4 scenarios in practice mode, not just 1 like previous games. SFV also does this.

I'm pretty sure they added a feature of randomizing which one to play. Would be a huge miss if they didn't. Just record any 4 scenarios including one or two with the things you want to train your reaction to and set it to random; that should do it.

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I am you
My dream, probs will never happen but it would be soo good if we could do the following:

  1. Record any match per our choice outside of practice mode
  2. Load the recorded match in Practice mode
  3. And lab the hell out of tough opponent tactics based on a real match you had and struggled with.
This can result in giving the player (casual mostly) more access and confidence to start playing online.

One can dream


In MK11 you can record 4 scenarios in practice mode, not just 1 like previous games. SFV also does this.

I'm pretty sure they added a feature of randomizing which one to play. Would be a huge miss if they didn't. Just record any 4 scenarios including one or two with the things you want to train your reaction to and set it to random; that should do it.

View attachment 13642
If this is the case, then that's even better than what I wanted to see. Four is much better than 1. I hope you're right. =D


The Wannabe Prodigy
My dream, probs will never happen but it would be soo good if we could do the following:

  1. Record any match per our choice outside of practice mode
  2. Load the recorded match in Practice mode
  3. And lab the hell out of tough opponent tactics based on a real match you had and struggled with.
This can result in giving the player (casual mostly) more access and confidence to start playing online.

One can dream
What do you mean load the real match? As in playing the match again and controlling your character? If you mean just playing back the recording then its already a thing fortunately but I don't think the other one could be possible probably ever imo.


casual kahnage
Sounds good to me. Randomizing 3 recordings for example? I don’t know how tough that would be to implement but it sounds easy enough on paper.


Tired, But Strong
Honestly not much point in adding recording slots if you don't have a "shuffle" option available, so I have faith that it's in. Even though the 50/50s are toned down in this game, I can already think of some Kabal scenarios that'd be great to lab with this. Doubtlessly more for all the characters we haven't properly had our hands on.