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List of the best zoners in the game?


Smoke's gameplay style is kind of smiliar to Raiden's, and as a Raiden player, you know that Raiden is not a zoning character. He just counters zoning very well.
I beg to differ. If you play on PS3, play my friend Raiden. Raiden isnt a zoner? Lol...


My blades will find your heart
Uh Dave...TsungSupreme mains Shang, I think he knows what he is talking about. Shang can do both, anyone saying otherwise s wrong. His game doesnt revolve around zoning, but he can most certainly be a zoner. Also with teleport cancels Sindel's with good execution can definitely be dangerous zoners.


Zoning Master
chessmaster said:
do some characters zoning abilities take into account whether they have a teleport or reflect? if so wouldnt everybody with a tp be considered a good zoner?
Teleports and reflects are anti-zoning special moves. They have nothing to do with zoning.

Theme said:
I beg to differ. If you play on PS3, play my friend Raiden. Raiden isnt a zoner? Lol...
You do not even now what zoning is. Look up the definition.

Zoidberg747 said:
Uh Dave...TsungSupreme mains Shang, I think he knows what he is talking about. Shang can do both, anyone saying otherwise s wrong. His game doesnt revolve around zoning, but he can most certainly be a zoner. Also with teleport cancels Sindel's with good execution can definitely be dangerous zoners.
When did I say that Shang Tsung could not zone? I said the game had better zoning characters. Hence, he is not one of the best at zoning.

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
When did I say that Shang Tsung could not zone? I said the game had better zoning characters. Hence, he is not one of the best at zoning.
The reason I listed Shang is because when his zoning works, it easily converts into combos/resets. Obviously, he cannot zone in all matchups. But when it works (matchup dependent), i feel it is among the best. I list Sindel because I feel that when evaluated purely on her zoning, she is very good. That obviously does not speak of any other aspects of her game, which are poor for the most part. And instead of insulting me and my list (thereby implying your "obvious" superiority), you could instead crititique it and offer your views. Kitana is definitely effective and could easily be in the top five. I do not list Freddy because I have almost no experience with him. I am not going to speak for something that I don't know about.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Dave is actually pretty right about Shang not being a zoning character. He can do it, but he doesn't really win a lot of matchups off of it.

Dave's list is pretty right, but excludes Kenshi.

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
Dave is actually pretty right about Shang not being a zoning character. He can do it, but he doesn't really win a lot of matchups off of it.

Dave's list is pretty right, but excludes Kenshi.
Right... but that does not mean that his zoning is not good. But again, it is ALL match-up dependent. Some matchups, such as Cage, Sonya and Sub-Zero would be needlessly difficult if you stuck to the frame trap/midrange style. People he cannot zone: Raiden, Smoke, Jade, Kung Lao and Stryker(to an extent) and possibly Reptile and Kabal. That is all I can think of off the top of my head.


I feel like Shang is a pretty solid zoner actually with a solid frame trap game.

Full screen if you block a full screen skull he is at projectile advantage to do another one. If he loses projectile advantage he can predict a reverse zoning game and catch you with an ex skull carry.

Soul steal is a safe Telekinetic push on block

Mid screen is your safest place against Shang but when he is playing a good close skull game hes pretty tough to approach. You still need to respect his mid screen/close skulls because he WANTS you to block them.

Shang Tsungs offense is all based on trying to make you block a skull close enough to him so he can start his rush down game. Once he makes you block he gets to dash in and start his block strings into up close up skulls and start his frame trap game.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
I feel like Shang is a pretty solid zoner actually with a solid frame trap game.

Full screen if you block a full screen skull he is at projectile advantage to do another one. If he loses projectile advantage he can predict a reverse zoning game and catch you with an ex skull carry.

Soul steal is a safe Telekinetic push on block

Mid screen is your safest place against Shang but when he is playing a good close skull game hes pretty tough to approach. You still need to respect his mid screen/close skulls because he WANTS you to block them.

Shang Tsungs offense is all based on trying to make you block a skull close enough to him so he can start his rush down game. Once he makes you block he gets to dash in and start his block strings into up close up skulls and start his frame trap game.
Aren't you proving Dave's point though? That when it is boiled down... Shang is a frame trap character... not a zoner. He isn't like Freddy, who traps you at full screen, and can shut you down from moving. Shang, as you put it... is trying to get you to block an up skull (or jump in) so he can pound you in JC style frame traps. If he had a teleport... well... he would rule the game.


I didn't read through the thread, I just saw that Shang Tsung is not a zoning character. His ability to zone is stronger than his rush down game, but I consider spacing to be zoning.


That's about right.
Good lists thus far, BUT, I am curious as to why Sektor hasn't been listed. I'm new to our red robot friend, but it seems like everything he does is meant to keep you away from him. Every dial up combo knocks the opponent away from him. He has a flame thrower which works great against jump in attacks, missiles for projectiles, and the list can keep going. Maybe most Sektor players don't use him in that way and just jip all the time, but I find his zoning great against characters like Johnny Cage. Not to mention his slow ass teleport can be helpful if you're playing against another zoning character. Opinions?


Yea Sektor should definitely be listed. Every thing pushes you full screen setting him up for Armageddon. The recovery on his straight missile is deceivingly good, its a viable tool during block strings (MOST OF THE TIME).

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
People need to stop saying that Shang Tsung is a zoning character when his gameplay heavily revolves around footsies and close ground skull frame traps.
I agree. I play the shit outta Shang and he is not a true zoner. He also gets consistently outzoned because of slow start up on skulls.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Kabal and Kitana are good zoners, because the speed rate and consistency of their projectiles are really, really tough to deal with, and can set up some traps

But, theorically, Noob was to be the best zoner of all, since he can almost "lock up" an adversary in some portion of the screen, denying advancement ..... you know, he has a low projectile, a normal projectile that acts overhead, a good AA, and the portal hole for some mind games ..... high level Noob players that can mix a heavy zoning game with good combos , can be a hell to deal with, hehe .... summarizing, he covers all regions regarding attack zones.

And Noob has an underrated "Ghost Ball" that can cause a lot of trouble if well timed and used, hehe :D

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
I'm surprised no one said Stryker. With fast gun cancels, air control grenades, an anti air roundhouse that's probably the best anti air normal in the game and a super awesome anti zoning roll toss he can be a pretty formidable zoning character. Poor under used bastard always gets forgotten.
shang can zone, his zoning just pales in comparison to kabal, kitana, freddy, sindel and noob. but his 'zoning' is more of a reading game with db2/gskulls, his up skull is too easy to dodge, straight skulls aren't really all that amazing.


Kenshi Moderator
Best zoners?

,.....seriously people argue about some weird facts, and am not gonna read any of the stuff in here cause it reaches a point were people start posting back just to either bully, say shit to release energy, show off as if they are something, or just in to argue toward a specific part/ person.
so guys keep it down cause really, it's very childish and repellent.
one of the sad news i heard was the idea that NRS wont focus on MK for a while....which is kinda bullshit cause it can affect by killing the game. for now the game wont be able to survive without patches and DLC.....if those are not gonna show up, then be prepare to bury this game in your backyard.

anyways to get back to the subject: Zoners in the game that are Above average >> to best or Zoning dependant
Note: Personal Opinion. all of the cast can zone in and out, though it depends on who's efficient and who's not

-Anywhere screen control with Med and High
-Med screen or 3/4 scrAneen distance control with Armors
-Sweep distance control with mix ups of Med or Low
-Traps of corner sweep and above distance, as well as sweep and slightly after distance traps anywhere
-Air control from close tell sweep distance as Air to Air, AA, or safe pressure.

- anywhere Air control with spam pulsars. Wake up pulsars.
- Dash cancels. ability to shift from defense to offense as well as traps and mind games
- Saw's to mix up from high to low and in general pressure


Jax >> (Ohh yes!! if you dont know that, Now u know!)


How to rate them? who cares!! those characters have their tweeks! it's good enough to know ur way around them and study their approach whether playing with them or against.
Though in my opinion, 4 of them excels due to the ability to FREELY:

1- Punish AA close and from distance
2- Air space control
3- Great footsies
4- Ability to shift from offensive to defensive in a safe transition
5- *extra* ability to rely SOLELY on Range game only
6- Rewarding Gambling and safety/ traps/ mind games

the Very visiable 4 in my opinion are: Kabal, Kenshi, Krugur and Noob

i shall continue later cause i got to go now! srry

keep it civilized guys
I mean freddy has Noob like projectiles and juggle anywhere on the screen with great mobility lol. I swear this guy is ridiculous in the right hand.
Liu Kang is probably the 2nd best zoner in the game but for some reason no really knows that. With the exception of 3 characters kenshi, Sindel, and Noob he out zones the rest of the cast. The so called best zoners like Kabal and Kitana have to come in on him, his IAF and his low fire ball force them to come in or just sit there and let you build meter. You do to them what they do to most of the cast.
Liu Kang is probably the 2nd best zoner in the game but for some reason no really knows that. With the exception of 3 characters kenshi, Sindel, and Noob he out zones the rest of the cast. The so called best zoners like Kabal and Kitana have to come in on him, his IAF and his low fire ball force them to come in or just sit there and let you build meter. You do to them what they do to most of the cast.
I dont think liu kang can keep people out like the other zoners can, you can easily jump over his low projectiles and punish him
I dont think liu kang can keep people out like the other zoners can, you can easily jump over his low projectiles and punish him
Did you know he has an Instant Air Fire Ball that's ridiculous like Kabal's? You don't need to do low fireball when you with in jump distance, that when you use his IAF. Its probably hard to imagine unless you actually see someone use his zoning to the fullest potential. Against characters who have IAF he beats them with his low fireball and against the others, he uses his IAF.