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recently popular characters nobody requested for mk 11


ive literally not seen this characters requested a single time:

quan chi

im not even counting characters like nightwolf who are demanded once a half year or semi-iconic classics like kintaro. it seems these folks above were the hot stuff just a short while ago but went to the abyss by silent consensus.


Salty Mashers Krew
I feel there may have been a novelty element to Goro being playable that has come and gone with MKX such that there wouldn’t be much hype in a repeat here


The Immortal Tiger
Tanya has a strong following but it seems like most hardcore Tanya fans are also either hardcore Rain, Mileena, and/or Sindel fans. Sometimes the rare but vocal Fujin fan as well. You don't hear alot of Tanya outcries because they at least got her as DLC last game. As opposed to Mileena who's as much of an almost absolutely NECESSARY MK staple as Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Kitana are so that leaving any of them out feels incomplete at this point. THEN you've got Rain and Sindel whose dedicated fanbase has been waiting since MK9 to play and are justifiably butthurt about being cockteased by having them as fightable NPCs in MKX. AND then we have the Fujin fan(s). Yeah... discussing that is just nothing but open wounds, salt, and like ghost pepper juice. So that's why you hear SLIGHTLY less about Tanya this time around as opposed to 9/X.

PS I'm a Scorpion fan. F*K Quan Chi. That is all.


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
You can thank the nerf machine for why Tremor wasn't requested. Kind of burst his bubble.
Tremor was never a weak character in MKX, he was always broken tier or high tier. Even that month where his regular uprock wasn't functioning properly. And yeah I'd probably put Crystalline in top ten variations.

More on topic, I've seen a decent bit of love for Tremor even going back since before the game was announced. But I think people got on the Rain train instead and I think people don't expect him to make it back because he was DLC. Personally I thought he was awesome and had story potential but it is what it is. Would love for him and Bo' Rai to atleast make an appearance.


What's the point of a random Krypt?
I think everyone knows there are limited roster spots. The MK1 and II cast are mostly there every game (MKX was Baraka's turn to sit out, and now it's Reptile's). Between that, a few returning characters, and a few new ones, there are little spots for the less popular characters, so most people are aware that they will skip games. That's at least the way I live it. I am dying for both Fujin and Sareena to return, but when/if they do, I know they will skip the next game in favor of someone like Stryker or Havik, and that is ok. It's a good way of both allowing less popular characters to return while also helping keep the roster fresh.

Ghost of The Moon

One with the air.
Tremor was never a weak character in MKX, he was always broken tier or high tier. Even that month where his regular uprock wasn't functioning properly. And yeah I'd probably put Crystalline in top ten variations.

More on topic, I've seen a decent bit of love for Tremor even going back since before the game was announced. But I think people got on the Rain train instead and I think people don't expect him to make it back because he was DLC. Personally I thought he was awesome and had story potential but it is what it is. Would love for him and Bo' Rai to atleast make an appearance.
I don't remember calling him weak. But if a top tier character gets nerfed, the attractiveness wears off.


Thrill Kill
I think Goro has lost some of his appeal recently. Since MK9 he didn't have a moment to shine.

I don't know about Tremor. I was never a fan, but he was cool in the game. I think it was just the heat of the moment, people don't care about him anymore.


casual kahnage
I like Quan Chi and Goro. I’m indifferent on Tanya and tremor.

I would like to have at least one shokan as dlc but I picked sheeva because it has been awhile and I liked her back in the day. Goro is a corpse in the background but we will see him again eventually.

Same with Quan Chi. If Shinnok and Quan Chi are sitting out then that means one of the new characters is probably a necromancer or a portal user. The hood on the Kollector gives a sorcery vibe and Cetrion is the god of “life” so it could be either or imo. Shang hype!


goro probably not requested because he had one chance to be cool in MKX and he sucked lol


Positive Poster!
Tanya was a stand-in for Jade.
Literally nobody cares for her now that we have the mean green back.


Watcher from the sky
ive literally not seen this characters requested a single time:

quan chi

im not even counting characters like nightwolf who are demanded once a half year or semi-iconic classics like kintaro. it seems these folks above were the hot stuff just a short while ago but went to the abyss by silent consensus.
I am miss them (except tanya), goro PUNCHWALK, bald sorecer and poop-coloured ninja was cool in MKX. And they MUCH MUCH better, than cassie cage and jacqui briggs


The Power of Lame Compels You
Not that it really matters but Tremor was top 5 free. Anyway, I've seen a good amount of Tanya requests but the others have been lacking surprisingly enough.


'ello baby, did you miss me?
I would LOVE for Tremor to be in this game, especially as this roster already has 3 Black Dragons on it, and a Black Dragon stage. For once, the BD would be a serious fucking threat. Tremor would go a very long way to making that a reality.

Unfortunately Geras has a very similar physique and aesthetic to him, so the chances of Tremor being added at this point are between "extremely slim" and "none." Why even bring him up? It's not gonna happen.

Cassie Cyrus

Have you ever seen the Rain?
Tremor and Tanya would be hype, but I not expect Ed Troll to give them another chance so soon, so I don't waste my breath and energy on them.

I will always love them! They are both in my top 10 of characters, but they are obviously too cool for Ed Boon.